What are some /comfy/ albums?

What are some /comfy/ albums?

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Crumbling - Mid-Air Thief

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If you like Duster, check out Helvetia, particularly Headless Machine of the Heart and The Acrobats.
Also Birds in the Ground by Eiafuawn is great (stupid project name though).
Both bands with former members of Duster.

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This is exactly why I come here. Thanks for this user. First song in and I know this is going to be a good ride.

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comfiest of comfy

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Who's this group? Any song to get into them?

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FISHMANS and their entire discography is amazing

starchart though

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nah dude........you should be finding Happy Medusa a percussionist


Gongjoong is my fucking idol

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loving it so far

pic rel sounds like love claire but live (has some comfy stuff too)

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oh and the band is called computer dating

just listened to the first 30 seconds of the first song and all i could think of was heart and soul by huey lewis

all excellent choices

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That Peter Hammill rock opera album right up until the point he starts singing about his room being possessed, paranoia, mental illness and loneliness again.

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There is no comfier album than this. It's like receiving a warm hug from your mother.

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Fuck yeahhhhh

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I find Wildflower comfier in general, but SILY comfier at night

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an obvious but amazing choice, this is one of those albums that everyone seems to love

very comfy
I just started listening to this one and i really like so far, noice rec


Fuck Stal

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Brilliant choice, my friend.

Wonderful thread, everybody!

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This one and basically all the Ichiko Aoba discography.

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the comfiest

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I don't even like jazz

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(Holy shit yes! This is an amazing album. I would say a personal 10/10 if Connan had taken out "Last Night".)

Nice. I've been listening to Pic-Related all night. It might actually be my favorite Stones album and I skipped over it time and time again.

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really anything sleepy or sad will do, the sort of stuff which for a second makes you forget where you are

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>I had a dream where everything changed
>Nothing was the same
>I woke up feeling new
>and I meant
>That at my falling out, I knew that its alright
>But it's not the same (oh well)

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theres a storm outside and i'm having a great time checking out all of these albums. my thanks to all anons in this thread

my contribution: bark psychosis - hex

The Sound Of Someone You Love Who's Going Away And It Doesn't Matter is so fucking good, one of my favorite songs of all time

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jschlatt get off the board


quads wow i can't find it to listen to this whole thing n the cassette still in shrink

noice also RIP gilberto

this is a such a good, comfy album. i love it so much.

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nice thanks fren

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so based. papa m is max comfy as well

any /comfy/ jazz recs that isn't bill evans?
also this youtube.com/watch?v=9rViN52pgwY

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if you guys keep this thread alive for an hour or so I'll make a chart + combine it with stuff from /fa comfy/

this is comfy core


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Love these

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How can this album be so amazing?

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beat this guy to it but don't know anything about /fa/

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Mid-Air Thief isn't shoegaze. ??

BEHOLD, got (mostly) all of the albums posted here plus just a few additions of my own

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ya Crumbling is more psych-folk

This reminds me of old game soundtracks like Donkey Kong Country and such.


Nice thread btw.

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I mean it's not shoegaze but it's definitely dream pop. I hesitate to put it under folk, psych folk to me is more like alexander skip spence or pearls before swine

arguable but im not convinced

Caring is Creepy
Weird Divide
Girl Inform Me
New Slang
The Past and the Pending

all comfy imo

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That album is choice, Frozen Flame is one of my fav songs

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All guitars, their voices and some background nature sounds. Some of the songs are sad as fuck tho

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very nice

I really wanted to, but couldn't get into these guys. Any suggestions?

They only made 2 albums and a few EP so there isnt too much. Start with Hex then listen to Codename and Independency

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t. loser
stal is the best disc

NOT comfy
noisy and engaging

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easy listening, tropical

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Late Summer Rain is top tier comfy

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hell yea tiger trap, I'd say go sailor is comfier tho. tiger trap makes me want to ride my bike

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