Happy Binnie Day

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Feelin Special

Attached: FA7B263C-3640-4C40-A2B8-8EA8587629DA.jpg (1280x1280, 119K)

we want seulgi

want to feel momo's special iykwim

give me Mina for a month and i will cure her

Attached: minahh.jpg (1617x2241, 405K)

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Attached: binnie trapped in an elevator.webm (812x868, 2.74M)

>Her role model is Lee Hyori.
>Fans say she looks like a mix of CLC‘s Elkie and Sorn.
>In her free time, she likes watching mukbang videos

Wow...she's perfect

Attached: EDGhPEVU4AAUn35.jpg (452x680, 43K)

how would you do that?


Attached: 7617cefb21a0a2d476b62518817f7724--sana-twice-korean-model.jpg (736x1104, 70K)

vroom vroom

Attached: 201909081408773234_5d748d3bc9bd9.jpg (2776x3023, 2.05M)

can minas dad cure her?

by dicking her every second of the day, that's obviously what is being implied

Attached: 1557062194809.webm (700x578, 880K)

beep beep

Attached: E473BA54-E651-4102-9F23-502CE0A31C74.jpg (1230x1853, 198K)

>>Fans say she looks like a mix of CLC‘s Elkie and Sorn
imagine getting btfo'd by your own fans lmao

i would take her to the rural village of my grandfathers and have a very romantic month there, she would come back full of energy

what kind of doctor is he

Attached: OMG_9191.jpg (900x1440, 511K)

what if you mixed nayeon and binnie

for me it's

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whatever this is

Attached: duck body.webm (606x1080, 2.72M)

good post ty

real non-early

you just want to put your dick in her dont you

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finna heejoonk

Attached: D8JGflbUwAETVe3.jfif.jpg (1080x1080, 94K)

i bet netizens were angry at her for being drunk.

can you blame him

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Attached: 3466a61244a4d07b595e3dfcbcde6acb.gif (425x538, 3.91M)

Only if she wants to, im a pure noble man

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Attached: Heej 28.jpg (2731x4096, 781K)

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Do you have any of her pits?

Attached: f134358a809069b087e0ecc5d3c16aa5_1506478651_9333.jpg (2000x1337, 547K)

was about to say thats a burn in almost every way

i cant drink as much as a korean so whats the point

we wanted a seulgi thread

i need to start an everglow folder, too bad EU is the least popular

dumbest fucking meme of 2019

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my wife's lips will never touch liquor

Attached: 996529385B7AD7D22591F9-wealthydearaldabratortoise.webm (674x700, 982K)

Why are japs so fucking ugly

h i m e

Attached: Himmler assaulted (170505).webm (1170x932, 2.95M)

Attached: hj6-des.jpg (1000x1500, 330K)


fuck off nigger

yuris yuris

dont all pits sweat? isnt that gross?

my waifu's pits smell like roses

imagine being this new you make a new thread when there was one already linked 23 seconds ago.
extensions aside, even if you F5 manually you won't embarrass yourself this much
also nice duplicate thread

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tfw we will never get more pics

someone must have taken some. they're just hoarding them


Attached: IMG_0888.jpg (1000x1500, 508K)

vroom vroom

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it should be a crime to not publish them


Post Miyeon's buttcheeks


taking her right then and there...

i don't like when other people post my waifu

Same except for literally anything I like

Just did it to Seunghee god damn what a woman..

Attached: 2019-09-08 19_08_46-[안방1열 직캠4K_고음질] 씨엘씨 'Devil' 풀캠 (CLC Devil Fa (573x1269, 1.01M)

did someone order an uggo?

