/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

Black man shredding on a Strat edition.

How do I start learning guitar/bass?
Guitar chords and inversion
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=shielded wire

Threadly reminder that rice farmers in Vietnam obliterated the USA's """highly trained""" military.

why am i so lonely and depressed

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Do you barre your Dmaj chord?

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>1 poster in this thread
>4 posts

/gg/ is dead mane


Yes but c shape sounds better anyway. I hate the D major chord shape.

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I only post in these threads if there’s a Yui image in OP

what string brand is translucent like that? looks cool

I think its because nobody here can fucking play guitar

>pinky nail fungus

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Not anymore

Yeah I riped half that nail off a while ago that's blood and dirt mixed with superglue.

including you

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It's a classical user. Theyre nylon. Classical is ez mode guitar with strings that feel as light and fast as .9s. You can play at least 25% faster on one than a steel string.

It's best to have an expensive guitar and a cheap amp if you play for yourself, and a cheap guitar and an expensive amp if you play for other people

>inb4 poor
If a bedroom warrior doesn't buy a nice amp that's one more vintage twin reverb for the real guitarists

If a gigging pro has a cheap guitar he can feel better about doing guitar spins. Save the nice les paul for the studio, smash the strat.

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okay but where's his gibson


>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money at Whole Foods Market

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Hes using the broken headstock to dilate

/gg/ imagine a trolling so perfectly conceived and executed that the recipient actually ended up replying to it completely unprompted thread after thread because it constantly and consistently lived
>rent free
in his mind
>all day
>every day
i mean, wouldn't that be funny?

it would just be sad

then again your idea of funny is an autistic Brazilian with repressed gender dysphoria trying to fuck a cat

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Show your Jazzmaster! Squier and boutique shit is fine too.

Only a Saechi is good enough

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Yamahas are good for the money

Not really

i prefer rikopin

They make a great taylor knock off.



>playing a classical guitar over the right leg

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i want a japanese gutiar gf that's just as bad at guitar as me so we can play shitty metal covers together

i could do really bad lead guitar on my cheap ibanez and she could do bad rhythm guitar on her epiphone les paul

sounds like you'll die a virgin user

T. Tranny

Japanese people are generally good at music and well educated on it as well though.

Then i come in with one handed sweeps and fuck her that night.

>implying you don't lose your boner before you can get started because she has the body of a 12 year old boy

I win.

There's always someone out there who spent too much time posting on 2ch and not enough time practicing.

sweeps are just chords though

this is correct

Yes they are arpeggios
Im gay btw dont know if that matters

>the ideal woman for you would rather stay at home and shitpost than leave the house, so you'll never meet her and you will both die mentally ill virgins

how's it feel

Gays are just cocksexuals, they like anything with a cock but can't do it if there isn't a cock.

t. fag expert


Hey /gg/. Playing guitar (and just guitar in general) is for losers now. If you play guitar or collect them then you're a loser. Sorry to have to tell you guys this. Only old out of touch dudes who don't have a clue bother with it anymore. Guitar is so 20th century. Get with the times grandpa. Anyway bye

you ok there bud? who are you talking to?

I live somewhere where the closest music store is a few hours drive. I have to resort to online shopping.

I borrowed teacher's Yamaha Pacifica although I have more experience with Spanish guitar. I am interested in getting my own electric guitar, however.

Since I can't go try things out, any suggested brands? Brands to avoid? My budget is 76.000ISK, roughly 600USD.

I kind of enjoy the pleasure of Pacifica shape but it's the only feel I know. Stratocaster looks similar. I wonder about Telecaster as well.

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>Still crying about someone calling his ugly ass guitar ugly

all that makes sound on an electric guitar is strings and pickups

all that shapes the sound are electronics with slight contribution from the nut, frets, and bridge

electric guitar is a pleb instrument and any monkey can make a good one

>all that makes sound on an electric guitar is strings and pickups
This is 100% wrong.


This. Loose saddles can rattle and make sound.

lol you can't tell a retarded poorfag anything user. if they weren't fucking retarded they wouldn't be poor and trying to convince themselves their chink shitplank was a decent guitar now would they hmmmm?

