Seriously, this nigga is capable of making this generation's Pet Sounds or Songs in the Key of Life. Fuck, he hasn't even made a universally liked pop song yet. The only people parading him are music theory people. It just annoys me that he has the power o make great music without covering already good songs or being so upfront with the musical complexity.
What the fuck was his problem?
Being a beast at theory doesn’t mean he has the creative potential to make anything like Pet Sounds. Cringe and his voice sucks
He's the musical equivalent of an artist who only does photorealistic portraits of celebrities and posts them on reddit.
Best comparison I’ve seen yet
based. normies parade him around as some kind of musical genius just because he has academic skill but he has no creative talent at all.
Too talented
Wew lad.
It’s a shit comparison if you think about it for 1+ seconds, you just like the insult
He clearly is not very mature as an artist yet, and has just gotten access to do basically anything he wants musically this year. Unfortunately his autist audience only cheers when they hear something weird, so they might take him permanently in that direction
Stereotyping in this case actually
To me the biggest cringe is when someone consciously decides to write a song in odd meters or polyrhythms, as in, instead of fleshing out a solid song and using odd meters and polyrhythms where they'd be effective, they decide to use them to prove a point that they can do it
I really enjoyed his early videos that blew up like fascinating rhythm or close to you, but i always thought his original work seemed forced. like he was purposely just trying to show his chops on all the instruments he knows, all his theory knowledge
Holy cringe
But there are actually lots of people that love it, so what’s up with that?
>tfw to intelligent to make good music
These types usually wind up teaching in music schools. Knowing the mechanics very well =/= industry success. Compare him to Charlie Puth, for a pop example. Puth knows how to write a catchy hook.
>Almost all talentless musicians praise
Is that somehow worth less than talentless plebs praise?
Why is Yea Forums forgetting that Collier writes for a niche called fusion jazz? That's all he's interested in and there's nothing else you can imagine him doing. There's an audience for that and he enjoys it.
If Stevie can get a crowd of normie ass plebs and some of the greatest musical composers.
Why can’t Javob?
Stevie was engineered to be a mainstream success, and there was a lot of pressure on him to be. Jacob is just having fun and that’s still working out well so far
wow what a faggot
Knowing how to write good pop tunes won't make you succesful unless you have some crazy connections
But he does have connections.
there is literally no amount of theoretical knowledge that will teach you how to make a catchy hook or riff.
There literally is though because there are certain rules how to make a catchy melody/hook/riff, you stupid fuck. Collier just makes shitty Disney-fuelled fusion jazz.
no there isnt. i went to music school and learned every fucking rule for pop songwriting and i couldnt just write something like smells like teen spirit based on my knowledge. you're better off just learning songs you like and hoping their genius rubs off on you.
>there are certain rules how to make a catchy melody/hook/riff, you stupid fuck
I hope you don't actually believe this.
Lol you retard. If you can't write a boston rip off then you obviously didn't study any fucking music.
>genius rubs off on you
>you're better off just learning songs you like
You're right here though. It's not called genius, it's called fucking practice. You either gain the knowledge to write something catchy by analysing hundreds of catchy hooks/songs and finding similarities between them i.e. some kind of formula/recipe, or like you've said, practice until you learn the same thing unconsciously.
This is simple shit, man. Going to school doesn't mean shit if you don't put the effort into practising or analysing music.
See Have you literally never thought about what makes a hook catchy? There are certain ways you can make music to get a desired effect, there are certain elements of music that if arranged properly trigger a reaction in an average human being. It can't all be by chance, you mong.
So what's the formula for making something catchy? Is there anywhere I can read about it at? I guess if it's just something you follow step by step it should be easy to make the next pop sensation.
The human brain is wired to recognise certain patterns. It groups sounds that sound "close" to each other i.e. for example the notes that are close to each other in the range of a single octave or two octaves and it also groups sounds together that has a similar colour. That means the human brain will recognise a pattern easier if a melody is played by one instrument and isn't tossed around several different octaves and shared by a hundred instruments. The shape matters too, you can either go up fast and down slow or vice versa. It's easier for people to memorise if you stick to one scale and one time signature. Complex rhythm is confusing and unmemorable. Memory literally translates to catchiness. The less confusion, the more catchiness. This is just the most basic psychology.