Attached: 2019-09-08 19_07_47-[안방1열 직캠4K_고음질] 씨엘씨 'Devil' 풀캠 (CLC Devil Fa (485x1143, 973K)

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why do you hate yeji?

shartman love yeji

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I don't

julia posting now

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real thread

Attached: 1567944593776.webm (916x1080, 2.99M)

kys tourist

>OMGfags hate each other

Attached: ED81rV0VUAAsOA-.jpg (1365x2048, 352K)

imagine trapping binnie in a secluded area...

based hiichanbro

Attached: ED9BSOMU0AEUE4T.jpg (1364x2048, 504K)

on her way to dr kim

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Attached: BUAKd.gif (400x224, 486K)

Attached: EBDShmiUIAEyWEI.jpg (774x1024, 96K)

man i wish i was dr kim

happy binnie day

Attached: binnie p.webm (994x1770, 2.97M)

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imagine the things he saw over all these years

enjoy being alone in your dead thread

why are there 2 OMG threads?

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>a gif

Attached: 68680286_161147275037660_8185911732334926747_n.jpg (720x900, 47K)

because one retard linked a 2 hour old thread AFTER this one was linked

Attached: D9ttsg2UIAEjoaF.jpg (1429x2000, 441K)

some salty arinboy is jealous of binnieday

Attached: ED84veuUUAAUFv4.jpg (2600x1733, 387K)

because binnie is too cute to be contained in one

Attached: binnie lips.jpg (1500x1066, 368K)

megan tho

Attached: EDrH4XbUcAAVswE[1].jpg (1050x699, 141K)

fuck off haggycel

post wonsun kiss pics

mu under complete lockdown
binichads in full control

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Attached: heepits.webm (1920x1080, 1.23M)

I thought all omgchads were friends

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b i n n e r s

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i've got the feast in my sights

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very dead here without yejibros

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shut the fuck up and post her ass

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absolute sexbinn

Attached: binnielick2.jpg (2048x1365, 283K)

Do you feel special today?

Attached: ED8-nNjU8AAjrt0.jpg (1200x1800, 374K)

me as the chair

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so that's how heaven looks like

thanks dub

Attached: blondeDubu14.jpg (1500x1000, 164K)

Mommy gib choco milk

Attached: 2A7F4BF8-4E76-479E-8767-6D7BD4E42D29.jpg (1152x2048, 193K)

ugly horseshit

any sharkman in

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Momo picked up some pointers from Jeong

Attached: 841E8D2F-CE85-4FD5-ADCD-7055E7023914.jpg (750x900, 373K)

very special

Attached: sana wizard.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

Attached: ED9hARvXoAUgbJQ.jpg (800x1200, 148K)

rate my list.
the rest of fromis9 minus seoyeon
the rest of izone minus jo yuri
the of age busters
the underage busters
the underage rocket punches
the rest of the of age rocket punches
lee sian
the loonas that trannies/twitter hate
clc yujin
not wg sohee
not fat umji
female president yura
kang jiyoung
apink hayoung
the two cuties in ladies code RIP
that dance slut with daddy tattooed on her arm

Attached: ED8jA_wU8AEu9dA.jpg (940x749, 117K)

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Obligatory Eunha post

Attached: 1567966822914.jpg (750x1125, 230K)

Attached: sana7.jpg (1971x2048, 460K)

dubu is a doll

Attached: 1560323753085.jpg (640x636, 266K)


Attached: 1566349475374.jpg (2424x3642, 1.24M)

ugly dogshit

>the loonas that trannies/twitter hate
based yeojbro

Attached: D7UoEaqUYAAHRzr.jpg (1200x1800, 354K)

Attached: sana.webm (974x1004, 2.92M)

That uggo doesn't even mog anyone

nigga thats too much
give me four names MAX

then I'll rate

the sexiest idol of all time bar none

Attached: 1566009015156.jpg (1067x1600, 128K)

Attached: omo.jpg (682x1024, 72K)

fuck off roastie

>the loonas that trannies/twitter hate
yeojin, choerry, olivia and vivi?