No, I guess you're right. What was I thinking trying to argue with a smoothbrain

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Doubt it

you're a good lad making decisions now. keep it up

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Thanks user I will

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best method for ear training?

If you liked that pacifica I'd advise you to get one of those in the 600eur range, they have different shapes, I know some profesionals that play them, they are really nice for that price. If not, maybe a mim fender, alltough I don't know how available are they in Iceland

>I know some profesionals (sic) that play them
lol you really don't though

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I do though, this guy plays 100 times better than you will ever play.


he's not playing a pacifica dumbass

He does sometimes, I've been to a lot of his gigs.

>He does sometimes
very much doubt it. but you're too fucking stupid to spell "professionals" though so who in their right mid would take advice from such a retard? tell me smart man, what brand of guitar is he playing in that video?

sorry for this post but im an absolute beginner to guitar, i was wondering about why my alternate picking isn't smooth?
like my upstrokes feel like they catch on the strings to much so I can't strum all 4-6 strings smoothly, its feels kinda like the string is stopping me.
Am I not picking hard enough? i dont want to break the string

maybe try thinner picks?

maybe your picking hand is too stiff

shit bait fuck off

im using a medium gauge pick, i do have thinner though, but most people say to start on medium
i was thinking that too, it probably doesnt help that im holding the pick with an iron grip but i feel like if i hold it too loosely it'll fly out of my fingers

Well I don't want to argue with you, you are clearly here just to start shit, no point in having any sort of discussion with someone with these intentions. He used a Pacifica at last years MareziJazz festival, we even talked about his guitar choice and he said he likes them. Also Moder is a summa cum laude Berkeley graduate, so he knows his stuff. The guy with the original question said he also somewhat likes Pacificas and thats why I included them in the answer. That will be my last post directed to you, someone who can't capitalise letters or spell the word "mind".

>muh anecdotal evidence
lmao go eat shit retard he doesn't play a $200 pacifica. what DUMB FUCK you are. that's a valley arts guitar he's playing in the video you posted which retailed new for $2000+. you're trying to claim he steps down to a $200 dogshit pacifica which is bullshit. in other words you don't know shit about anything. if he does play a pacifica then he's playing a $2000 yamaha custom shop or a $2000 mike stern signature model you dumbass knownothing

What does the thread think about Rocksmith? I've been playing it a bit, but I'm unsure if it's working poorly for me or if I'm just lazy.

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Woah, I have this guitar. I am based and animepilled now.

Is there any hope of achieving stuff like this if you didn't start at 6 and are an autodidact? I'm 3 years in and at my rate it feels like i won't be playing like this ever youtube.com/watch?v=miPjvM2zuPE

>3 years in
>still can't play basic bitch shit
pic related is you playing music

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yea i'm pretty bad particularly the percussion stuff keep messing up

Is there any point at all in learning new scale shapes after learning the major scale over the neck and memorising the intervals? Instead of learning and practicing new scale shapes, wouldn't it make more sense to just memorise scale formulas? Like if you know the harmonic minor has a flat third and flat sixth, you could just flat the third and sixth when playing the major scale.

It seems to me that the only advatage in learning a new shape is that you can play it quickly or less awkwardly, but I figure if you practice the intervals enough you become used to it and 'organically' figure out shapes in your head, and it becomes just as quick, plus you develop a deeper understanding of how things fit together.

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Rocksmith Yay or nay, forget the price as a learning tool to go alongside justin guitar and study bass

just go to a teacher holy shit


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dw man, im 4 years in and still only know 3 chords

I'm pretty good but my crippling shyness results in me being utterly shit and unconfident when playing for a person. What do? Eventually I'd want to play for an audience

Awesome. You'll fit right in here.

Since the last thread was a flop and I went to the trouble of tabbing it out.

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You still have to teach it to your fingers. And you don't want to be thinking about some scale formula while you're playing, you ideally just want to think a sound and produce it on your instrument.

Get to my level bitch

I don't have gender dysphoria

Arpeggios aren't chords, you are wrong

Practice more.

Same. I can get over it if I turn on my arrogant shell but I'm too insecure to do it often

Haha what a faggot. You'll never be good.

