ITT: Worst live performances you've seen
ITT: Worst live performances you've seen
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any and every clairo performance
a classic
This is unironically the worst fucking shit I have ever seen
How is it even possible to ruin such fucking good songs
this guy disgusts me- using mercury's gimmick and making adhd synth prog for zoomers
a classic
this guy is evidence that no amount of technical knowledge and proficiency can make up for having absolutely no taste
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
This gets my vote
this is actually not cringe at all
those are some pretty nice trips, not cringe at all
clair-o is fine live; the post by the OP she likely had sound issues on stage not being able to hear herself or other singers/instruments
here decent ones:
He's managed to make an even worse version of that fucking song.
He could learn a thing or two from Impossible Soul which is four times as a long and more repetitive yet is far superior.
You could write a doctoral thesis in Psychology about this shit. This is so deep.
First thing to consider is, if they are even serious, or just very committed trolls.
Only judging by this clip, i would say they are trolls, but they have a youtube channel, where they also covered this song just as badly a few weeks before this talent show.
If you research Westview School, the first thing that comes up, is a School for children with autism, but after digging deeper i found out that the actual school this talent show was held, was a plain high school. There are also other entries that can be viewed on Youtube who are pretty much, what you would expect from a high school talent show.
Speaking of their Youtube channel, the channel is named white rice, which is dedicated to their musical "project" or "band" of the same name.
On there, they have started to perform covers of other Songs months prior to the talent show.
All of them are as bad or even worse than their performance on the show.
This is a curious case to me because they seem to be completely oblivious about their badness. They dont seem to be nervous at all, but put too much effort into their project for not giving a shit. They also perform at a place where everybody knows them, making the potential embarrassment even worse. Still the way they smile and pose at the end, gives of the impression that they think they nailed it.
Noteable is the scene that unfolds at 3:00 minutes, where asian guy misses a note and mohawk guy gives him an angry look, as if this little mistake was the only problem at that point.
Ive completely lost track of what im saying here.
Migos at South Padre Island
The equipment wasn't set up right and they couldn't keep up with their own songs. I'm not going to another normiebop concert again
Point is after i watched them on youtube and how genuine they seem, i dont think that they are trolls.
Ive played music with people before who were completely incompetent on the most basic levels without being aware of it so this is probably what happens when two of these get together and are somewhat committed. They also cannot have friends because nobody tells them how much they suck.
But i forgot one point that is the weirdest part about all of this, and that is the crowd reacting to them the way they do.
They cheer, they even try to clap to the beat, which fails miserably because there is no beat, they do not laugh at them. It is like their reactions are tagged onto the vid in post productions.
such an industry plant
Don't do drugs kids
please link all these resources man, I've figured that they're Shane and Noel but I can't their channel with the rehearsals.
>for zoomers
But that music is almost exclusively for boomers.
these guys are pretty good
What the fuck am I watching. I'm just confused. I feel like I'm going psychotic listening to this.
>be clair-o
>play the same three chords the whole song
>nu-males go wild over this shit
is this the clairo thred??
Pure autism in musical form.
I saw this band Fancy feast before a free Of Montreal concert in Asheville and the were holding guitars the whole time but it was all electronic music on a laptop on the ground, the last 15min of their set was also just them yelling "suicide is always an option" at the crowd
Bob Dylan is probably the most boring and disappointing concert I've been to
hmmm yeah im thinking it is sis :)
high as shit lol
how long before she gets addicted to painkillers and starts doing slowcore
yaaaas hell yeh dood!!!
If anyone wants a laugh just read the comments on this video.
>the last 15min of their set was also just them yelling "suicide is always an option" at the crowd
Kek that's incredible
I'm not well
In fact, I'm sick. I'm getting panic attacks from watching this lunatic.
most live performances sound so shit because the mixing is beyond lazy.
I really like megadeth but by god are they god some god-awful live shows. This one features mickey mouse as the lead singer.