I don't know the exact music elements i.e. how many half steps in which direction or whatever bullshit constitute the most catchy hook or melody, but there's a shitload of literature and videos around that you could look if you're actually interested.
However, a normal musician will learn this shit subconsciously simply by listening to and performing a lot of catchy music. This isn't enough though as you have to transcribe that memory into the real world yourself and that takes practice. This stuff is simple science, there's no mystery to it, it isn't some subconscious romantic bullshit. All you have to do is listen and practice. But some people are just more talented or harder workers than others so they're better at it than most.
So basically all I'm saying is there is a reason something is catchy. It isn't just some stuff that happens by chance. I'm positive that if you analysed a hundred different catchy melodies from entirely different artists you would find SOME similarities in their construction. This is autistic though and people just learn it by listening and playing themselves.
No it’s pretty apt; a photorealistic portrait requires an extreme degree of technical skill (like Collier’s music) but it also is creatively void (like Collier’s music).
bringing the heat
He's the musical equivalent of Cory Feldman.
he's young as fuck; hopefully he matures and makes music that's not unbearably obnoxious
>he's young
>he hasn't found himself as an artist yet
The faggot grew up in a musical househould and is 25. There are kids that released lifechanging albums at 18 because they didn't finger their asses to negative harmony and the super duper lydian scale. He's completely screwed in the head, once again proving that hapas are devilspawn.
I agree with that to some extent but I don't think there's a single thing that you can pinpoint down with a formula. I'm sure it varies to some extent and there's more than one thing that can end up having an influence on whether something is catchy or not. Some songs may have something in common in this regard while another set of songs may have something else. It's not just one thing but a set of things. If it was that easy to make something catchy then I'm sure the team of songwriters every pop star has would do it again and again and there wouldn't be any comparatively minor artist that could break in but it's happened many times over the years.
i really hope someone gives this kid some LSD so he makes some creative music.
is pretty on point imo
our concept of artistic maturity has been completely fucked by youth worship
Compare this to King Krule, who wrote Out Getting Ribs at 15:
I dont know why I hate how he's acting so much
>drugs make you creative
All your favorite records are by probably people that have done psychedelics.
How would you know if you've never tried them? If you have tried them, you wouldn't have this take.
It’s like a chef who knows all the best recipes and can has perfected all the cooking techniques necessary but is only interested in combining the recipes in a way so completely tasteless and bland that you never want to eat it again.
>it’s supposed to be shit
you don’t say...
Cringe retard
real jazz musicians and fans react to an out line. that shits hard to pull off so it's effectively like watching sports
>There literally is though because there are certain rules how to make a catchy melody/hook/riff, you stupid fuck.
Dunning-Kruger strikes again. There are guidelines for melodies, which include giving preference to stepwise motion, not including too many skips or leaps, and being mindful of the melodic contour/climax. But these are guidelines, and there are hundreds of memorable melodies that break these “rules.” There isn’t a formula for writing a melody like there are formulas for chord progressions.
this desu, also that is an amazing image
You can learn every concept that defines a "catchy melody', but ultimately the greatest ones are simply magic. That can only come from you, not a textbook or a class.
Okay but the refrain on Hideaway is catchy as fuck when he pulls in the counterpoint
I will give you an example from /p/. We have some posters that know the technical aspects of photography, the physics, composition rules etc. inside out. When they post their shots they invariably produce garbage. Most often the more they know the more garbage they shoot... it works as a compensation.
Pure wankery, no balls.
>btfo jacob with 2(two) powerhords
ok retard, go ahead and write us a catchy riff if its so simple as following some formula
he does what people accuse prog of doing
I have the melody formula. I painstakingly programmed it into my TI-84 Plus in 2012. "La Cucaracha" is one of the most catchy melodies I have analyzed so far.
