Remember when he got accused of rape his response was to "get off your phones"

Remember when he got accused of rape his response was to "get off your phones"

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He probably did it too. Ugly fuck.

Famed indie folk singer Globelamp is currently going in on /ourguy/

What do we do, TOOLbros?

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i dislike tool and mjk so i'm loving this

You are a homosexual in your 20s


No you.

Unironically based

Reacting so ferally as many people do with regards to things they only have streamed to them on a screen is not healthy or normal.



So gargle cum.

i remember that. it was so fucking bad that it was funny

what he should've done is either given a serious response or gone full-out shitpost. what he ended up doing just made him look like an out-of-touch boomer and a jackass.


There's about 20 or more stories from the 90s to 00s on the old Tool shed message board, all extremely creepy and rapey. Everyone who knows the band knows about it. Whether it makes him guilty of an actual rape or not, who knows; many times the girl left creeped out because she was underage and came upon him naked. He is a pedo, though. And reddit has on Tool's main page that there are malicious rumors on Yea Forums that he's a kidnapper and worse (they won't say - ahem, child rapist) but that Tooltards need to remove these threads. There has been an explosion of Maynay is a rapist on mu and x had a massive thread a day or two ago with all the freemason magick stuff and rape. So whoever is tweeting lurks here

"Get off your phones" is the only response. Redpilled as fuck. He knew what fake news was before Zionald the race traitor.

>Maynard is a pedo
>Reddit is behind this

I'm gonna say it. Maynard is not a pedo. This is conspiracy shit made up by retards.

Didn't the accusation come from an anonymous Twitter account with no personal information attached to it?

That carries as much weight as me saying OP raped my bumhole.

Everyone is now obligated to believe that OP raped my bumhole.

He handled it perfectly. It's such obvious bs that he doesn't even want to pay it any attention.

So when are the trials starting? Surely he must've been sued and taken to court by now like 5 times at least right?

nah, what i would've said is probably something like
>i didn't rape you, you stupid fucking bitch
that would've probably started trending and became a meme like the shitty ben shapiro epic tweet

we need OP to clarify this with a compassionate statement!

ITT: an army of shills defending a rapist pedophile

Let's all think. Who would have it out for Tool? Think for a minute

9/4/2019 interview he talks about new songs being banishing rituals. Crowley magick. Crowley has rituals that involve sodomy with young boys.

“A lot of time when a child is sexually abused they put it out of their mind,” Jones added in the same interview. “Then they grow up and they don’t understand this unrest that they have in them. They turn to different ways to try to channel it. They become alcoholics or become codependent or whatever. So what our video deals with is someone who has that happen to them. To channel it, they sexually molest another child. … In the song, it talks about ‘I become full circle.’ And that’s what that means. This happened, I grew up and now I’m doing it to someone else. That’s why it’s written from the antagonist’s point of view is like, ‘This is what happened to me.'”

Maynard was raped by his stepfather, he has always hated him and was very vocal in old interviews. Live versions of Prison Sex will often change lyrics to
'I have become my terror and you are my lamb'
The song is about how he was raped and now he has to rape to feel whole.

Prison Sex is about child molestation and cycles of abuse.

He hadn't picked up the name Maynard yet, that came later. He was James. Probably was referred to as 'Jimmy' around this time. He was 11. His mom had an aneurysm that left her broken down and paralyzed.

Jimmy's stepfather was caring for him at this time, he inspires the content for this song for about two years until Judith finally sends him to his fathers in Michigan.

Before playing 'Jimmy' live once, Maynard addressed the crowd, announcing it as the sequel to Prison sex. Jimmy being a very personal story, the announcement of it as a 'Sequel" to Prison Sex is kind of shocking. That gives it a light of being a personal story, just by that strong association. H is a sister piece to Prison sex, its about him struggling with the abuse he grew up with, in the face of having a child of his own.

There are a lot of Tool songs that allude to rape and Maynard having been the victim of sexual abuse growing up (prison sex, jimmy, H, opiate, etc.). I remember watching one interview of him addressing some of the more violent song by saying “sometimes you have to write about the bad things so that you don’t actually do them”

As a long time fan, I’m so disappointed but on the same token not surprised. Im happy I know about it though, nobody should be able to get away with this.

Get off your phone

Go back to /x/ you schizo.

Is this a thing where you strart ralking about jewsss

Real answer? The boy he raped who is an adult now and the family and band member friends who were told something like this would never happen again and so agreed to be silent, but when the band got the new album ready Maynard and others in Tool started up the rituals again to ensure its success and once again crossed the line

What makes you think that Tool does rituals?

