Admit it Yea Forums, you only hate her because she’s ridiculously successful.
Admit it Yea Forums, you only hate her because she’s ridiculously successful
I hate her because she sucks
>shit music
>only big through connections, industry plant
>idiots buy her shit cause the advertisement machine tells them to
i want her to pee on my chest as i jack off
the bitch can eat shit and die she sucks
never heard a single song of her nor do I know what her voice sounds like
but then again I've been avoiding this board for 3 years now since I finally reached 20 years of age and outgrew being an embarrassing Yea Forumstard
so it's only natural I won't hear about what shit is now mainstream for a long time before their name finally reach my ears
I hate her because she has a beautiful set of tits but insists on dressing in loose baggy clothing that totally hides it.
It's sinful.
Ugh you
Ill admit it, she should shit in a fucking can, let it ferment with some piss, press it into a CD and it would go platinum in about a week.
i hate you and you're a nobody
I like her early songs like Ocean Eyes, this new stuff is not my style but more power to her I guess. Im not overly concerned about some edgy zoomer making her edgy pop music and getting rich off it.
I hate her because I'll never get to have her as my gf
She's ridiculously successful for doing shit.
I see shit about her all the time but I can't even name a single song of hers
don't worry about it, her brother does all the work, nobody knows what he looks like.
I have no idea what genre of music she even makes. I only know her from Yea Forums and Adobe advertisements.
I hate this culture where you're labeled an elitist just for not paying attention to these people who are more about image and media presence than the actual music
Money man doesn't hate anyone.
Personally, not my cup of tea though.
I definitely see the appeal though.
based money man
>ridiculously successful
ridiculously vertised everywhere.
I just turned 20 and I now frequent this board more than I ever have before. I don’t understand what your age has to do with browsing Yea Forums
I like Ocean Eyes and Bellyache desu
Waiting for the nudes to drop also
I hate her for the same reason as clairo. It’s really mostly by association to you spamming losers
> literal child
> has implant milkers
> not original
> can't sing
> has superliminal messages in her songs telling young girls to an hero themselves, which will eventually lead to a future society plagued by desperate, lonely men as there will be few women left
> will literally be the single cause of thousands of incel-fueled mass killings in 20 years, the likes of which will make mao zedong's genocides look like a drop in the bucket
> gray hair
> butterface
> perpetually drunk or stupid
> just plain stupid to be honest
> so degenerate she makes the mlp cum jar guy look wholesome
> desperate attention whore
> literal pedobait
> literal ogre turned into a child sex symbol
> everything wrong with the modern world
> career will crash and burn worse than that kid from home alone
> probably knew epstein
> to be honest, probably was the young girl visiting epstein in prison
> probably killed epstein
> awful role model
> deepthroats guitars
> coal burner
> will literally cause the end of the world
> was the literal pale-horse-and-death-rider mentioned in that johnny money song
> comes from a rich family
> white pirvelege
> 99% of her fans are pervy incel /moo/tards
> has a song called "wish you were gay"
> spreads the gay agenda
> then turns around and burns 12-foot coal sausages in her loose-as-the-stools-of-her-anorexic-fans-on-water-and-laxative-only-diets coal furnace and stinks up all of california with the smell of low tide and coal smoke
> the smell spreads to san francisco and somehow makes that smellhole hell worse
> somehow completely covers the smell of the thick clouds of pot smoke, constant wildfires, rotting overdose victims littering the street, sea of hobo sewage up to the rooftops, and all the flaming brimstone
> smell spreads across the world, is literally choking the world to death
> smelling her coalfires and low-tide stank from anywhere on earth is so bad it's worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes in beijing
> the pollution problem makes global warming look like a joke
> she is single-handedly cutting global life expectancy by decades
> problem is so bad, it's the main motivating reason for elon trying to go back to his homeworld
> elon should stay and save humanity, bully ellish is trying to force him to leave
> literally the worst thing to ever happen to humanity
> ugly
> makes all the preachers claiming everything is the work of the devil look reasonable
> is literally the work of the devil
> freakish ogre
> less sexable than fiona
> pedotrap doessn't help
> probably a trap
> probably incesting with her brother worse than angus and julia stone
> probably a wiccan
> milkers will eventually sag enough she can tie them into a bow by the time she's 19
> has already aged worse than milk
> fat
> freaky
> makes me, an atheist, believe in a literal hell
> one that we've already been damned to, as we're already living in it
> and we haven't even seen anything close to the worst yet
> Beelzebub is here, alive on earth, and her name is billy
> awful
> the worst thing to ever happen to humanity
> far worse than trump
> far worse than hillary
> far worse than hitler
> far worse than stalin
> far worse than mao
> far worse than all of them combined, and then some
> far worse than anything anyone can begin to comprehend
> greatest evil that could ever mathematically exist
> must be stopped at all costs
> we all must unite against this common evil before we all are forced into eternal suffering
> this message is more important than any other message in history
> this entire post is the biggest understatement that could ever be mathematically capable of existing
> also an industry plant
you mean pedos
She plays ninja.
what the fuck is this shit
we hate her because she is shillfucked up to hear shitty eyeballs
>but duuude i would totts hit that ass, her eyeballs are soooo
go fucking neck yourself shillers
Simulated lovemaking.
Nigger mating ritual
good description of san francisco
Denzel isn't a "n****r", he's highly intelligent and rejects degeneracy unlike his contemporaries.
she ugly
shit music, ugly, industry plant, stupid
Never listened to her music. Looks like she's permanently high. She probably likes negroes.