Do blacks make better music than whites?

Do blacks make better music than whites?

Attached: interracial-fists.jpg (240x160, 10K)

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why not, they’d everything else better

They had a brief moment of glory with jazz and have done absolutely nothing of value since

Only jazz everything else they make is hot garbage

Uhh, keep dreaming. Blacks have laid the foundation for most if not all of pop music in high gdp countries.


yea. your favorite rock bands wouldnt exist without them. racistfags lick dis dick

our freaking girls

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Stop trying to stoke articial racial tensions, big nose

Not really. Look all that hip hop garbage from the last decades. Jazz, Blues, Funk and some Disco are good tho.

i know this is b8 but all the music they made is shit

user, you're forgetting about two things: blues and one of the most legendary, talented figures in rock history...

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he was sloppy but creative. wes montgomery was a much better guitarist and arguably just as influential


Monkey chanting over shitty drum beats barely even constitutes music you fucking pavement apes.

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whites never had a michael jackson, so yes

fuck niggers

blacks invented music

>he was sloppy but creative

That what made him so great though.

Yes but it's only because they have more fast-twitch muscle fibers

only if you are racist to them. that pushes them to be better and prove their worth.

if left to their own desires and instincts they end up making nonmusical shit like hip hop
But blacks did use to be better than whites at music before the 1980s.

Hip Hop is the worst thing that has happened to them on many levels

We got him in the end though.

No matter what anyone says, 90s and early 2000s Hip-Hop is was and is amazing

As I said, nothing of value

racialism is fucking retarded
music is collaborative and rooted in gradual refinement
no one ethnicity or skin color drives artistic innovation and everybody steals ideas

holy based

faggot quit being smart

>Hip Hop is the worst thing that has happened to them on many levels

Hip-hop wouldn't be as shit white music executives kept exploiting the artists and manipulate their creative content. Rap was one of the few genres whites couldn't appropriate until they censored Pro-Black lyrics make more Pop rap for non-blacks to enter the genre


Black's built the pyramids bro

American popular music traditions are most accurately described as a fusion of African and white (particularly Scots-Irish) sounds.

They were the originators of the blues and definitely dominated up until the 70/80s but from them any good new blues artist is white mostly.
White people dominated the 70s hard rock blues, 80s and 2000s blues revivals
SRV, tinsley Ellis, black keys, CW stoneking, list goes on

>Hip-hop wouldn't be as shit white music executives kept exploiting the artists and manipulate their creative content
>White kek

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Dude holy shit shut the fuck up who cares

Race has nothing to do with musical skill.

Black's care. They care so much, inferiority complex

I need you to go outside more often and connect with your peers

>cousin puts on music during drive home
>bassy as fuck
>can barely hear what they're saying
>actually getting a headache
>ask him what genre this is
>its R&B
How do people listen to this?

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T. Nigger
Germans and italics composed the most complex and acute simphonies while being extremely young. 95% of the best rock music is from wypipo, hell even 99% with Hendrix considered. Blacks, apart from jazz, which had its peak a while ago, know only to chimp into the microphone with the same 4-5 basslines and beats. Don't think blacks can compete in this, nigger

Does your family know you're like this? Do you think they're proud?

I agree that 90's rap was good, especially underground rap, but it does't take any particular musical skill to make rap. It takes a producer with a good ear for music that can find beats and melodies to sample, and a guy who can write lyrics and talk them into a microphone.

>blacks invented rock
>blacks invented jazz
>blacks invented hiphop
>blacks invented electronic music
>whites were responsible for the dated garbage that is classical music

yeah its pretty hard to tell isnt it op ?

Bait but he's right

Honestly, no. Black people have made some great music, but white people have made a massive amount of incredible music. Blacks also don't usually have too many epic magnum opus like Stairway to Heaven, Bat out of Hell, Comfortably Numb.., their music is generally a lot simpler in comparison.

What's wrong? Diverting from the topic in here ay? As a good father i teach my progenie to be race realist and to question everything, mainly social takes and general knowledge. Now what's your excuse for evading truth, besides the fact that anything you believe in has no thought substance at all

Yeah gotta agree with this, I'm not a fan of Hendrix (as in I haven't bothered to listen to his music, not saying I dislike it) but one of my favorite guitarists to listen to could be described as "sloppy". However, that's what makes him great. There's no one else quite like him and his off kilter playing is really organic and translates fantastically into his music

>Stairway to Heaven, Bat out of Hell, Comfortably Numb
these all suck lmao



They most certainly do not, and that doesn't take from the point that blacks do not achieve the same level of grandiosity in their works

But who was electricity?

>stairway to heaven
>bat out of hell
>comfortably numb

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I wasn't talking about blacks, I was just talking about your shitty boomer music

Race doesn't inform quality. It only informs experience.

I can't believe that people on this board are letting their political views affect their music taste. That's really sad and ignorant.

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yes, but the BEST music comes from collaboration between blacks and whites

>old music is bad
You're a retard, that's okay though.

that's not what I said, there's plenty of great music from that era, it's just not your boomer tier music you posted

yes, but also no

Kekd hard

Except grammar.

If people are that easily susceptible, then they deserve to get their lives destroyed.

If you don't think Bat Out of Hell or Comfortably Numb are good songs I don't even know what to say. I think you're just being contrarian.

all the black music lately sounds like this

I disagree about the skill, it takes a lot of it to write a good rhyme scheme.
The point isn't whether or not its hard to do, the point is that its good

>>blacks invented electronic music
citation needed

all the music that has ever mattered culturally has come from Germany

>interracial fisting

I’d say a lot of black music is created by whites in a studio. Blacks are good at entertaining. When it comes to organizing music and innovating and pushing the envelope to new places as far as music goes they usually come up short.

There’s a few blacks like that but it’s overwhelming white and Jewish.

>Black Man
Yeah it be rock you hot these three chords and twist ya hips

>White Man
Writes The Wall

Whites do things at a grander scale. Always have and always will. Blacks will always be crying about “how dey wuz kangz n shit”

And that’s OKAY.

Akhshually, it's totally halal. Muhammed gave a freed african slave the honour of giving the call to prayer back in the day as a means of highlighting how important it was for those of different races to feel like part of a community under the banner of God. Islam was pretty based in that regard.

just because blacks invented certain types of music doesn't mean they do it better than whites

Soul and R&B are great though too, they do borrow a lot from jazz but are their own genre

you are resident sleeper

race bait thread.
usefull idiots.

stop posting these threads please can we have actual discussion on music instead of edgy racebaiting

They make better sex than whites.
Just ask your girl.

What is some good Latino, Arab, Asian, Polynesian, native American, and aboriginal music?

latin american, begins in 5:42