Reminder that gay people made better music than heterosexuals.
Reminder that gay people made better music than heterosexuals
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We get it. You like cocks in your mouth.
Yukio Mishima is missing from the Yea Forums section.
don't knock it till you try it.
>no of montreal
It is oppressed people that make great art not just gays you generalizing homophobic dunce.
you forgot Rob Halford
Isn't he straight?
Plato wasn't really gay tho. He was okay with gays but later changed his mind.
>car seat headrest
God bless american """"education""""
best way to say to a bunch of people
You Gay
>he doesn't realize that their art should be acknowledged but their personal life should never be talked about in public places
I see you haven't taken the Sovokpill.
Babies first historical revisionism class.
>Macintosh 420 and Car Seat Headrest
>somehow on the level of Tchaikovsky
shut the fuck up
>Xiu Xiu
>he doesn't know that if an artist's personal life isn't reflected in their art, it's poor and disingenuous
>he doesn't know that effective art criticism should always examine it for aforementioned reason
t. non-artist
>he doesn't know that homosexuality should never be acknowledged
>he doesn't realize that anything being can make a 10/10 into a -10/10
Be happy that your gay "icons" are getting radio plays and acknowledgment.
I'd bet less than half of those people are actually gay. Those movie picks are embarrassing, btw.
>pop art
>rymcore albums
This chart is aggresively middlebrow.
>literature has Ginsberg but Stefan George is misssing
This chart is also vomit inducing.
Dali wasn't gay? Wtf
he's bi
Vectroid is gay?...
What are the odds that Eno is gay?
>deerhunter is gay
based as fuck for including Weekend by Andrew Haigh. That film is fantastic
>No baths
He's not bi. He's a straight dude who makes fruity music.
Sufjan Stevens isn't gay.
glad to know i have good taste, i'll make sure to avoid all the stuff on this chart from now on
no straight dude on the planet acts the way Kevin Barnes does
>oppressed people make the best art!
>Lana Del Rey is great even though she's a millionaire's daughter!
>don't knock it till you try it.
Isn't that saying a logical fallacy? Its like saying you shouldn't convict a murderer cause you haven't murdered someone yet.
Bradford Cox isn't gay, he's asexual, which arguably isn't even LGBT. That being said, deerhunter is still the best thing on this chart
>No Francis Bacon
What's the album with the yawning suit dude on the cover?
She was oppressed by leftist music critics for being too rich and white
Some of these aren't even gay, like Weedgenstein. Fuckers like Haring are also utter hacks. Shitty bait chart.
Wittgenstein was gay.