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>Haha what a faggot. You'll never be good.

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I am a real artist

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Lol on top of that it's an anime fag

i can't

whoa imagine that on 4channel of all places

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From now on my name is Samuel Cornell

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Where's everybody

Fucking normies

school started, everyone's busy.

I'm here. (not Sam, btw)


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I feel like rocksmith has ruined my guitar playing. For the first year, I did justinguitar on an acoustic and actually learned music. The past year or more I've just been playing rocksmith with my GF. It's a ton of fun, we can play a lot on it and sound pretty awesome, but I also realise I don't actually know any of the songs. Like after 2+ years of guitar, if someone asked me to play a song for them I'd be a deer in the headlights. Not really sure how to start learning songs again, desu.

I never played Rocksmith. You ever pull up the songs on Youtube or whatever and try playing along?

Fuck your gay clique, get a discord

It's Sunday retard

N-no, I should probably do that

Justin app play alongs dude

Sunday School

if i ever see the ceo of fender im gonna knock his shit in for not making any 24 fret guitars

>having a shitty sound guy at the mix
>foldback fucked as well. maybe the PA is a POS
what does it matter?
have you ever played live ffs?

ironically owned a Pacifica back in high school. It was a nice guitar desu

fucking hell. you guys do know you have to constantly practice too. like everyday
inb4 you say "yep i do that"

i just mega KEKed
>pink cock guitar
is this for all the fag guitarists in this thread

have you pictured it yet today, /gg/?

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now kiss

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He had laser hair removal around the anus and taint and he scrubs his asshole with a loofah and soap daily. I'm not buying it.

What's /gg/'s thoughts on the peavey classic 50?

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care to provide a source?

My ass.

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Thoughts on John Sykes?

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into le trash

What do you think of his playing though? I think he's completely underrated. Very musical but can shred too. Also, great songwriter.

ive literally never heard his playing. i dont even know who he plays for

Post an example.


Yeah he's pretty good. Syke! haha just kidding man, he's good.

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kek (sike)

(double sike, not really i laughed)

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Imagine thinking tonewood is real
Imagine thinking being able to afford a $2500 toy makes you rich
Imagine thinking some assembly line niggas and CNC machines are the same as master luthery

Imagine spending more than $500 on a fucking electric guitar because a solid block of wood totally sounds different than another solid block of wood just because of the logo on the headstock.

For the price of a les poo standturd you could get a half-decent REAL guitar, ie: a martin d-18

Paul Gilbert is the coolest, down to earth, humble guitar player in the world. He's also a great teacher. Respect.

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Yeah. I haven't really enjoyed any of his albums since SFBaDR, though.

durn! lil' fella came in full tri/gg/ered!

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restringing time guys!

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>that bridge
this is why you'll always be the kin/gg/ samuel

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your stock tuneomatic is so superior, mr establishment

i don't even own a guitar tho

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/gg/ doesn't like acoustics because they're harder to play and have a higher price ceiling than their toys, user. in other words, everyone here is a poorfag with bitch fingers.

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u jelly

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Wrap around the tailpiece.


thats what im doing see the other pic

Reminder that if you can't play cleanly on an acoustic with 14s you're a shitty guitarist

Don't do it, Sam! It's a trap (and not the kind you like either!)!

pussy, BB King could play 17s


my luthier told me to do it to avoid breakin strings

attack the string at a diagonal angle.
don't pick like this:

__ -> your pick
--------------------- -> strings

pick like this:

\ -> your pick
--------------------- -> strings

He must hate you then?

real men play 18s

electricucks need not apply

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and he could do 2 wholestep bends at the first fret with just his index finger.

no stop posting acoustic guitars they're too legitimately musical and good sounding

post more mahogany planks making fart noises instead

peaveys are great
probably way too loud for you

lol ace frehley used it often also

redpill me on The Moody Blues

nobody honestly buys pedals in 2019, right?

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You don't like Behold Electric Guitar?

I haven't heard much from it, to be honest, but what I have heard I didn't especially enjoy.

