Right ear is clogged with earwax

>right ear is clogged with earwax

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invest in some q tips and then listen to some Q-Tip

>bro, just push the earwax deeper in your ear
>everyone does it bro, it's good for you bro

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t. doesn't know how to use a q tip

this nigga tarded

>Grab tissue
>Clean ear
Not that I would expect people to do this on a congolese river dancing forum

This doesn't do anything retard. That's like saying
>stain on carpet
>get water
>clean carpet

debrox is your friend

>too stupid to operate a tissue
oh no

>t. brainlet who probably has impacted earwax on his eardrums for years but thinks that cleaning his outer ear with tissues helps

how hard is it to put the tissue over your finger and clean out your ear canal retard

Jesus you're retarded

>Jesus you're retarded
thats rich coming from the mong who's too much of a retard to clean his ears

Ah yes, I'm sure your finger reaches into the depths of your ear canal.

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Use a curved hair clip then. Pulls it out rather than pushing it in

don't you run the risk of like, piercing your ear drum doing that?

I'm not even OP, you're just beyond braindead if you think you clean out earwax deep in your ear with a tissue

sounds like you need a cute asian girl to perform mimikaki on you

only an autistic faggot with ocd would obsess over getting ALL THE WAX

nice backpedal retard, go to a professional and clean out your disgusting wax you slob

isnt there some way to do a safe deep ear cleaning? I imagine that would feel really nice, I always feel at least a bit of wax too deep in my ear to get.

nah, go to a professional and get the mental help you need

Olive oil. Peroxide off your GP if it doesn't work.


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Get an ear spoon

you can go to an ent specialist and get the earwax aspirated

i just want a home remedy though

Hydrogen peroxide then clean with warm water. Over the counter stuff is usually good enough to get rid of deep blockage, but doctors have a more concentrated version of debrox to really make everything turn to liquid. Obviously don't just get normal concentrated hydrogen peroxide from a chemist and stick it in your ear.

>tfw tmj, earwax and regular ear canal infections from water caught in my ears
might as well go deaf and larp as beethoven

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>he doesn't scrape out the ear wax with a thin scissor every day
never going to make it

do people stick their dicks in your ear or something?

Get an irrigation syringe for about $10.

Worked for me first time after my left ear was blocked for a month.

go to urgent care or a doctor and get them to flush your ears out. shit feels amazing

>dude just use your health insurance you have from selling your soul to capitalism for non life threatening situations

you new to this whole life thing? abusing the ER is a fact of life if you actually want to see a doctor in the US


olive oil in ear for a few minutes. It dissolves ear wax.

Buy one of those $1 things that suck snot out of babies. Fill that with warm water, tilt your head sideways, and squeeze it really hard in your ear over and over until the earwax comes out.
This is what I do, it works gr8

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you can get a liquid to drop in your ear that dissolves the wax

how the fuck does Yea Forums not know basic hygiene, you're the first person itt who can actually clean their own ears, wtf moo

>all these fucking retards in this thread advocating for anything less than the ear candle

There’s simply no better way to refresh your ears (and hearing).

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Get some saline fren

Related question: Does esrwax form more often when you're scared or anxious?


don't squirt a high pressure stream of water directly onto your fucking ear drum, buy a proper ear syringing kit that has the right nozzle

Bullshit, I've used both the rubber ampules and a proper earwash system. The ampules don't have nearly as much pressure.

anxiety can produce every symptom basically

>tfw have regular wax blockage in ears as child
>get ears cleaned out with water pick once or twice a year
I have mild tinnitus and I have a feeling that semi regularly getting my ears blasted with that thing might have been one of the main causes, I still get wax buildup in my ears today too.
Feels bad

>tfw used a q-tip once and got both ears impacted with wax
>tried debrox, peroxide, blasting water with a bulb syringe
>nothing worked
>deaf for over a week with no music
Never use Q-tips, kids.

just fucking go to a clinic nigger what the fuck

MEGA BASED. If you care for your ears just wash them with cotton + water but never use fucking q-tips.

Also OP, don't put fucking liquids in your ears to dissolve the wax, just see an ear specialist, he will remove it in 2 seconds.

omfg same

i know that feel, op. someone sent me a crazy loud ear rape song recently and it made me develop what appears to be hyperacusis. i've only recently been able to listen to music again.

I aint paying for shit, I'll wait it out

Not him, but don't do that.

Waiting it out only works if the wax has been undisturbed, your ear will naturally clean it out and chunks will fall out from your ear as it dries. Except you've already used a qtip and burrowed it deep into your ear, meaning that your body won't naturally get rid of it easily. Go to a doctor, even if you're uninsured it's $100 well spent.