Brutal but accurate.
he may soon run out of one-off gimmicks and will have to resort to pure songwriting
I saw a video of some faggors applauding because this guy modulated to a different key. Like well done asshole. And the people clapping seem to only be interested in the mechanics of modulating to 'G half sharp' instead of the actual music behind it. Why doesn't he write a song with these microtonal macguffins? Probably because the music would suck. Fuck you jacob collier. Your cover of here comes the sun is atrocious.
I actually like some of his music. there were a decent number of songs off his latest project that i enjoyed.
>Jacob Collier
>big among normies
What? Normies don't care enough about music theory to geek out over the stuff in his music.
rock is dead
guitar is also dead
modulations are epic in live shows if you do it right though
>creatively void (like collier)
Objectively wrong
It is all over his music actually. You just can’t even tell
what's so creative about copying a photograph
He looks so innocent
Yeah basically, he's an artist for other 'artists' but doesn't really appeal to anyone else.
he sort of represents whats wrong with almost all modern jazz, as well. Its been stagnant for decades other than "ooo but what if i did le bleep bloop computer sounds in jazz???".
Its become a massive jackoff session for people who know and play jazz and not really anyone else. And for what its worth, almost all of my friends who know music theory love this guy. Anecdotal i guess but worth mentioning.
it just comes off as wankery
like, I get it, those are some impressive reharmonizations, but it's not so catchy or something
Holy fuck I just came. I also just shidded and farted
Jacobs music is pretty easy to uniquely identify as his, unlike photorealistic drawings
as fun as it is to shit on him i cant help feeling like jacob collier will eventually be hailed as one of the foremost musical geniuses of our time and was incredibly ahead of his time and were wrong
Absolutely fucking wrong. Why speak about things you dont know? Shame on you, idiot coward.
>There are guidelines for melodies, which include giving preference to stepwise motion, not including too many skips or leaps, and being mindful of the melodic contour/climax. But these are guidelines
That's literally what I meant.
>and there are hundreds of memorable melodies that break these “rules.”
I agree.
>There isn’t a formula for writing a melody
I meant it's LIKE a formula.
And I mainly argued with psychology as well i.e. there are certain elements that trigger certain responses in MOST people, at least depending in which culture you are.
I guess you're right, but
>If it was that easy to make something catchy then I'm sure the team of songwriters every pop star has would do it again and again
this is what happens though, but there's a limit to somebody's creativity and a limit to people's attention to listen to the same style of music as well. That's why the industry slowly changes its style which definitely creates a slight shift in how these catchy hooks sound.
>there wouldn't be any comparatively minor artist that could break in but it's happened many times over the years
This I disagree with. I do believe you have songwriters that the industry uses to produce this kind of music, but that doesn't make minor/alternative/DIY artists any less able to write similar stuff and they either get picked up by the industry or they stay in their niche circles which definitely do have (albeit an extremely smaller) audience.
There is no such thing as magic, stop using this romantic bullshit terminology because it doesn't exist in reality; not in composition, not in the listener's brain. It's hard work coupled with talent and nothing else.
>he doesn't believe people can learn how to write catchy music
Okay, do you believe in magic unicorns as well?
his understanding of music theory is savant-like, you aren't going to hear about anyone on his level for a long time
his tiny desk concert finds a perfect medium between wanky complexity and good song writing. imo every song on that recording is very fucking good and dispels most of the criticisms in this thread
yeah his earlier stuff is very academically complex. his concepts of theory have literally changed the way people think about theory. modulating to quarter tones, negative harmony, his rhythmic complexity - its nothing ive ever heard in anything short of 20th century classical music
that being said, im sure he'll grow up and become a better artist, right now he's just fucking around
None of you can sit at the adult table and speak articulately until you learn theory and are at least fluent on your instrument of choice. You do not speak the language, you simply bought tickets to see the show.
