>*hears Roundabout by Yes*
>omg!!! this song is from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure!! I love this song! Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is such a great anime!!
Do you get mad at these people or are you happy that they are discovering Yes and other prog rock?
*hears Roundabout by Yes*
Every time someone brings up KC they start spewing their unfunny faggot jokes. I want them to burn in hell.
I've never been in that situation before, op. Seems too specific.
i have a friend who watched jojo, he listens to king crimson now
cool guy nevertheless
I hope he doesn't skip Moonchild.
if you're complaining about youtube comments being overrun with jojo, i don't really think there's a problem
it's not like jojo is replacing any quality discussion
Everyone has to get into something from somewhere so I guess Jojo is as good place as any. Araki has pretty good taste desu.
The problem is when they don't actually want to expand their knowledge and see the music as a way to identify with their "fandom".
Just happy they get to enjoy Yes. Maybe they won't ever listen to The Gates Of Delirium, but they're still enjoying passionate music that is both innovative, beautiful, and challenging for the listener.
>The Gates Of Delirium
absolute TRASHHHHH
There's nothing wrong with discovering new music from your favorite animu/tv show. It does annoy me however when someone really digs the song and pretends that Yes is one of their favorite bands, and doesn't bother to listen to the rest of their music.
That's a good album and has Soon on it. It's worth a listen.
Happy for people discovering a song in a positive way but tired of 99% of the comments related with jojo
1. Close to the Edge
2. Yes Album
3. Relayer
4. Fragile
5. Going for the One
>challenging for the listener.
I know literal mental retards that like listening to prog.
youtube comment section
and they're probably more interesting than you
Yes were already garbage by the time they released that album,
Weather it is jazz, classical, or any other kind of music, I love complex challenging music. Mostly because I am a music Major and love new and interesting sounds
This doesn't bother me, it's cool that an unlikely audience is discovering Yes
Agree with this shit though.
Araki created King Crimson's ability "Time Skip" to symbolise how he skipped Moon child
Most jojo fans aren't into prog rock or even kc/yes
A whole generation was steeped in the classics by watching Warner Bros. cartoons
i got into KC pre jojo but i know a lot of people who tried listening to KC after the vento aureo anime released
Never really liked Yes. Even after listening to them again after hearing Jojo part 1's ending I didn't care for them much. I don't know what kind of rock people who discover so much music through Jojo have been living under though. There's some I can maybe understand but most of them are pretty well known bands/artists/songs.