Remember when the "my wife is dead" guy went on an embarrassing tirade on why autographs are bad and you should feel bad for asking him to sign them?
Remember when the "my wife is dead" guy went on an embarrassing tirade on why autographs are bad and you should feel...
at least he got to bang the joker's girlfriend for a bit
Asking for autographs/pictures is cringe tho
did he not banging her anymore?
Why the fuck would anyone want that nobody's autograph?
they broke up in less than a year
>Guy makes the most limp wrist music
>Surprised he's a fag
Remember when he forced his dying wife to make a children's book so he can sell it to his bugman fans.
It makes sense in terms of his music having a Wiccan/Pagan philosophy to it. He doesn’t want power/god in his music/life. He’d rather not have his ego fed by fangirls and Yea Forums posters.
I bet you he would be perfectly fine if somebody wanted to have a conversation with him in public. Because it feels more natural than asking for an autograph w/ starry eyes. Paul McCartney is the same way believe it or not
Sounds like he's a cuck
>Paul McCartney is the same way believe it or not
He's also relevant. Not so for Phil.
Anyone have that email he spurged out in to that kid?
>I am politely asking to please be understood on this subject. I am opposed to autographs and it hurts my soul to sign them. Please don’t ask me to do it. And please don’t be embarrassed when you do ask and I hand you this pamphlet and say no. It is the only way I could think of to release us both.
Nigga she was a graphic novelist (I know this is bait but nah)
Fuck Phil Sunderland
damn for a second i thought you meant he got to fuck margot robbie
oh no, I thought they got married for some reason..poor phil he deserves to find happiness
Remember when the "my wife is dead" guy went and married an acclaimed Hollywood actress less then a year after his "my wife is dead" albums came out
>poor phil he deserves to find happiness
no he doesn't
i hope a girl says she was coerced into sex with him or something bad enough to kill his career.
they did get married and broke up in less than a year
It's impossible to be unhappy if you've had sex. Especially with a fucking Hollywood actress.
ah, she’s a cutie
>It's impossible to be unhappy if you've had sex
t. catholic priest
Lol what a faggot