I'd unfortunately have to buy two of these for redundancy in case of failure.

being loud isn'tan issue. i have another 50w amp that i use it with an attenuator to record when not playing live. I've been trying to decide between the peavey and the orange or-15.

When your effects fail, just play without them. And then sue the guy who poured beer on your shit.

/gg/ can't even afford a bottom of the barrel boomer guitar like a gibson. what makes you think they can afford lawyers?

You’re over 30 and still play metal?

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what if there's a catastrophic wheelbarrow accident?

Yngwie plays 8's and has incredible tone

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you're over 30 and you play electric guitar?

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rate my music folder

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Friendly reminder that the ultimate manchild thing is to not do things you like just because you desperately want to be seen as an adult

god damn is this 2004!? people still have music folders? I remember doing this, even burning CD's/DVD's of my shit. Nowadays i just share my spotify playlists.

I think the Peavey is meant to be some kind of Fender clone, just go on youtube and have a listen. Peavey seems to be cheap and good enough, from my experience.

I like the Orange sound, but if you don't mind spending some more and waiting for longer, order a Hovercraft amp. You can order the 20W Dwarvenaut model, or some higher wattage one, if you need it, and it's custom designed to your personal preferences.

>he fell for the streaming jew
>all his music is owned by other people
>he thinks that's "right" and "the law"

also, forgot to rate. 4/10

>Nowadays i just share my shitty spotify playlists.
there. fixed

I'll keep that in mind. I haven't been playing much high gain stuff these days and those amps seem to fit the bill tone wise.

>god damn is this 2004!? people still have music folders? I remember doing this, even burning CD's/DVD's of my shit. Nowadays i just share my spotify playlists.

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i also sell my music and allow people to stream it. It's a passive way of making funds. i used to avoid streaming platforms but it's just more convenient spending $3/mo on a family plan with my friends.


Daily reminder that CAGED system sucks and you hurting your playing if you use it

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Why does his headstock look like a dildo

ESP was trying to steal the tranny/fag audience from gibson back then

they failed which is why they're pointy again now

I feel like he's become sloppy lately. It's like he's not hungry anymore. He had such tasteful nuance and precision in his playing back in the day. Great dynamics and all that.


It's a GFS locking all-brass bridge

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Lube your nut and saddles with graphite regularly guys!

Of course he's not hungry anymore. He's a fat fuck.

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those bridge screws lol

at least clean the damn thing when you change the strings. you can see all the sweat and dirt on the bridge pu ring.

>inlays worse than jroaches cheap lp knockoff
lmao why do you both always need attention this bad

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changing strings right now, thanks for the reminder

the difference is jroach ascended and bought a used MIA strat ($800 or so), the bare minimum for having a good guitar

shame his skills didn't ascend while sammy gets better every day


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>why do you both always need attention this bad
the only way for them to get attention is to make fools of themselves for our entertainment. just sit back and enjoy the show i say
sam is the better player of the two i agree
hmmmm eyes need more slanty but highly accurate otherwise

The strat

my condor is good enough

>he couldnt afford nyxls

>afford nyxls
a horrifying glimpse into the poorfags mind everyone

Fender has made 24 fret guitars under their own brand and also owns jackson and charvel

Who you really want to smack is the fags in charge of gibson

>its a gfs

Sad isnt it? He will never escape the favela or poverty.

lol look sammy, a special someone wants your attention real bad

>you can see all the sweat and dirt on the bridge pu ring.
who cares
i clean when the fretboard gets gunky. then i put it on the clothes sink and wash the fretboard, scrub the gunk off and then moist it with Dunlop Lemon Oil

lol try harder

Are Charvel Custom Shops worth the money?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-08 Charvel Custom Shop San Dimas HSH FR Electric Guitar - Maple, Surf Green - Ele (325x763, 275K)

fuck off phonefag cancer

>we custom-drag your guitar in the dirt!

Just like a Condor!!

