better than every tool album
Better than every tool album
That's really not saying much
what kind of pepper is that?
i thought i was the only one
for years i thought it was a pepper
that isn't conditions of my parole and/or money shot
it isn’t a pepper?
maynard ...NO
And a wd40 oil stain, is also better, and with less eyes. (if the bottle is not artistically directed by grey ayyylmaos)
APCs best album, for whatever that is worth. I'll still jam to the entire thing front to back, which I definitely cannot say for Eat the Elephant.
>APCs best album
No that's Maer de Noms
>cant even spell the album's name right
youre right.
and you are too.
I used to think they were just Walmart-brand Tool but APC being better than Tool makes more sense to me the more I think about it.
Eat The Elephant sucked though, I know I heard it but I don't remember a single thing about it.
>Eat The Elephant sucked though
you have shit taste faggot retard
Oops wrong pic
>Thinking it's better then Undertow
Undertow is Tools most underrated album. Front to back it's just solid. No interludes no bull shit just good music.
This. No idea why people ignore it other than for 'Prison Sex' and 'Sober'.
yeah weak and powerless is the best thing brother maynard has ever done
that album fucking sucks. every song on it is a forgettable slog except for those two. i unironically like the hidden track, disgustipated, better than every song on that album except for prison sex and sober.
Based terrible opinion.
>every song on it is a forgettable slog
All of Tool is a slog, but I'd rather have a succinct 5 minute slog than a 13 minute one
Fuck off I'm not French
>Every song is proper length.
>No bs interludes.
>No song sounds the same.
>Proper flow to the album.
Does it have the best Tool songs on it? No, but it's absolutely one hundred percent easiest to listen to front to back.
it's also their least pretentious so that automatically makes it based but it's tool so the max i can give it is 3/10
fuck tool and fuck prog
and i know you faggots are going to come in and say "waaaah tool isn't prog!!!"
i don't give a shit, tool and prog both suck ass
>muh fibonacci sequence
>muh deep meaningful lyrics you don't get
Why I love Undertow so much. None of that bull shit.
no mention of spirals too iirc
“A lot of time when a child is sexually abused they put it out of their mind,” Jones added in the same interview. “Then they grow up and they don’t understand this unrest that they have in them. They turn to different ways to try to channel it. They become alcoholics or become codependent or whatever. So what our video deals with is someone who has that happen to them. To channel it, they sexually molest another child. … In the song, it talks about ‘I become full circle.’ And that’s what that means. This happened, I grew up and now I’m doing it to someone else. That’s why it’s written from the antagonist’s point of view is like, ‘This is what happened to me.'” Maynard was raped by his stepfather, he has always hated him and was very vocal in old interviews. Live versions of Prison Sex will often change lyrics to 'I have become my terror and you are my lamb' The song is about how he was raped and now he has to rape to feel whole. Prison Sex is about child molestation and cycles of abuse. He hadn't picked up the name Maynard yet, that came later. He was James. Probably was referred to as 'Jimmy' around this time. He was 11. His mom had an aneurysm that left her broken down and paralyzed. Jimmy's stepfather was caring for him at this time, he inspires the content for this song for about two years until Judith finally sends him to his fathers in Michigan. Before playing 'Jimmy' live once, Maynard addressed the crowd, announcing it as the sequel to Prison sex. Jimmy being a very personal story, the announcement of it as a 'Sequel" to Prison Sex is kind of shocking. That gives it a light of being a personal story, just by that strong association. H is a sister piece to Prison sex, its about him struggling with the abuse he grew up with, in the face of having a child of his own.
Money shot is so damn underrated
Intolerance is good, then i fall asleep.
Isn’t their logo a 3D circle...someone post it
it's a slug
no it's a banana
>>muh deep meaningful lyrics you don't get
just how retarded are you? tool lyrics are incredibly straightforward. where did this meme come from who the fuck thought tool was doing some whacky indecipherable mars volta lyrics shit?
The logo is right on OPs pic
its a banana slug ye mungus