I am literally speaking in theoretic terms.
kek Collier btfo
bruh did you even read my post i conceded that people who know theory will enjoy him more
Those days where a truly great song that slips out of you is unearthly. Yes, it takes hard work, a lot of practice, and patience with yourself going through transition periods in your craft. But when you start writing more consistently, you'd be surprised how so many songs seem to write themselves.
I know what works, developed a process, and write multiple songs a day but the truly great ones I couldn't explain how I came to think of it. It just came
I know theory. Collier has no sense of style or hipness. It’s the songwriting equivalent of Steve Vai. Impressive in a technical way but still soulless music for autists
There's nothing wrong with modern jazz
I mean I get what you mean and it does feel good and magical I suppose but it's just the fruit of your labour, the hard work paying off. Sometimes it just clicks.
Except that it's absolutely dead?
waaahhh wahhh im little crybaby millenial jazz artist who need like on social media
thats what you sound like
Leave, boomer.
wahhh wahhh wahhhhhhhh
>style or hipness
what the fuck is style and hipness? Djesse 2 is very soulful, hell a lot of the slower tracks on his first record are really colorful. Even his early covers like Pure Imagination or Flinstones are very soulful.
I think his "soul" comes in with his brilliant harmonizations and sensitivity to tuning and voicings. His complete mastery of musical form, performance, improvisation etc are impossible without soul.
I don't get what kind of theory you know, because if you really understood it you couldn't hold back from dropping your jaw at his music
Yea but if it really clicked shouldn't I be able to tell you how it works specifically? Vague things like dancing around the one, odd phrasing for tension, highlighting certain notes in a melody isn't really enough.
People can tell you how to pump gas but can't fully tell you how to write a great song.
oh no! you can gain traction as an artist online?
oh no millions of other people are more capable than i am
oh no im never going to make it
thats what you sound like
that was a copy paste of a meme i found on reddit please calm down
i don't browse reddit like a tourist
that wouldve been like a 4/10 comback at best but the fact you couldnt even click the right post bottoms it to a 2
He’s like AnCo but worse
i'm too high for this
It’s “soul” filtered thru a lens of unbridled autism. It’s overwhelmingly academic and trainer and it comes off as the musical equivalent of sleight of hand. It’s difficult to trust or believe in. This isn’t music that reflects any of our experiences at all.
In a world of constant irony and sarcasm it is offensively unaware to a literal fault. Something like vaporwave is so much more poignant as a soundtrack to our era.
Do you play jazz? You know when people say a guy is too schooled? It’s the same shit but taken to an insane degree. Again, I respect what he is doing from a theoretical perspective but it’s completely disconnected from the artistic zeitgeist of our era. It has absolutely no place at all beyond a niche audience of fellow autistic musicians such as yourself.
Seriously what the fuck do you want people to say? It’s good? Sure in fact it’s really good... in a niche dated way. I’d still much rather listen to the shit George Clanton is doing than the shit Jacob Collier is doing even though the former can’t hang at all on a theoretical level
Steve vai is actually good
second post best post
>Djesse 2 is very soulful
>what that guy said was clever
>If i copy it strangers will perceive me as clever
oh the irony
The thread's pretty autistic imo but tf?!
What do you think you are doing discussing music on /po... I mean Yea Forums? I thought this board was for anything but music discussions.
impressive skills nigga / disney prog / keep it up
TL;DR me on what’s going on in this thread
Gah, Tori Amos.
Couldn't have said it better. It's like his skills and soul are completely opposite.
Soulless music holy fuck. It's like he's trying to imitate Talking Heads but without the soul put into the music.
Then how come there isn't a Beatles 2.0? You guys talk about "muh music theory" but I'll be damned if you tell me that practicing music theory all day will create a song with soul and meaning, nope. It's just robotic shit.
>Then how come there isn't a Beatles 2.0?
What does this even mean? Do you want somebody making the same music as The Beatles or something which is impossible since only The Beatles can be The Beatles? Or do you want somebody ripping them off?
