/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General


How do I start learning guitar/bass?
Guitar chords and inversion
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Attached: jazzmasters.jpg (1024x565, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Aww, but you tried to sing E1 for me...

The chad offset:

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Who is the Kirk Hammet of anime girls?

yeah, lows dont hurt like untrained highs do.

Based Jazzmasters

Sammy is a shitrangemaster from the shitrangevela


i'll try if you suck my dick


But your mom already did that.

Samuel is a cantsingmaster from the cantsingvela

always preferred Jags. Is mine

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i prefer my les paul

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That's a condor CLP


Sammy, set up a metronome and lets hear how many notes per second you can play, 16th notes.

Condor "Copied Les Paul"

I want to hear how many whole notes he can play per second.

I like the pickups in this

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just divide the number of sixteenth notes by sixteen, duh

Whats the best mode?

Phrygian or Mixolydian?

Hard mode


the Wizard mode

The one that is appropriate to the chord being played.

My jazzy Jazzmaster

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For me, it's Locrian over a major 7

Would a PA/mic amp like a shure 201a work between a guitar cab and a multi-effects unit?

I don't want to spend $300 on a guitar specific "tone amp" due to all the tone-bullshit that jacks up the price

>class A dude, the natural distortion even sounds tubey!


Dude you need a tone amp otherwise your tone shoes won't work.


get a katana

How long will it take me to learn the guitar?

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lmao why you want a guitar cab instead of a pa speaker

Because I got one for free and I might as well use it

Like three months if you just want to get laid.

8-15 years

Thats too long. i already know A & C

>you will never write an acoustic song in the southwestern desert
Kek. Piece of shit.

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About three years to get better than 90% of the people in this general

Your lifetime plus a little bit longer.

Started about a month ago, maybe 20 minutes 5 times a week practicing. Do I have autism? My chord changes have improved a lot but I still fumble when I go faster, and they still feel slow and inaccurate to play anything at a decent tempo. I guess I just need more time. When does it start to feel more automatic? Also what is a good way to learn note names of frets?

>Also what is a good way to learn note names of frets?
Two easy ways to start:

1. Learn the names of the natural notes up and down each string
2. Learn the note names on the frets with dots

If you do both, you'll only have tiny gaps in your knowledge that you can easily fill.

>muh tone cab



Those aren't all 16th notes. You're just noodling. Play "Moto Perpetuo."

yui, she have the same mental disorder ADD.

but in the case of hammet his ADD was propelled by cocaine abuse.

the one with the barre chord in it

Based Jazzmaster race. Rolling the the tone down to 4-5with the neck pickup is the best combo.

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Should I buy a vintage modified jazzmaster or a j mascis jazzmaster?

Metallica were straight edge fags.

>duh you have to play it like this

watch interviews he was clearly doped as fuck in one.

We agreed on 16th notes before you started, remember?

some were 16, some were slower some were faster. fuck off annoying faggot this is why you're friendless and spend friday night on 4channel

neither, dont fall for the romanĀ“s meme buy something else like a flying v
soibois fear the v

J mascis is the better of the two. That's not to say the vintage modified is bad, but it's better getting a classic vibe than the vintage modified. All the issues with vintage modified are addressed with the classic vibe. Better pickups, better nut, mustang bridge. the only thing to be aware of on the classic vibe jm is that it has narrow tall frets.

No you are the annoying faggot not me I'm not an annoying faggot you are.

how long should you practice by yourself before trying to jam with strangers?

25 years.

Get a flying V

2 years of ear training and practice over backing tracks until you can play basic pentatonic blues

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you shoul be able to play 12 bar blues

tfw my teacher never told me to do ear training

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Save your money and get a custom ESP M-II with a blue flame maple top and hardtail string-through-body (neck) bridge.

Anime girl gutiars have better tone. See: The les paul in cherry sunburst.

