Is music the greatest art form of all time?
It’s honestly better than Yea Forumserature.
Is music the greatest art form of all time?
Video Games, why? They contain MUSIC, TEXTURE, GEOMETRY, and most importantly a good PLOT
I'll take painting and literature, thank you.
music and painting are the best because they have infinite possibilities. Literature is somewhat bound by representationalism and the limitations of a fixed character set and grammatical rules. Film an Vidya are too mutidisciplinary and collaborative to be directly connected to the hand of the artist. I am too ignorant of dance and photography as an artform in and of itself to comment on them, but they're neat.
except every single part you mentioned is subpar at best in videogames
I think you got memed on
Close, but opera is actually the GOAT artform
no, it's poetry.
It really is.
Music > Film > Literature
Yes, it also brings people closer than any other art except (maybe) painting.
is the border between music and poetry not pretty ambiguos?
Is the performance of poetry part of the artform or is it just the written words? If the former yes, if the latter not really.
It's very subjective. If you want stories then you read books or watch movies. Books and film are better at telling stories and are more fun to dissect and analyze. Really depends on what you're looking for in art.
Bump. Fuck music
Every single thing required to make a piece of music, film and vidya can technically be done by the same person, so you know. It heavily depends on that person's abilities and what their goals are, and the result may or may not be good, but it's possible.
but a single person being a masterful artist, writer, and programmer all at once or a matsterful director, writer, cinematographer, editor, composer and production designer all at once are pretty much nil. Music on the other hand is much more able to be accomplished by a single auteur as all of the skills are more closely related.
it's actually
music > literature > film
think about how many films are just adaptions from books
god dammit
This. Music/Painting/Drawing are humanity's most primal and popular means of expression and the basis for everything that follows. The rhythm and dimension are key.
>music needs lyrics
It's way too accessible, same goes for film
video games have the potential to be the best, but no one has made a video game that's stellar in every artistic aspect
the ultimate video game would be the best art piece of all time
it's literature > film > music.
Music is the most accessible medium.
what does accessibility have to do with being the greatest or not greatest?
But also has the highest ceiling of inaccessibility
Music is sound+feels.
Literature is ideas+feels.
Film is ideas+images+sound+feels.
Therefore it is film > lit=music=art
because normies can ruin it. REEE
the biggest problem with comparisons between music and other art forms is that music is inherently more abstract as it doesn't convey stories, at least not by default like film and litertature
music >>> film > lit = art
>visual art last
absolute vulgarity
by that logic video games are > all because they're ideas+images+sound+feels+interactivity
say what you will but they're by far the most expansive medium
Nah, it's photography/painting. Music is auditorial and can only be live or with some recording device.
Painting just requires a canvas, paint, water and a brush. Even simpler would be drawings, which just requires a pencil and paper.
And even simpler than that is rock murals, which is the earliest recorded expression of art period.
Are strongest and most feature is our eye sight. It's firstly the most important of our senses for surviving disregarding basic bodily functions like breathing.
You may not remember someones voice but you'll always remember their face.
yep, video games > film
in order:
>visual art (sculpture, painting)
imo art is best when you can get something out of it despite it being abstract/alien, and I experience that most with music. Also I just think it's amazing how we can convey emotion through sound. /blog
for me, music is at the lowest. But I respect this opinion.
>for me, music is at the lowest.
Why are you here?
Complete horseshit. You might live in a barrel but you aren't diogenes.
For me it's:
Film = Music > Literature > Videogames > Actual art (sculptures, painting faggotry). If sculptures and paintings were more readily accessible than it'd probably be rated higher. I can read a book from while on the shitter. I can listen to music ANYWHERE. I can watch movies pretty much anywhere with today's technology. Certain videogames can be consumed anywhere as well, but art is the only thing that basically requires you to leave your home and actually go somewhere to really consume it. Now that I think about it, I'm actually surprised "virtual" museums and art houses aren't a thing in today's world.
Ideally, film is. Like, very good film. But music is much more easy-to-access, yet not always executed properly; not all works are great.