Reminder the rape accusations have never been disproven

Reminder the rape accusations have never been disproven.

The only proof that TOOLfags have is "yeah, he did use women for sex and has other horror stories surrounding him but the victim got some minor details wrong so it's okay"

Attached: may nard.jpg (640x426, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ok, now what?

Pray more people come out and R Kelly this fool to oblivion.

The rape accusations against you haven't been disproven either. So sit down and be humble until then.

Bring it to a court then retard. Nothing is evidence until then


Raping bitches is metal af

They've never been proven either, and in our country, people are innocent until proven guilty. And that is the way it should be.

>dude just come out to your family and friend you've been a victim of rape lmao
Justice idiot
shut the fuck up
You come from a fucked up country

Maynard is not the problem. You want to know what the problem is?
Wicca. Wicca is the problem.

Attached: satanicsexcurse.jpg (640x640, 66K)

>dude don't go to the police immediately, just post it on reddit 20 years later lmao
>why does no one believe me???!!!!

Justice for what?

We've got our flaws, there's no denying that. But the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" is the way it should be. That's the standard we have, and it's generally a wise one.


I pray more people come out and R Kelly OP into oblivion.

It’s not the cult I’m in you faggot, only my cult figured things out.

>t. christcuck

isn’t there a criminal justice system that handles these things?


Yes, the jannies at Reddit.

“A lot of time when a child is sexually abused they put it out of their mind,” Jones added in the same interview. “Then they grow up and they don’t understand this unrest that they have in them. They turn to different ways to try to channel it. They become alcoholics or become codependent or whatever. So what our video deals with is someone who has that happen to them. To channel it, they sexually molest another child. … In the song, it talks about ‘I become full circle.’ And that’s what that means. This happened, I grew up and now I’m doing it to someone else. That’s why it’s written from the antagonist’s point of view is like, ‘This is what happened to me.'”

Maynard was raped by his stepfather, he has always hated him and was very vocal in old interviews. Live versions of Prison Sex will often change lyrics to
'I have become my terror and you are my lamb'
The song is about how he was raped and now he has to rape to feel whole.

Prison Sex is about child molestation and cycles of abuse.

He hadn't picked up the name Maynard yet, that came later. He was James. Probably was referred to as 'Jimmy' around this time. He was 11. His mom had an aneurysm that left her broken down and paralyzed.

Jimmy's stepfather was caring for him at this time, he inspires the content for this song for about two years until Judith finally sends him to his fathers in Michigan.

Before playing 'Jimmy' live once, Maynard addressed the crowd, announcing it as the sequel to Prison sex. Jimmy being a very personal story, the announcement of it as a 'Sequel" to Prison Sex is kind of shocking. That gives it a light of being a personal story, just by that strong association. H is a sister piece to Prison sex, its about him struggling with the abuse he grew up with, in the face of having a child of his own.

Why are right wingers so retarded?

Who are the Augustine and Aquinas of Wicca?

I don't think mjk is a right winger

>Reminder the rape accusations have never been disproven
gr8 b8 m8

is tool and a perfect circle rapecore now?

>Why are right wingers so retarded?
gr8 b8 m8

I don't know what groupies are wah wah

You are a child molester
There. I said it on the internet. You should turn yourself in for your prison sentence now

> have never been disproven.
Except they are, fellow redditor newfag

Your first mistake was thinking I even give a shit about rape victims.

>this is the face of the "MJK is a child rapist" spammer

Attached: 346735.png (594x588, 371K)

There are dozens of allegations going back to 90s through 2015 on Tool forum and othet sites long before the one on twitter.

And the newest one is that Maynard raped an 8 year old boy for a sex magick ritual as part of the ceremonial magick he practices.

Anyone doubting he is into magick doesn't know Tool and just listen to his September 2019 interviews on youtube he has said that some new songs are banishing rituals. He is a freemason.

>You are a child molester
>There. I said it on the internet. You should turn yourself in for your prison sentence now

>he's a molestor
>a cHiLd molestor

Is it retardation or the religious upbringing?

If she really was raped by Maynard she should consider herself lucky. I'm jelly as fuck.

Is there a difference

He's a classical liberal, which makes him neo-Nazi by leftist standards of today.

not really, but some people are born that way and shouldn’t be ridiculed while others believe in fairy tales


in 2030, the world will be divided by people who have been accused of rape, and the people who accused them on the otherside, eventually, the side of the accusers will continuously dwindle and the raper side will grow, and once the rape side has gotten large enough they will attack and enslave the accusers. the war will wage for a century until a peace treaty in 2140 where everyone agrees to rape eachother until there isnt a single person on earth who hasnt raped and been raped. then a giant katamari bal will fall out of the sky and roll up everyone on earth and shove us up the ass of a giant glowing naked 14 year old girl who will then shoot blood at the moon and we will be one in constant never ending ecstasy


Sounds good to me

>tfw youll be long dead before 2140

Attached: 1546486437226.gif (200x200, 470K)

If you freely enter a hotel room with a rockstar, you will get fucked, whether you like it or not. If you don't want to fuck, don't go to his hotel room.

Simple as.

Attached: 1520551398649.jpg (443x443, 37K)

Especially if you're an 8 year old boy. Maynard's favorite treat

What other professions does this apply to?


nothing THAT wrong about using someone for sex, ive done it to some girls, and they did it to me, we didnt wanna marry each other, just fuck. Yea Forums has gotten insane, everything is degenerate now, been overrun with conservative fundamentalist christians. what a mindfuck

So, why are members of these professions permitted to behave this way? Is their libido just so high we should know better?

If you're a woman and have an IQ over 85, you should understand why a rockstar, an actor, an CEO or any person with that kind of power want to have you up in his hotel room.

It's not to get to know you better
It's not to sit in a sofa to have a bit of talk and some wine
It's not that they want to marry you

But most women are naive so they don't understand this.

I'm pretty sure the "Bowie fucked kids" poster, the "Thom Yorke fucked teens" poster, the "Maynard is a rapist" poster are all in fact the same guy. And any others that I've forgotten too.

What makes you so sure, and also what did Thom Yorke do?

>But most women are naive so they don't understand this.
They do, but they also think random sex is good for them until they find that it actually makes them feel dirty and useless and they blame their feelings on the man for 'not doing it right', and it must be 'rape' because it wasn't how they imagined it.

underrated post

>Thom Yorke do
He got raped by op

Yeah but the real problem is he's in Tool.

this what the 8 year old boy maynard felt, i'm sure: "maynard just didn't do it right"