I never said practising music theory will make you create a song. Music theory is descriptive, it gives you a vocabulary. If you want to use that vocabulary and make something good then you practise MAKING songs. This shit isn't hard to get, pal. Read throughout the thread, there's been many good points made.
>What does this even mean?
Complex music that isn’t shit.
Is that too hard for you?
No, you aren't making any more sense. There's plenty of complex music that is also aesthetically pleasing if that's what you're asking for.
Seriously, what does
>how come there isn't a Beatles 2.0?
>Seriously, what does
>how come there isn't a Beatles 2.0?
SeeYou’re too stupid to read and understand.
Okay then I've already answered your cretinism. Bye.
Reddit boulevard is to your left.
music theory naval gazing, part of the jazz circle-jerk where they care more about showcasing ideas and technique than applying them to listenable music.
Jacob Collier is the most overrated artist ever
It's called jazz fusion and it has an audience in the form of millions of views Collier gets on his channel. I get it, you don't like the music, but
>muh soul
>muh muwsic theory bad:(
is just a lowbrow non-argument opinion.
That would rather be something from the top 40s
>Thinking every view means anything
>Thinking anybody but music bros actually like his shit
Views mean nothing to me, but you're the one apparently prescribing some value to views since you're implying that this stuff is unlistenable when in fact the attention that he gets (in the form of views) is proof that it's listenable for a lot of people. My argument is also that it isn't some microscopic academic niche circle-jerk, but has an audience that isn't extremely small and no, it's not only musicians that listen to it and I personally know a few people who listen to this shit and aren't musicians themselves.
No one overrates top 40s artists, everyone knows they're shit except for a few very vocal poptimists
No one? Except literally every critic that gets paid for this shit? Have you seen the praise somebody like Billie Eilish gets?
And I think you've never communicated with the average music listener. Literally almost every shithead will tell you how amazingly talented Adele or some other pop bitch is. They're clueless, but this is like the majority.
This guy's shitty, overwrought gimmicky covers is evidence that knowledge is no substitute for taste. Only good taste can produce good music. Taste can be enhanced by knowledge, but when there is no taste you end up with a dull, pretentious mess that technically impresses but rings hollow.
BASED. I hate this dumb faggot so much.
Theoryfag here. He fucking sucks.
>Jacob knows music theory
how can people be this retarded? Don't get me wrong, Jacob has a nice tune or two, but the dude is unbelievably musically illiterate when it comes to something he tries to appear highly capable at, and that is hard theory. He has said many ridiculously stupid things - watch the video where he speaks at Berkley (highly embarrassing if I was a student there, honestly). He says outright wrong and stupid things (that have no real basis on any music theory from the present or the past), and cannot even finish statements. He also spends a significant amount of time trying to be a contrarian in the most sophomoric way possible (e.g. criticizing equal temperament as if people much more capable and smarter than him have not tackled the issue and come to greater conclusions without half the pretentiousness).
In any case, he has some nice tunes here and there, but it's all fusion jazz at best. If he was capable of creating something equivalent to pet sounds (i.e. an incredibly influential, ground breaking and creatively rich work) he would have done it already. Brian was nowhere near as musically capable (as in he did not play near that many instruments), yet had much more musical intuition to make something interesting happen.
Jacob will forever remain a youtuber - someone with a mediocre talent being praised by the un-intiated masses as a genius. This is usually not a problem because most people who are in this predicament are fine with it and happy to be there, but Collier aspires to something much greater, and he will simple never get there. Too many yes men in his life for him to realize it.
How is this possible, its depressing
lmao this.
then you have people like praising what is basically pastiche music with a novelty element (krule's voice) as if it's some sort of great work, lmao
"He's gifted/smart/knows theory/technically amazing, but he doesn't make good music" is just a meme. He's just not very good and that's that. He seems like a good entertainer, but user is completely right when saying that he doesn't know shit about theory which is supposedly the only thing he's good at, but he's not even good at that, let's be honest.
how important is your music theory knowledge if your actual music knowledge is basic as fuck? no influences will make your music stale
King Krule is fine though.