I'm not on my phone


Can't download the picture

I tried a hsh charvel yesterday and the buckers really overpower the middle single

lol, reliced gutiars

>i want to look like i play tons of gigs
>all the hardware still shiny, no corrosion or tarnishing (sinful with a floyd rose - the mild steel parts will rust in a year if you actually gig)
>pickup covers still white
>headstock not covered in countless scratches
>wear patterns not realistic at all

Here's a real relic, for reference

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I can't barre

what difference does it make? you can't afford it anyway. its like asking how much is an apartment in trump tower. lol dumbass you aint't gettin an apartment in the bronx never mind trump tower *pishh* keep dreamin bitch

>comparable to a new york penthouse

a look into the mind of a poorfag

Why the attitude?

>who cares
clearly not you. i guess the look reminds you of your room. i guess your room and your guitar have a lot more in common apart from any girl not wanting to be close to any of them.

No different than buying distressed shirts/jeans, really. It's just an aesthetic

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>sammy gets better every day
i wish this was more true

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homochan did i lie?

It's a really gay aesthetic.

WTF are you doing with those strings?

girls like my condor, thanks. they think the speedknobs look cool

waste of money for jroach and sam, their guitars will be covered in filth in a few days no need to add more grime to the mix

That's subjective. I wonder why they are selling so well, particularly the Strats

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the only pussy near that guitar is your cat, don't lie.

not having tophats. never gonna make it

Because vain zoomers want to look like guitarists without actually being guitarists.

We live in an age where even grown men act like self-obsessed teenage girls and put more into image management and looking like who they want to be than they do into self improvement and being who they want to be

>i watch this show because it's a TV show for XYZ kind of person
>and listen to this music because "
>and pay this guitar because "
>so am i that kind of person yet? do you like me? am i poplar?

>cripplechan enters the chat
looks like the fa/gg/ot /gg/ang is all here!

>an animal has more interest on guitars than /gg/
take note /gg/

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>the chad DEAN rises above the crowd

incels are the peak of effeminate men

>i just want to do nothing and get sex is that so wrong

you're gonna poke his eye retard
>gibson posting takes another life
you poor soul

that cat like danger. i've stabbed myself so many time restringing my guitar.

off topic, is that a retard harness for the cat?

Why are you so greasy?

yes its a leash, i am trying to teach her to walk on it so i can walk her on the street like a dog

i literally just came off a shower fuck off

Why yes, I play a Gibson Les Paul Standard in cherry burst. How did you know?

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Raise the single coil closer to the strings and/or lower the buckers further from the strings.

>like a dog
get a dog

For me it's the jazzmaster. It's good for beginners.

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user we must pray for the victims of the insidious gibson troll for their minds have been taken by said reprobate entity and deformed to his malevolent will

vain boomers want to shitpost and become animu


Hows pops?

>jroach and his daddy issues

now lets fix the bass' wiring

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>harness on a cat

hows the roaches?


Got to make sure dinner doesn't escape.

>that mismatched neck
What a shitty parts bass

Did your dad really die?

whats mismatched retard

>look, his neck isnt 3 piece like mine, i gotta mock him somehow!

>D'Addario EXL
>mismatched top
>mismatched neck
>fake tune-o-matic
>7 piece mahogany body

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Why didn't you do the wraparound with the two middle strings?

these are the strings i hadnt swapped yet

Look at the grime mark. It used to be seated in deeper into another bass.

Who else loves their Orange amp??

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I like my Peavey 5150

I like my not-Peavey 5150

me. I just started playing but my flying V sounds fantastic through it

how's the jazzmaster?

who the hell cares, i bought this bass used for cheap and it plays and sounds great, i dont care what they did with the neck.

maybe you should sell your 3 piece neck strat so you wouldnt want so hard to spend time looking at my *dick*cough* guitars

how's the Rick?

that is a DRY fretboard dawg

Rad, but it’s no Flying V

bass guitars are for faggots

Nice handmade brazilian bass lmfao
And sorry besides the skunk stripe my strat has a one piece maple neck.
>that last nonsensical sentence
Kek got em.

i'm sure you'll grow to love it my dude

What Rick? I play a Jazzmaster because /gg/ said the Flying V was bad for beginners, and the. After I bought it the said the Flying V was good for beginners!!! It makes me so mad.

Looks like disgusting indian laurel to me. They feel like balsawood and come with kaka already in the pores.

for your information the neck has dark spots all over it, not only where it touches the body.