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>implying anyone in /gg/ can afford roselia tone

MIJ Fender Mustang '69 reissue (in candy apple red)

jazzmasters are for fags

>Also what is a good way to learn note names of frets?
Learn the 5th and 6th string
Then learn octave shapes
congrats you know the whole fretboard


Just chip away at it every day. I play about an a hour a day. My biggest advice would be to play to a metronome, took me way too long to start doing that. There's a million ways to get better, just focus on what you enjoy doing and the kind of music you want to make

Ahh yes the pentatonic minor scale. Now THAT'S the only scale you'll ever need. CRACK TSST glug glug glug

-Eddie from Des Moines
"Always watch for motorcycles."

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Easy mode is best mode.

FYI, all transistor guitar amps are Class A.

About 15 minutes.
The rest is just practice.

>Metallica were straight edge fags.

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Dave "your guitar is shit so i'm going to pour beer on it" Mustaine, a renowned dean player, is the patron saint of /gg/.

James Hetfield is a weeb
hes said he becoems sad if he doesnt play guitar

Jazzmaster guy (formerly Flying V guy) here

>Some guy asks if he should buy a Jazzmaster
>Multiple people tell him to buy a Flying V
>I asked if I should buy a Flying V
>All of /gg/ said it was a bad guitar for a beginner
>I got a Jazzmaster instead


remember that user who said his azusa mustang was the best guitar he ever played and a cure for GAS?

they are that good.

>poor pitch

Oh no, a musician derives happiness from playing music!

A lot of musicians get really depressed when they're not writing or performing, they feel useless

We trolled you lol

The flying V is the superior instrument by a large margin. Set neck, TOM+stoptail tone, comfy body shape for classical (the only good sitting position), looks cool as hell playing standing up, a classic rock icon, what more can you ask for?

Meanwhile a jazzmaster is a goofy looking 70s trinket with a tone-sucking tremolo and a crappy bolt on neck.

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who the fuck are you quoting

>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on some faggy numale offset

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Jagmaster? I have one. I'm pretty sure it's my favorite guitar.

1:44 - better than /gg/

are u gonna post ass or not

the video, idiot

post ass

the video is demonstrating that he has great pitch
who the fuck is claiming he doesn't

Actually yes this is fucking funny. You came to us asking what to buy, an awesome guitar you dreamed of owning, or some cheap shit, so what else were we supposed to say?

"Yeah bro, get the guitar you'd love"

No, get one of fender's worst selling models, and get in in the unpopular authentic configuration when most people at least get one that's hardtail+HH.

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Are Jazzmasters the new "aesthetic" guitars that literal faggot will play in their fake DIY rich kid bands like Teles? Shame

i am, retard

highlight of the year: /gg/ teaching a retard a lesson in independent thought by talking him into buying a chinese shitplank

what a sad life you have

This is a bad guitar owned by a bad guitarist.

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What's the difference between a jazzmaster and a jaguar?

fucking owned

enjoy your fagmaster, fagmaster


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post yourself singing a c major scale

next time someone asks if he should get a marshall head, let's tell him to get a mooer little tank

it has soooo many tones and it's good for beginners

it doesnt take singing to hear





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you can't do either

just exchange it bro

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how do I achieve the dirtiest lofi black metal sound?

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now this is just funny

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i see you cant

a bunch of his notes are flat

It's too late.

And remember, only a Gibsonā„¢ is good enough.

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be my gf

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i play a copy and i get gigs. you shill for gibson and you get what?

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No thank you Sammy, I'm saving myself for the day I can become 2d and be with my wife (pic related).

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>aftermarket bridge and buzz stop at the same time

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I'm actually "a guitarist" in a famous band, not the most famous, but so famous I can't say who I am or even post a picture of one of my guitars (my entire collection is documented. that was a mistake.) without this thread turning into an unwanted Q&A and news of it reaching some music rag.

ahaha yes of course thats why you spend your entire fuckin days here

>his instrument cost more than 50 dollars

>these clearly programmed wind instrumens on the intro
holy fuck so cheeky

I get paid to exist and do whatever stuff i want with the royalties and stuff

Gibsons are really good anyways and SGs and Vs aren't really that expensive so you should look into buying one

Write a stoner rock song you dumb looking cocksucker

Stop playing bass

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i'm yngwie malmsteen but i can't prove it

you're all shit out of luck

buy a strat

What's your favorite color of V user?