Some kids covering Reptilia can't get the vid atm. Funniest shit ever
>that audience
2many frecks
Joji is even more embarrassing when he doesn't have a low budget studio behind him
the deepest part about it is that there is no difference fundamentally between the imitators and the band itself. if you don't believe me listen to this and reconsider:
she would be way cuter if she took that dumb shit out of her nose
it makes her look tuff
phil guu
fuck you this would be one of the best if i was there
song wouldve been good if the fat fuck was not involved at all
best part of this video is that it was posted on their official channel
"n-not you g-guys!"
god this is so fake
This is giving me major douche chills.
eighties matchbox b line disaster were all coked off their nuts and got all pissy because hardly anyone showed up and just gave up and left the stage insulting the few people who were there when i saw them about ten years ago or something
It's where?
can say the same about swans haha
Do people pay for this shit ? Jesus Christ. Waifuism truly is a disease.
lava gurl
You can't find anything worst than this :
I dare you.
She's terrible but at least her songs only go for 3 or 4 minutes. Gira does this shit for 20-30 minutes straight.
Proof that extensive knowledge of music theory ≠ good music
*qt puh2tees ur path*
I saw Shabazz palaces last year and it was a huuuuge disappointment
Is Clairo jewish?
Collier is isn't very good at theory either, you stupid parroting fuck.
She sacrificed him.
Reminds me of those tryhard jazz freaks in highschool that thought they were leagues above everyone else cause they listen to The Weather Report.
cute eyebrows
top kek
no men are listening to her music regularly
is this what happens when you randomize piano rolls in fruity loops?
>boom boom pa boom boom pa boom boom pa
For context, this guy somehow managed to bag himself a big mainstream hit in the UK a couple years ago despite not having an ounce of talent.
This performance essentially ended his career.
Don't know how people can shit on metal and then pay money to go listen to this shit
>inb4 you only think this is cringe because their politics are different to yours
No (though that's part of it), in fact the thing i cringe the most at is their drummer.
Cake. dude belittled the audience , only played break up songs, and rambled incoherently for 5+ minutes between songs
this user NOSE whats up lmao
jesus fucking christ im dying. wtf
>a 2 man acoustic that kept trying to shill their album while people were booing them
>a 12 year old kid wear a gold jacket swinging the microphone back and forth while playing shitty RHCP covers
>Destroyer 666
>Ozzy at a festival
I've seen some really bad shit
this or nothing
>saw megadeth 7 years ago
>it sucked
>couldn't listen to them ever since
blue shirt guy is really into it. Classic.
How many anons clicked this thread scared they would see themselves?
I saw Chuck Berry in 2013. Most depressing thing I saw on a stage. A senile guy being exploited by his greedy relatives.
that sucks dude. please give more details, im morbidly curious.
>imagine if jimi hendrix was alive today
alright I hate clairo but those two tone chucks are kind of based.
This is a good one. Makes video game music in general sound like fucking shit outside of the game
Hahaha that's the dude who did that "music theory explained on 5 levels" shit with Herbie Hancock isn't it?
Seeing any soft music played live is just cringe in general.
They need to take this song out of their setlist.
i hate seeing this bitch so much she's so fake
what in the absolute world is this
Death Grips honestly. Don't get me wrong its a fun experience but as a live performance the boys kinda blow ass lol
>backing track is just the entire song
>zach going pure autism on the drums
>Ride basically out of breath and can barely hear him over the backing vocals
>flatlander spazzing like a mong
Maybe they were some kind of post-ironical meme at the High School.
this is actual autism what the fuck
no interaction with the crowd either, only a wave from zach and andy as they went offstage. pretty pretentious tbf
>wiggle wiggle wiggle
no way this guy isn't on the spectrum
Agreed one of the worst live shows ive ever been to.
Pretty based to be honest
Talking of youtubers. Whats his end game?
to be the most cringe channel around
proof that bass guitars are for faggots
I kind of want him to be punched in the face
This is an old one but a classic nonetheless.
Unironically based and chadsome.
loool how did I never see this, was wondering what happened to him
worst concert I've been too is without a doubt Wu Tang when I was 15. Half the crew was missing,the other half never finished their songs and just ended up awkward dancing with obviously underage girls they'd invited on stage while the venue just kinda slowly emptied