Lana del Rey is a well known furphone. I’m calling on you, my fellow citizens of Yea Forums...

Lana del Rey is a well known furphone. I’m calling on you, my fellow citizens of Yea Forums, to boycott her work until she recants her hateful statements

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The only furphone around hear is the big hairy dick I'm about to shove in your ear faggot.

whats firhpone

I bet it is some variation of some sick fetish only OP can explain

fucking based thread

I'm so proud of not being a furfag


furries should be genocided

I mean, I'm a musician, so I already have a specific brand of autism, but it TERRIFIES me to wake up one day with this level of autism

When will we be allowed to hunt furfaggots? If they want to act like animals they shall be treated as animals.


so much fursecution ;_;

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Lana Del rRy has publicly expressed her distaste for furries. When will your fav?

Based.Furries should die.

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I hate furfags and want them all to burn but that doesn't stop me from wanting to put my dick so fucking deep in a milf anthro

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What did she say 'people that commit bestiality should go to prison' or something?

>The Grammy-nominated artist was mid-vape when she said that furries are gross.
this is so 2019

Lana hates furries? Based

It is 2019.


yiff in hell

car seat headrest's silence is deafening


it's html code for italics, I'm trying to put an empathise on the 'is' in my sentence .

Yea Forums doesn't support Javascript, newfag

ring ring ring ring ring ring ring


Men who like milfs are emotionally stunted retarded manchildren worse than any furry

Furries unironically deserve Nazi style gassing, as do bronies

t. pedo

t. Oedipal faggot

and proud
go fuck a child

Imagine being such a faggot you want to get dommed by a woman
Even actual fags at least have the dignity to get dominated by a man
Go get pegged by your mom

is there no middleground between children and mothers

>worse than any furry
See The only thing worse than a furry is a bronie. You can kill yourself now

not him but I felt like I have to interject that I'm a bisexual fuckboy who equally likes it when daddies and dominatrices destroy my ass

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Nope. All "women" under 30 are toddlers who should be taught manners and how to get along with others.
Imagine being so insecure with your masculinity that the simple act of participating in a sexual fetish compromises it
Also I'm interested in both men and women and don't like buttstuff unless it's prostate play

This hurts to read

Please go to therapy you need help

Help with what, exactly? It's 2019 retard

You should work through your disgusting mommy issues

thanks, I try my best :)
now excuse me, I'm going to go participate in a threeway roleplay where mommy and daddy punish me for stealing cookies :)))

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My mother loves me and I had a good childhood. Don't see what's wrong with wanting to have sex with someone who's naturally inclined to be more affectionate and caring.

Says the furfag

You also need therapy
Oedipus complexes are bad

Not a furry, fag

You fundamentally misunderstand what an oepidus complex is. Die in hell furfag

Wanting a mommy gf is a sign of an Oedipus complex. Get help.

>You also need therapy
for what, sweetie? loving being used? have you never heard of masochism? ;))))))

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Submissive men are an offense to god

Don't use the word "sweetie" around him you need to call him "daddy" and pretend to be his child sex servant

No, that's a sign of wanting a mommy gf.

See Have some fucking dignity. Only gays should be abject

How could you say no to this, honey?

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I've actually been fucked by a few priests, they were nice
and when I get to heaven, well, let's just say God's balls will be empty ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
okay daddy

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>strong arms to protect you
>gentle dom

Do you ever reflect on your life and wonder how you got there?

nope :D

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It’s ok user, you shouldn’t admit it, this is probably too hostile of an environment

I'd rather have a boyfriend like this

Or be happy enough to be like this to a cute boy


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