Is this the greatest video game soundtrack ever?

Is this the greatest video game soundtrack ever?

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Quake 1 Nine Inch Nails is

the sims 1 soundtrack exists
also, hl2 is pretty good too

for me, its cat

that is really good.
i like any videogame music which isnt cookie cutter orchestral stuff like 99% of games

Oblivion desu

for me it's ward or far

Mother trilogy has better soundtracks

silent hill 2


Nier Automata


>some goober's opinion
wow I'm forever btfo

Jet Set Radioooooooo

Probably this desu


no. see the earlier posts ITT

Im just checking what and are

Oh, so you're the retard that listens to soundtracks without playing the games. Got it.

i do play the vidya... but orchestral stuff suck ass

Give me 10 games that have shitty orchestral soundtracks.

the mother series soundtrack is definitely not cookie cutter music dude

the mother 1 album is kino

minecraft v1 is great, but when people say its their FAVORITE i cant really help but cringe a little bit desu, seems like they havent played many games.

this is very bad bait my friend

Mass effect 2 and 3 (1 was great and suited the mood)
Deus Ex mankind divided
the four Ratchet and Clank Future series games on ps3 (again, ps2 RaCs had great ones)
metal gear solid 4
crysis 2
dead space 2 (and 3 but who cares about 3)

Hotline Miami


>all games that released after 2006

deus ex ost is memerable and pretty good

i love system shock 2's completely over the top techno soundtrack

Bastion, Transistor, Diablo 2, Space Funeral, Seasons After Fall, Iconoclasts, Sonic Adventure 2 (fuck you, it's fun), Sonic Mania, Dungeon Keeper, Journey, Final Fantasy IX and X, Silent Hill 2, probably a shit load more I'm forgetting.

oh im not supposed to play those... :(

It definitely shows your age. Not good.

im almost 30 lol

final fantasy viii ost is the GOAT

but minecraft, skyrim, ffx, silent hill 3, quake, katamari are all godtier too

>silent hill 3 instead of 2
i see youre a man of culture as well

for me it's the bloodborne soundtrack. Ludwig's OST might be the most hype boss music of all time. Gehrman's is god tier as well. Not even just the boss OSTs though, the general atmospheric music is incredible, like in Upper Cathedral Ward.

for me it's Lady Maria's themeā„¢

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No, it's the greatest soundtrack ever
For me it's Wet Hands

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yes sir, sonically, it embodies silent hill better than any of the other ones. it is THE silent hill ost. actually i feel the same way about the games themselves, silent hill 2 story is better, but the gameplay, world, atmosphere are perfected in 3. and who doesnt like staring at heather?? god i fucking love that game. unlocking the magical girl costume and flying through the extreme difficulties was a (laser)blast. i got addicted to it when i was 14 and played it all in day once from monring to night, it made me feel weird and kind of sick for a couple days afterwards. no other horror game has done that to me quite like that one

call of duty: infinite ops, a girl and her blob, spaceworm jim, dragon nest, heart of darkness, out of this earth, flashback, sword and sworcery, ninja five o, rome for ms-dos, commando, budokan, prince of persia, captain rainbow and his magical pants, silver surfer returns, final fantasy 3, ...

...are all better.

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Halo or pokemon

Flat Out 2

blessed post. nice to see someone who actually has TASTE


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Personally, I think that Bully Scholarship Edition had one of the best soundtracks. Sometimes i'll just be playing vidya or watching tv, and the theme will just pop up in my head.

It just has a really distinct sound, unlike anything else that I've played.

what's Yea Forums's opinion on this?

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I really liked that soundtrack, game was great too.

I really hate undertale and it's tranny fanbase but the soundtrack is gold.
this is also kino


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No non-s*y man would ever hate the game and the fan base and love the soundtrack

thank you for posting this user

I like the game and soundtrack and ignore the fanbase. If you let a fanbase ruin something for you, you're autistic.

Kino soundtrack

The GOATest of All Time.

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Weren't we working on a chart of essential game OSTs a while back? I don't think we ever finished it

My niggua.

Reminder that this exists

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The greatest of all timeest of all time

The right choice

fuck outta here fags, earthbound is the best vg soundtrack suck it!!!

>first track of the ost is by aphex twin

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Undertale OST>C314-Minecraft Volume Alpha>literally anything else.

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ya'll niggaz missin' out on Fez

pretty much any "cinematic" AAA game

are you ok

Mother 3 has the best vidya soundtrack

>indie game
>pixel art
>cover is drawn by the scott pilgrim guy

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>judges a book by it's cover
>you know you are in Yea Forums right?


Here's my favorite, lads

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Based picture
Glad someone saved it


mother 3 has a shit soundtrack, m1 and m2 are the only based choices

Hitman 2

sims 2 is better imo
but maybe it's just the nostalgia talking

Undertale and its fanbase suck but the music is so good

mother music isn't orchestral...

based soichi

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doom 2016


PLEASE tell me who the fuck this guy is
i swear i used to post on a forum with this faggot

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based boomer

Metal Gear Rising

absolutely BASED
>1:38 onwards

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Original Nier has a better soundtrack.

Also I nominate Drakengard 1 and agree with

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I am literally in love with one of the characters from Undertale and even I am not deluded enough to think the game is any good or the OST is anything other than alright at best. The only good track is ASGORE.

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>no porgy and bess

I've never even played the game but even I know that several of the songs from the ost are iconic/very good

i mean this exists

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i don't play enough jrpg but they can be very generic in their own way

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

Yall ever listen to AC3's sound track?
Holy fuck that one is good

>ctrl+f touhou
>0 results

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compilations don't count

was avoided for a reason toutard, back to with you now kiwifarms forum thread regarding him

im talking about the remixes, if you ever have the time listen to some of the remixes, they sound nothing like the source.

i prefer hm2s soundtrack but still, great choice

Ace Combat 4

Quake, man, now that was a soundtrack. *sips monster zero*

>Dating Fight!
>Another Medium
>It's Raining Somewhere Else
>The Choice
>Battle Against a True Hero
>Rude Buster even if it's cheating
How about you play the game first, faggot.

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