For me, it's Drive Like Jehu. The best post-hardcore band...

For me, it's Drive Like Jehu. The best post-hardcore band. I even call my local FM station and ask for extra DLJ and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I called and asked for DLJ and they played me three of their songs in a row. I said, "Wow, three for DLJ!" and the nice friendly radio DJ laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-DLJ!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-DLJ!" and ALWAYS give me three DLJ songs of my choosing. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local FM station, I call up there at least 3 times a week during midday, 1-2 times in the morning, and maybe once at night when I'm tired but want a great song that has just the right combination of heaviness, melody, and angsty disillusionment to help me fall asleep.

I even listen to DLJ with all my friends, they’re fantastic! What a great band.

Attached: the greatest album of all time.jpg (300x300, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not this shit again

You don't like DLJ?

>you don’t like this shit again?

DLJ isn't shit though, they're an absolutely legendary band

Good influential band, you need an ear for noisy stuff to like them though. Luau is a fucking banger. Their s/t is underrated too.

I’m referring to your daily shitpost user
Use your head for something other than holding your earphones

>Use your head for something other than holding your earphones
This is Yea Forums - Music, we don't do that here

>I don’t do that here

But the s/t is better

I will never understand this sentiment. I mean, Caress is really fucking good but none of the other tracks hold that Yank Crime replayability

but step on chameleon is their best song

I swapped out FM for college radio on my Archer's one, why didn't you?
They've never ever played DLJ on FM radio, dunce!

Why do good albums have to become memes. Who did it this time, was it that fuckin melon?

Too much Reis vocal. Reis has a different melody flavoring than Rick and they shouldn't sing on the same song.

>Ohhhhhh, quintessential post-hardcore

>This stuff is HEAVY




Attached: fantanny.jpg (594x412, 62K)

i personally like their interchanging vocals but you're entitled to your own opinions i guess

I don't know why it's a meme, I guess they got lumped in with Loafposting and now it's a thing. I made this thread because I have genuine respect for DLJ, but I guess making a copypasta the OP post is just gonna result in a pretty dogshit thread.

no, its because you put FM instead of college radio, thats why.

i had a new thing going with my archers pasta using the same template of an alice n chains pasta.

makes sense, I got the aic version from like a nirvana thread. I don't visit loaf threads that much because there isn't much actual discussion, whereas here at least people are talking about jehu



>At the Drive-In frontman Cedric Bixler-Zavala stated that "there would be no Relationship of Command without Drive Like Jehu."[24] He declared: "I remember doing a lot of English press and people being like, 'We think you guys are exotic, the names of the songs and flannel and look is exotic.' I definitely knew what school we came from, and that people like Hot Snakes and Drive Like Jehu were our strongest influences, but they weren’t exactly huge in Europe."

>Isaac Brock of the indie rock band Modest Mouse said in 2007: "I love [Drive Like] Jehu. Jehu is one of my favorite all-time bands actually."[26]

good band + album

cringe thread
shitty forced meme



shit band
forced meat

for me its Lync

Attached: a1794954597_10.jpg (1200x1200, 90K)


get um


hi there go up for daddy


back again