Attached: o2048153614400051668.jpg (2048x1536, 421K)

whos gona get fat after leaving kpop, like cl?
i want my chubby wendy back

she mogs everyone and makes trannies SEETHE

Attached: 1537699909051.gif (320x481, 3.33M)


pretty sure olivia and choerry have many fansites.

why does this tranny make itself seethe?

Attached: sei_16011978.jpg (2500x1748, 511K)

What are you on mate?

CLC will NEVER hit daebak.
they're a loser group that will remembered as a FLOP.
disband them already.

i love my big manly mana

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10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Fine, I guess we'll finish this bullshit thread

Someone post some fucking xiyeon pits

Attached: 31753.jpg (2000x1331, 900K)

I started hating her because of that webm

roasties and fags ignore choerry pretty hard, they also love to "protect" olivia making sure to ignore her too and attacking all her fans

all they'll be known for is "that group that gave away their song to izone"

why did that sana fansite have to release this?


isn't it easier to rate with a lot of names. more information = better/easier conclusion.

Attached: 396472.gif (783x783, 9K)

what an ugly goblin

Attached: IMG_2070.jpg (750x1033, 276K)

*archmogs you*

Attached: 1566675770214.jpg (1500x1000, 608K)

slugroastie seething expect sluggospam from multiple devices soon

this is the only xiyeon i have

Attached: xiyeon.webm (1080x1920, 954K)

don't omo this moroni she was just coughing


Roa bankrupting Pledis with her STD treatment bills...

neomu neomu neomu

I went to all the venues and took pictures. That is very difficult.I spend a lot of time, energy and money. No matter how many times I talk to Jacob, I can't continue because he doesn't understand my feelings. so sorry

Attached: ED8TkmYU0AA8wJb.jpg (750x1122, 158K)

now that is busted as fuck


>old, ugly, and busted
RV is truly dead

goddess of our time

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my b

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Attached: roa4.jpg (1199x825, 82K)

thats unironically the most repulsive shit i’ve ever seen

her only good side.

P nice actually Thx bro

what did he do that warranted this

footmogger tranny destroyer

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whore, unironically

Attached: ED9UaX2UEAAz8mZ.jpg (1000x1500, 277K)

Attached: ED82DbHVUAcmupc.jpg (1000x1500, 212K)

thats why all their roastie fans jumped ship to itzy

cutest girl i've ever seen

wtf did she expect him to do? date her? lmao


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bro, you're gay.

>he doesn't return my feelings
bruh what were they expecting..

Attached: 1567803323665.jpg (1200x837, 88K)

looking cute and fertile

Why does Dubu let literally everyone in the group manhandle her and treat her like a doll

any sharkman in

hideous shit

reject a fansite
so basically, nothing. just deobis being mentally ill, as is par the course
good pasta material tho

Attached: ED8TlFnUEAAYuAv.jpg (750x1154, 182K)

if you find that uggo attractive then you’re beyond help

roa was the pitslut of the group

Attached: roa3.webm (900x863, 1.66M)

need slugmilk

go away, pretty bitch

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Attached: 1567032298487.webm (1080x604, 2.91M)

the fansite asked him to marry them or something?

i want a liev with them under the same blanket

Attached: 1554823273762.jpg (1000x1280, 1.28M)

the most beautiful creature in universe

she was the slut for all intents and purposes

shes like 5ft 3 or something, she doesent really have a choice

just us shartman

and that's a good thing

Attached: roa9.jpg (1365x2048, 330K)


Attached: 1546537955757.jpg (2048x1365, 505K)

old melting hag, post yeji instead she’s much easier on the eyes

called it

she tries to hide it but she really likes it

Attached: dubu comfort woman.webm (640x360, 2.48M)

how much?