Never listened to him before until today, but I just heard his cover of Here Comes the Sun, and it’s fucking shit. He’s obviously a talented instrumentalist but has zero taste, otherwise he’d know the reason the original song works in the first place is that it sounds simpler than it is. Instead he just clutters it up with a bunch of nonsense just to show that he can.
>it’s fucking shit. He’s obviously a talented instrumentalist but has zero taste
Wow what an original opinion of Jacob Collier on this board lol
It doesnt have to be original to be correct
It's a useless observation that doesn't need to be parroted any further. If you have nothing original to say, don't say it at all. What's next?
>knowing music theory =/= good music
or some shit like that? Because it's a fact that you faggot parrot this shit all the time as well when in reality Collier isn't very good at theory either.
fair enough
Seething retard.
Would he really be invited to berklee to talk about music theory if he didn't know it user come on now
unlikable mix-breed mutt with serial-killer eyes and soulless, shitty tunes
Watch the video. It absolutely happened. He was invited due to his meme status, and he made an ass out of himself. Youd be very surprised how little music students (and some teachers) actually know about their field. It's sad and I cannot wait to graduate.
Berklee is the epicentre of all this sterile modern crap. That godforsaken hellhole even manages to suck the soul and rhythm out of blacks.
Anita Sarkeesian gets invited to speak at universities all the time I guess that means she's a genius at video game design. Either that or universities are for profit organizations to babysit retard guppy-brained trust fund zoomers and getting a popular youtuber to come do a talk is more like to keep their butts in the seats than some dusty old professor in a tweed jacket telling them a bunch of lame boring rules about not using parallel perfect intervals or doubling the fifth.
not an argument
>/pol/ phrases
so user, what's your major up at berklee and what do you play
I can tell from your post you are unsuccesful musically as well as socially
He's just the millennial theorist that says 'oh work super hard, follow this path, do music school, become star' no doubt his parents made him learn piano at age 4 because asian and then he just became obsessed with being a star and making millions.
That is why no soul because he didn't leave any room for a soul with all the hard work, soul needs to breathe.
Decent bait
He seems to suffer from too many tools in his toolbox when making original music, but his arrangements on existing pieces are masterful and harmonically lush. Being intricate instead of simple is not a real critique, he does it really well when he has a good simple foundation for the chords and melody he can build upon. In My Room, You and I, In the Bleak Midwinter, classic takes on classic songs that aren't just technically impressive but very emotional. Now if only he could figure out how to do it for his originals
Not an argument, you troglodyte.
He’s not terrible but he’s basically Tom Waits and most of his music is redundant
>he’s basically Tom Waits
In what way is he basically Tom Waits lmao
Healthy people will just feed off the joyful energy, so which part of you is rejecting that?
I don’t know how sound Collier’s theoretical knowledge is, since my grasp of theory is intermidate to advanced-ish. I know a lot of theory but have never gotten a degree for it. Still, regardless of whether or not his analyses are perfect I think the reason he’s popular is the passion with which he discusses topics. It’s lot less boring to watch some autist excitedly explain negative harmony than to read a stiff 50 page academic paper.
lmao leagues better than anything that robot collier shit out
BLEEpBloP is not good music you tasteless shit
this seems so disingenuous jesus
its like jack stauber's wacky appeal but at least jack feels honest about it
post your music
he's not human
People literally can’t stop projecting their inferiority complex. He’s just having fun, and he’s fucking good at it
This is inexcusable desu. It's so fucking bad. Just screams 'look at me, look at me, I'm very clever'. Nothing he does is in service of the music, his dumb-ass arrangement obstructs the original tune from coming out.
iirc he was selling his logic session files for quite high prices. what a narcissistic prick
This feels like the Wiggles
Jacob making money: what a narcissist
Jacob not making money: he’s a nobody
>The only people parading him are music theory people
So, the only people that count?
no because the whole point of that was
>"look at me and how I have 1000 tracks!!!"