Remember when she literally brutally and bloodily raped a vulnerable little trans girl who was only just budding to be an egg of a vulnerable, brave, brilliant, beautiful and affirmed trans body during her college days through satanic sex trafficking? Her response was nothing.

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Maynard said it in a fucking interview this month, it's on YouTube. They have been talking about it for YEARS

How bout you give me a direct quote. Because it seems like you're connecting some dots that I'm not.

actually mitski gave a very thoughtful response and that was one accuser, maynard and tool have like 50. quit poisoning the well, you are making maynard look worse. it's not schizo to talk about this, these are serious claims that have been around for decades

the tool subreddit defended the rapes
i dont have the screencap but there was a post that went something like "he was very gentle and he gave them special backstage passes so the rapes are OK"

Why do you care so much? Did he rape you?

Woah kike you really got scared quick there despite no one mentioning the tribe just a general "who would have a vendetta against him" question. Now you make me think...

>Dude stop looking for the truth. There's nothing there I s-swear!

Without evidence I'm not sure what I'm expected to do with this. We objectively know false rape accusations exist, and if it's some anonymous person I can't even judge based on their character. I wouldn't be surprised if it was true, I think most bands popular in the 90s treated groupies essentially like real dolls to be used and thrown away, but I'm not really interested in living in a world where evidence isn't necessary.

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then perish.

Lay off the MDMA.

To be fair it was fake froma mike away, it was a newly created twitter writing a rape survival story like somebody would write a fanfic and shoved in a bunch of MeToo type hashtags all over. It was too on the nose


damage control

>I think most bands popular in the 90s treated groupies essentially like real dolls
This is true, and it seems to go all the back to David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, and even The Beatles. These people are basically traveling sex hypnotists, in a way. It's even some of the same people who sold us the idea of "free love," an enabling development for the "groupie" phenomenon, to begin with.

What do you mean 'even the Beatles'? John Lennon called his orgies with teens like something out of Caligula

By the time of Bowie the groupie thing was almost meta

All those artists were into Crowley magick. Maynard was and still is, he even has a massive collection of Crowley's possessions like faggy magick staffs. Tool are all masonic fags

Magic isn't real so it's just another cringy ritual, who cares?

"trans" "people" deserve pain though

danny carey is the crowley fan of tool. his book collection is fucking insane apparently. he's got some long lost diary crowley wrote in that was found at his estate back in 1922. it's worth a few milli and has crowleys thoughts/real rituals and magicks that truly work that he wouldnt dare expose or publish.

I care because if the Crowley ritual says anally rape a boy aged 8 and Maynard does that because it's part of the ritual then it's fucked up, whether magick is real or not. And Tool believes it is real and Maynard is still talking about it in new interviews


why isn’t the rape mentioned on his wikipedia entry?

Lol sjw's are mentally ill. Imagine thinking anyone should give a heartfelt apology for something that was completely untrue.

>Tells everyone to go home and have sex.
>Has like 20 groupies backstage.
I thought they were supposed to be good at math.

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That literal WHO also tried to cancel Normie Martinez and failed. She's just another Twitter jackass

Why should I care if a woman got raped

maynard raped me guise

Literally who

We don't have to do shit, this globe guy is being retarded and pissed at someone for not apologizing for something I didn't do. Maynard doesn't even have to dignify this shit with a response. I'm sure most people will roll their eyes at this globeguy

Hey guys, astral projector here.

I can assure you Maynard has lived a hard life and that he has been challenged many times with addiction and abuse.

He has projected the negative in these challenges to his inner circles and through his music, to his fans.

Tool is a coping mechanism for him. It is a handshake into actualizing the life he wants to live. It is complex and he really gets off on that because of how cathartic it can be to process his old self through art, and immediately reflect.

He has done questionable things. No doubt. Every one here has as well

About rape, no. He did not perform level 9 Crowley faggotry.

But everyone knows Maynard did it. In order to cancel someone you have to get the ball rolling on twitter and that's exactly whats happening.


When has Maynard ever said that Tool do any rituals? All he's said is that some Tool songs are "summoning chants". So because they larp as le epic magyk wizards that means that they have to participate in everything that Crowley talks about?

kys, maynard

Sup, maynard

this sounds suspiciously like something maynard would say

How are you still replying to a deleted post? What does it say?

t. maynard

>he's still going to to use 4channel
holy shit retard fucking kys