Attached: 1537699909040.webm (450x800, 2.91M)

since she grew up as an orphan and never felt affection she loves the attention she gets from sana and momo

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Attached: 1566617701001.webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

For me it's Jo Yuri

Attached: pitchan.webm (1920x1080, 2.02M)

ugly old granny

stunning queen goddess

Attached: 1537699909043.jpg (353x666, 41K)

I only cared about her pits

Attached: roa4.webm (528x940, 2.85M)

twice j line flat out the ugliest girls ever

Attached: i love yeji.jpg (1200x1200, 430K)

patrician taste

Attached: 1567642768384.jpg (1600x2400, 456K)

she’s spamming 2016-2017 shit so people don’t recognize how old and busted she is now

my slug bf

the fittest idol of all time

Attached: 1537699909042.jpg (1800x1200, 322K)

busted tranny
sluggo was ugly her entire life so it makes no difference

hottest slug outfit

>you will never caress Dubu's soft milky white skin

but that's exactly what twiceshitters do

More like ugliest

the gookiest the better

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history repeats itself

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Attached: 1558223036563_91xpuojzx.webm (1424x1080, 2.86M)

>busted gangnam nugu hags

Attached: 1567694718750.webm (1420x1920, 2.91M)

seething tranny spotted and mogged by our ultimate goddess

Attached: 1537699909041.jpg (853x1280, 173K)

i mean shes cute but i bust it every night thinking about rubbing my cock on hii-chan's abs

>dating a tranny

>all these pitbait outfits
not a coincidence

Attached: D_lZTjoUIAIHye3.jpg (1500x1000, 154K)

Suffering post concert depression.
How do I get over it?


slugroastie projecting now since she knows everyone finds her ugly shit repulsive

>there will never be a dubu hi touch event in your country

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i cant think of any non-gay explanation for this

I think one of your retards got loose


sally is not useless

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any cute slugbros in?

>getting mad cause she know its true
poor trannyshitter coping with reality

what is this expression?
feeling cold?

She obviously knows. It's also making her more popular.

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they have found her secret weapon

maybe they are mind melding

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Attached: GqK74oV.jpg (1364x2048, 375K)

love instathot mina

Attached: 1527646955972.jpg (1800x1200, 178K)

she might have the fittest body in izone. no memes, just real talk. she seems the most athletic, best abs, pits are nice because of the muscle definition, great shoulders, nice legs

I miss cbx (minus bacon)

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why are those three star medals blurred out?
which one of you is this?

nasty ogre

>minus bacon

no idea

Attached: 1519578146890.jpg (996x756, 101K)

i miss thicc mina but goddamn if heroin chic mina isn't hot as fuck

face cuter thin
body cuter thicc

Attached: DsyP94gUwAAl8Te.jpg (1024x1024, 89K)

ultimate goddess of beauty and perfection

Attached: 1566415030359.webm (960x540, 991K)

Also, my wife.

Attached: 1567968328259.jpg (2048x1536, 959K)

8 10

busted and ugly

you think she watches jav? I mean how else would she know?

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dont samefag

stolen valor

girl on the right is mogging

Attached: 1566676111809.webm (402x800, 1.41M)

nice feet as well

Attached: 54511813_208682693422960_1241756637385584990_n.jpg (1080x1080, 101K)

He's pretty active these days though.

Attached: 1567543850373.jpg (1568x2048, 289K)

>how else would she know?
the fact that she got way more popular after she started to show them and feet?

sluggo is that girl in school you have a crush on but you're too ashamed to tell anyone because all your other friends make fun of her for being ugly

Attached: 1563212929079.jpg (1200x1800, 333K)

ugliest shit

manjaw mogging maybe

ability to take a punch square on the chin mogging

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Attached: SEETHING.jpg (932x168, 21K)

pretty well-groomed

samefagging tranny is so mad lmao

i think she really just shed the last of her baby fat right before violetta era, and honestly just had a glow-up into this very pretty girl

best subunit of all time

jawlet detected


sure, she lost baby fat and she is way more beautiful now
but the feet and pits shit is not a coincidence, nothing is a coincidence in this industry

Agreed but also Orange Carmel and OEC

we want a sluggo thread


orange carmel was overrated