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I don't even want to talk about it.

Come on, what is it?

lol ashamed

>Bought a Solar guitar
>Like everything about it but I think it's soulless

Feels boomer man

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Should have bought a Flying V

wtf is a solar guitar post pic

this wouldnt have happened had you bought a condor

ran is so fucking cute holy shit

>tfw no gibson playing japanese punk rocker gf

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>he paid for an indonesian-made jackson/ESP knock-off endorsed by a third rate rhythm guitarist with a burp-themed youtube channel and didn't expect it to be soulless

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which of

is you

don't even fucking go there man

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hey, they rip off ibanez too

I literally didn't hear about Ola until I noticed the brand and I don't give a shit about his music. I just liked the specs and I just wanted something plain-looking. Don't make me feel bad!!!


I got this exact model and color

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Which solar?

that looks pretty sweet my dude

word on the street is that bass guitar is for faggots


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solar guitar

They do have a lot going for them, but the weakest point is definitely the pickups, and the aesthetics are very hit and miss, but if you don't have a V then who cares honestly.

>tfw practiced for two hours and now i can't feel my fingers typing this sentence

feels good bro

Christ, you could have got a used japanese ibanez for that much. less than that, even, if you bought an older model (ie: 90s) and there is literally nothing wrong with an older guitar if it's in good condition. Played in necks feel better, aged wood sounds better.


You got ripped.

word on the street that the fire in your heart is out

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desu if you offered this guy $700 he'd probably accept it

I had a used MIJ Ibanez before. I just can't stand big whammy bars, they feel so shit for me when playing.

>not posting the best one in the set

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do you ever think ran sits alone in her room and thinks

>i'm glad i didn't buy a jazzmaster

You know what? I'm just going to enjoy my Jazzmaster and know I can always get a Flying V later.

I also will never trust you dumb bastards again. Fuck all of you.

Every day.


i had a jazzmaster once. i returned it after a couple weeks because it was terrible and bought my dream guitar, and now I couldn't be happier.

i don't really want any more guitars at this point except a good archtop acoustic and a copy of my dream guitar but with a fixed bridge so I can mess around with alternate tunings without having to re-adjust a floyd.

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I think we've all thought that at least once.

>i'm going to enjoy my jazzmaster

plot twist: he didn't enjoy it.

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>didn't say "I am your new god"
You can't fool me, Petrucci

Why do these guys look like they're so satisfied with their guitars?

Yknow not like this guy, he looks pretty depressed.

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>buy a strat
I'm Nile and I approve this groove.

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i'm yui hirasawa and i don't have much time before i cease to exist in this dimension and forget how to speak english

i regret everything, i should have bought an ibanez

wtf i hate strats now

if he just said what his favorite color was i was going to buy it for him

but i guess since he enjoys his jazzmaster i don't have to

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It's time to restring my Les Paul. So far I've used Earnie Ball and D'Addario strings. I'm thinking of trying Gibson strings for once. Would that be a waste of money? Anybody has had any experience with them?

It keeps getting better!

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Works for me fag. Now go kys


I just bought a bass the other week so I'm fairly new to this, but my 1/4 jack only works when the cable is halfway plugged in. When it's fully plugged in it completely cuts out any output. Not sure if it's the cable or jack because I don't have anything to compare it with. Anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix this?

you were gonna get an Epiphone V though

How old were you when you finally decided to stop listening to metal?

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Jim Root Jazzmaster>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Literally any other Jazzmaster in the market

Bass life for life.

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sounds like you bought a guitar two weeks ago


Bebop scale

cum stuffing bass player


bought a new bass, its arriving tomorrow

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No posts about his monitors, how did jcope fuck it up this time?

Oh no a bass player. Everyone hide your talent to make him feel better

Burn the bass and learn literally any other instrument

EQ in mixing

Record with a cheapo phone mic

Jazzmaster: 25.5 inch scale; two huge, dark pickups. One big pickup selector switch.
Jaguar: 24 inch scale; two tiny, super bright pickups. Two independent pickup switches, plus an extra mid cut switch. Original configuration Jag also had a flip-up mute near the bridge

This is amazing.