>flatsawn neck on a mexiplank
>and he's bragging about it

it's probably a light colored piec of rosewood. th j. mascis jazzmasters have rosewood fretboards on them

nice couch senpai

Sammy how jelly does this make you? Maybe ggogh isn't a meme.

>fyi it has kaka all over it
Weird flex but ok.
Look at indian laurel fretboards.

a lot of people own marshalls and gibsons

he doesnt give a fuck anymore he is the Marlon Brando of shredding.

Billy Gibbons plays 8s and 7s and you can hear it.

the video you linked is his good or his sloppy playing

holdsworth played 8s at one point i think even 7s

I have some pots with B 500k written on them, and some with A 500k

which one is logaritmic?

Not the macaco and the amp sounds good but not the marshall tone i would want. Its missing some growl. Heres an in between one with more gain

Cheeky. It's his good playing. Have some more:


who cares

no thanks i'm listening to mariachi, wont pause it for malmsteen


Well listen to it later, then. Nice digits.

sounds like total shit. lmao this jroach isn't it

You too


yea that unironically sounds like a jcope demo

Condor: At Least We Aren't Dean!

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Heres that marshall growl.


lmao what a fucking retard

I can just put on a Skid Row album desu.

I've had two classic 50s and they sound great, but they have some issues. They are a fixed bias amp, and they tend to blow tubes fairly often for some reason. However, every tube replacement I've done on one, it never seems to sit in the sweet spot for the amp and it seems it would be better to put a bias pot in it and set them all to about 30ma per tube. Also they are notorious for overheating. They are cooled by a 4 inch fan mounted to the inside of the chassis which does almost nothing. There is no ventilation. Another issue with them is that the reverb tank seems to go out. I've had two, and both tanks stopped working. If I was going to get a nice tube amp that does everything, get a 50w EVH 5150III. Most of the demos you'll see is all metal but honestly, it does everything very well and they comes stock with JJs. It's a great gigging amp.

Not a bad idea.

Sounds just like /gg/ lmao

Isnt 30 cold?

It's a slightly shittier built (inside) Fender Hot Rod.

i can just listen to kiss records.

Not on an amp like that, at least in my opinion. It would be cold for something like a Marshall or a Fender, but on amp where most tone comes from the preamp section you are better off biasing it on the colder side, at the very least just to extend tube life. For instance, the 5150s, be it EVH or Peavey come biased around 35ma per tube from the factory.

Reminder that all tube amps are Fender copies

what fender does a mesa copy

thanks for the info man! i honestly was very close to pulling the trigger on one. I'll have a look at the 5150 and fender hot rod.

fwiw my dsl 50 is biased at 36mv. marshall recommends 45mv.



Yeah marshall cold biased some amps too to prolong tube life. 45 is hot. 40 is a good spot imo. But yeah i assume not all amps are the same. Does the peavey fry the tubes plates?

Go up to 40 homie. Marshalls arent meant to be neutered.

Is there a Saitama training parody image for guitar?

Go outside for at least 5 mins bro.

I have a classic 50 right now that sounds great, but it has all of the issues I listed above. If you do look at the 5150III, they make two version of it now. The EL34 version and the 6L6 version. Personally I recommend the 6L6. The newer ones have dual centric knobs for volume and gain(channels 1 and 2 share EQ) which is a huge improvement. Glad I could help !

the thing about the old dsl 50 and dsl 100 is that the tubes are directly mounted to the pcb. the heat would make it semi conductive and fry the board.

the old board i had had that happen to it and it would continuously blow the ht fuse. at the time i had the tubes biased at 40mv. the new board that's installed fixes the issue those old boards had but i'm just extra cautious with it. so that's why i have it at 36mv.

how did you get good

Peavey is the most shit and awesome company at the same time.

What other brands are both?


Oh i see. When things like that happen its easier to see boomers point of view on electronics construction



Lets hear it

gimme 20 minutes

Why should I learn to Sweep pick?

all you do is shift the 1 pattern you know across the fretboard

wow so its just like any other technique

So you can discover for decades what a shit guitar player you actually are.