>"please give me money for how much of a genius I am"
Couldn't have said it better.
mind pointing out what he got wrong?
You’re missing the fact that he’s just giving his fans what they want
What's the difference between fusion jazz and jazz fusion?
can someone explain to me what separates Jacob collier from any other musically trained multi instrumentalist? Impressive as that is in itself im yet to understand the circle jerk about his supposed genius, people who seem to have no understanding of music theory are blown away by slightly more jazzy renditions of pop songs.
Fusion is a mash of different genres, usually jazz, rock, funk, rnb etc.
For me the thrilling moments in the music are huge. I don’t love it all, some of it even cringes me out, but I cum when it goes right
Music theory isn't about mathematical formulas, dipshit it's about methods. And there are methods for good memorable melodies. For instance, having a clear musical direction or ramp upwards or downards, which gives it deliberate movement. When you take a large interval step you can follow it with smaller interval steps to balance it out. There are very simple methods and practices for writing melodies effectively, you don't have to tap into the mysterious ether to do it.
jazz fusion = funk/soul/rock inspired jazz
fusion jazz = elevator muzak
write one
right now
go ahead we're waiting
jacob collier is the emerson lake & palmer of our time. he'll be looked back on more fondly in 50 years. anyway i think his music could do with more irony and humor. 99% of the complaints about it are about how cloyingly happy or disney-esque it is. if he wrote songs about sucking dick at a glory hole or something while modulating to g half sharp people would like him a lot better i think. people complain about zappa's poopoo caca lyrics but they were important for this reason. bill wurtz does the wanky happy jazz fusion thing but he mixes it with so much irony and self-deprecation that people like his music anyway
Fuck that though. Why can we not just have fun, why do we need to constantly reassure insecure fags that we don’t think it’s the greatest art ever? It honestly lowers the vibe to have to be self conscious like that all the time
Bill Wurtz is talented though.
>the emerson lake & palmer of our time
lmao no
he's what happens when very high technical knowledge and skill is paired up with zero taste.
fr fr
He's the waldorf blofeld of music
brutal but fair
>this generation's Pet Sounds
what about this
Jacobs music is idiosyncratic and easily identifiable. Unlike the work of a photorealistic art guy.
All skill, no taste.
>points to steve vai as someone who is all chops no soul
you're fucking retarded mate. steve vai is probably the most musical shredder out there
you need some kind of inner life or personality to make good music, this guy is like an autistic robot
Your autism is showing
Come on now, Djesse vol 2 is the AOTY
You do have to have autism to understand Steve Vai but if you do he has great shit.
This reminds me of the sounds in my head when I'm trying to go to sleep.
berklee is a fucking joke
i went there. everyone either listens to bruno mars or snarky puppy or dont speak english
anybody who actually listens to jazz will say jazz fusion or just fusion for short. Red flag that the guy doesn't know what he's talking about. It's like saying you listen to "punk hardcore". It's just not what you would say.
>he can't write a pop hook
oh no no no
Cant sing dropped
this. it might be over the top and spastic but it's definitely uniquely him. Plus he's getting better at reeling it all in.
lmao snarky puppy is killin tho so who cares
>snarky puppy
God, seeing those new york yuppies with piercings and tattoos in the audience nodding like they 'get it' while drinking some craftbeer is painful to watch
That's what makes it so endearing user
There is literally nothing wrong with his music, people here go through hundreds of mental gymnastics to justify a reason to hate something, that's all
It's annoying, shitty music. Sorry if you fell for the memes bruh
Nah, he's right. You don't like jazz fusion? Cool, no worries, but really, the mental gymnastics of Yea Forumstards really is astonishing.
What is it with stupid hipsters and shitty singing?
Yeah. The sad part is as long as you hate fulfilled joyful people, you can never become one yourself
BTFO of the year.
cringey crowd work aside this is pretty great
I wonder if the guys from the youtube music clique ever tried to get him involved in something. That would be the soulless endgame but he's probably a pain to work with judging by how he acts.