Which one?
Which one?
no contest
Ultraviolence is written like trash and Lana hadn't matured yet. Every new album of hers is better than the last
Pretty much this. Why the fuck did every single music reviewer on youtube try to BTFO this album?
>Her character is so abused and it’s not empowering nooooo
>She can’t siiiing
>The instrumentals are too heavy!!
By the way may also rank her discography
>Lust For Life
Filler bullshit
>AKA Lizzy Grant
Lofi bullshit
>Born To Die
Fine trip hop and good pop
Lush synth pop
>Norman Fucking Rockwell
Mature piano pop
Pathos psych-rock
I really like Ultraviolence
Ultraviolence is actually a good album, and I don't even like lana
Ultraviolence would be better if her singing and lyrics weren't so distractingly bad
>he actually likes Lust For Life
lol get a load of this faggot
I don't much care for zoomer music but Ultraviolence is one of the only great popular albums I've heard from the 10's. I have never bothered to check out her later albums because I know she can't top it. Ultraviolence has an average of 3.27 on rym and it's great. Rockwell has the same average as your generic new hip-hop release so it must be garbage.
ultraviolence > born to die > NFR > honeymoon > lust for life
Ultraviolence Will be my favorite forever
Actually is really good, not as good as Ultraviolence but still amazing
I choose Ultraviolence
...by Death Angel
NFR is a good album but it DEFINITELY is not lana’s best.... ultraviolence, born to die, paradise EP and lana del ray aka lizzy grant (even may jailer sirens) are better than NFR
Most of the songs on NFR are really fucking mediocre but there's still a few good ones.
daily reminder of how much of a dick-sucking faggot this guy is
Both are shit
Which one is less shit?
The one on the bottom.
Let's see you sing better