Good technique for chord changes or key changes. Watch chet atkins

Im wiring my guitar and the hot plumbum smoke is going directly to my eyes

Where can I learn this

If youre a basic bitch sure.
No one cares. Stop being so thirsty

I can sweep chords, that's easy, i'm talking fast
arpeggios n shit.
I can do that "7/9 chord with a hammeron on the e string (12 to 13 hammer)" thing

Fuck you I am asking about health

Im working on sweep taps and wide and fast legato

>own a Gibson™ Les Paul
>own a Fender™ Stratocaster
>now own an ESP™ Mirage Deluxe

where do i go from here /gg/?

surely my skills will improve with another guitar. i was thinking of an acoustic, either steel or nylon but i'm not 100% sure. maybe take a different route for a change and get a bass instead

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Dean ml with floyd and telecaster


Drop the kids guitars and get a Dean

Why not?

You improve by learning what you are playing

Has Sam kys himself yet?

that pic its a repost, please stop posting reposts fag. Oh wait is you r.

yes, its a repost, because that's my guitar.

i don't see the point in constantly taking pictures of the same thing. one pic is good enough, one pic is all you get for free

>because that's my guitar.
i doubt it you are r a fag which picks random pics off insta and repost them here ad nauseum.


ok, try reverse searching it then faggot. its the only pic i have because i spend more time playing it than taking pics of it

And you spend more time shitposting than playing

I only improved when I bought a Dean. Shredding, getting gigs, or getting pussy have all been a walk in the park since.

i thought it was tom morello

Tom morello wishes

>his posessions get pussy for him

i don't like dean though

who says i'm shitposting? came here with a legitimate question and then i get called out for reposting a pic of my guitar. this may be Yea Forums, but that doesn't mean everything is a shitpost. maybe go outside and have sex or something :^)

>having sex in public

shoulda got the V

every time I forget which one is Log I just google it
I suggest you do the same

>i don't like dean though

based fro/gg/man. somehow you always manage to ruffle all the right feathers in /gg/

is it ok to use computer wires to wire the guitar
or do they have an impedance that muffles the sound or something

played a few some years ago, so maybe its time i retry them, they felt awkwardly heavy, and yet the sound was thin and tinny. neck was real thick like a baseball bat.

this is literally the only place where i can talk about guitar shit with anybody and actually find cool new shit in terms of play styles. call me selfish but i want this general to actually be good

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Yeah dude, 99% of people who play guitar out there are shit

>i want this general to actually be good

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phoneposting cancer strikes again

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I echo this sentiment because every other alternative is either too slow to reply or just filled with boomers. but let's be real, this place will always be shit. I do have hopes one day it'll be a little less shit

>I do have hopes

and the there's the other 1% like sammy and jroach who somehow manage to be even worse

looks like a guitar doesnt it?

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use shielded wire, or better yet, shield your electronics cavity with copper/aluminium tape AND use shielded wire

Why does this guy seem so soulless in interviews? Are his amps actually good? Also, it sounds like he needs an oxygen tank when he talks

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wdym shielded wire

user, you've always wanted me to come over to hear you play guitar and look at the collection. But these aren't guitars user, is this what you've been playing with all this time? You have so many, you must really like them

This may be too much for you. Honestly you come off as a retard.

lmgtfy.com/?q=shielded wire

>leopard print bed sheet
Your shit taste runs far beyond your shit taste in guitars.

Where can I find the chords for Bruise Cruise by Puma Blue?

I guarantee you his brain dead whore of a mom bought him that

>mismatched veneer
>fucked up bridge
>crooked inlays
Now thats what I call kaka construction

Do you get price reductions for catfood at the petshop you work at?

lol they sure are mad

He's a scat fetishist and I guarantee you he regularly hires hookers.

He steals it for sustenance

Use this opportunity to learn chord shapes. You'll be able to identify the chord shape by its sound.

>always with headphones

You know, I think thats a fair assessment

not him but I always play with headphones :(

The sign of the low test shitty indie player


very bad entry lever guitar

Yes lever guitar

has anyone used a laney irt-studio without a cab? i'm thinking about picking one up and running it with impulse response.

don't ok