When did DG stop being Yea Forumscore?

When did DG stop being Yea Forumscore?

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something something fantano something something fanbase

When everyone collectively realised that death grips isn't that good.

Death Grips are considered a joke in the patrician scene.

once the novelty wears off it's pretty underwhelming

Plebs got filtered by YOTS and became bitter

It never did.

It never was.

i've literally only ever heard two songs from them. the only Yea Forumscore album i have even listened to is the velvet underground & nico.

>Literally every Yea Forumscore chart since 2012 has had TMS and Exmilitary on it
>They're not Yea Forumscore because I don't like them!!!

It always has been and always will


two faggots with music tastes completely governed by Yea Forums, kys.

Learn to read, I'm saying it never did stop being Yea Forumscore.

I said nothing about my own taste you fucking clown. Learn to read english you saudi nonce.

hey man i think that other guy was saying it never did stop being Yea Forumscore you've got the wrong idea pal

Cutting edge patrician taste Yea Forums extrodianare here, Death Grips are good but I'm not really in the mood for them right now and I've listened to their whole discography more than enough times. They owe a good chunk of their fandom to Yea Forums and the underground scene up until their last couple albums. I'll start listening again once they put out new music.

i said nothing about my own race you fucking clown, learn to form a response of some substance you butthurt racist.

>I've listened to their whole discography more than enough times.
I think this is the problem, some people just listen to DG way too much and get sick of it. It's been like what? 9 years? At some point people are gonna start to move on regardless of the quality of the band.

After Y.O.T.S.

>patrician scene

theyre all leaving
just let them go

calling someone a clown is a 10/10 insult. although idk hat has happned since "clownworld"

atleast irl it is one of the most FIRE insults

>patrician scene

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Yea Forumscore is absolute trash, so there's no reason DG shouldn't be included

don't know, don't care. I still love dg and tame impala too and some random people hating on them won't change my mind

>patrician scene
Holy kek
You certainly aren't part of anything resembling patrician

They slowed down the mystique and hype the last few years so there hasn't been much to shitpost about, I'm pretty sure the majority of people here who liked them still do though. They have an undeniably great discography and I'm still interested in what they might put out next.

> having reading comprehension this low

I went to a show and it was mostly 15 year olds. pretty horny music

when something stops being Yea Forumscore, that's when it begins to have proper merit.

Not a shit band, but very overrated

This, DG works when its fresh and gives you adrenaline, soon as the adrenaline and excitement is gone you realize its very basic noisy beats and one angry black man yelling

They weren't to begin with. faggot pseuds have been wedging this awful music in here for ages

The instrumentals are the best part. Ride ruins them, though.

desu i never really liked them much outside of select tracks

Death Grips are easily the best band of the last decade, in my opinion.They never stopped being Yea Forumscore but most newfags just see them as a novelty act

Yea Forums is about grimes, kpop, and reviewing pop albums.

Is that guy like Post Malone? Doesn't even seem as good.

I think that goes for everyone. LIstening to an entire Death Grips album is incredibly fuckn exhausting

so many posers ITT. death grips have yet to peak.

Except ex military. That's pretty much ready listening compared to the others.

You think? Exmilitary is noisier than something like TMS

I think for me the dynamics in the other albums are a lot harsher and grate on me. I have this when listening to some technical death metal as well, can't stand too much of it. Ex military is pretty comfy and more accessible desu.

yeah i think i agree with these two the memory of listening to their stuff for the first time is enough for me to stay a fan i think

dilate tastelets, even plebtano likes death grips


around 2017 if I remember Exmilitary will always be Yea Forums core though

>patrician scene

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>patrician scene

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i dont even listen to dg but your future is bleak

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>have yet to peak
Really? I don't know about that. The Powers That B (JD and NOTM) is single handedly their best and most consistent stuff they've released so far. Bottomless Pit was really good and Steroids was really really good, but they don't match up in the album's lyricism, instrumentals, and the ambition. YOTS, while I enjoyed it greatly, clearly shows a change in style for DG which not a lot a people take fondly. I do hope I'm wrong and that they continue to release more stuff.

lol he thinks he's part of a scene


They're still Yea Forumscore, there's just not much to talk about with them anymore.

i loved most of their tracks, there were only a select few i didn't care for

that really added a lot to the thread thx for posting

Very based

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When Oloff became a thing

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It’s normal and healthy for artists and bands to fade into the background for periods of time and then return. We live in an age of over-saturation and we sometimes fool ourselves into thinking bands have fallen off when we don’t hear from them on a weekly basis. good artists will be like the seasons, Not like the sky

9 inch dick chad


Oloff is the new death grips