>unironically liking anything with a lespaul body or scale length

Enjoy never having intonation on your low string.

Im making mad money at work ive been wageslaving since 3am

Yeah Iā€™m sure x1.5 minimum wage is mad money lol

Honest question
Does the EHX oceans 11 make the Holy grail obsolete or do both deserve to be on a board?

Bass guitars are for fags

sweet summer child


T. Dumbfuck

this is great

>Throwing a hotdog down a hallway

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for you maybe

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How can you seriously want to play an ugly piece of shit like the flying v

throw in G, D and E and you'll be ready to play millions of songs

If you can call them that

>tfw you literally make crazy amounts of dough and could afford a gibson or even an ESP snapper but choose not to buy either because tone is in the fingers

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Fuck you.

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And you have shit fingers so it would be a waste of money right

Yall think best buy has cabkes for my monitors?

>Gibson faggots claiming the Flying V is better
>Reverse Flying V exists

Other way around desu


>Reverse Flying V exists
holy shit!! whats an abomination

Good job Sam lol


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look in the mirror you'll find out

why they do this

Does this general like metal guitar? (Not the material metal, cheeky cunts)

you lied to me user, I only saw prince charming there

Sure, we just agree that the genre is for children.

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cringy as fuck

Is that the J Mascis Signature?

I've been thinking about getting one of those but I'm kind of skeptical towards Squier

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We like metal guitars like gibsons but you can't play metal on them or else the biggest meanie on earth takes away your big boy card

I like black metal


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Wow you actually found a song your voice goes with...and then gave it a shitty arrangement.

And dont forget

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lol the face of the drummer


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get an epiphone flying V instead, they're much better guitars

>J Mascis Signature?
hey froosh stop shilling these.

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How much photoshop did it take to not make him look like a withering turd?

>tfw you own a genuine Gibson Les Paul

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>tfw metalfag pleb who wants to branch out into other types of guitar music
>idk where to start and a lot of slow shit puts me to sleep also fuck Jazz

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whats wrong with his eye?? too much fat on blood?

I miss their original drummer. Still rel gud.

Tfw you dish at least 2k on a guitar whose body shape has been imitated over and over by other brands that cost cheaper

don't worry, your shitty taste will go away once you hit puberty

Fuck best buy

>muh vintage spec

>Nooo you can't like irrelevant genre you have to like my irrelevant genre

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this makes me cum I love my jazzmaster


Itā€™s not irrelevant, itā€™s childish.

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>>he likes metal for real

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Maybe I should buy one if it makes me look like this

Every genre is mega cringe in the wrong context.

The only music that is mega cringe in every context is Holdsworship clean wank.

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There's a baby metal fan or two.

They also love aluminum necks.

The cutest anime girl guitar

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Which is the CUTEST guitar?

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more midi grunge pls

no more vox though

Imagine how much better you would be if you could learn how to fucking talk

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what do you mean?

Les Pauls can suck a cock fuck you RETARD

What happens if you don't post?

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The owner of that one can suck my cock indeed

your first language is some shitty subhuman dirt shit where you slur all your words together like you're a drunk fucking retard
you shouldn't do that when speaking english because it makes me want to beat the fucking shit out of you

haha stay mad murica

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Good job sam

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His Bob Dylan is pretty accurate.

just google it asshole

ill fuck you two

stay silent, poorfag

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Don't Japs have some PRS-phase going on rn?

Better stock up on oxygen tanks homie

lol, touche

do i still sound like it's stuck on the back of the throat?

I think so

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Y'all gonna need a shit ton of fucking radaways

The new K-On girl uses PRS SE

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dude what are you even doing?

>no qt3.14 nip guitar girlfriend

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Haha oh my~! lol... damn, she's kinda cute ngl _

>New K-On girl
I don't like this term and I don't want to acknowledge it exists

Alright then, the K-On Shuffle! Girl

Which anime girl plays this hottie?

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Oh I thought you made the midi track :\

>you will never just listen to her noodle gently in a dark room by yourselves

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>Nips demand gibsons
>Burgers demand ibanez

Truly Japan is our greatest ally

yes i made it but fuck you

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This is nice.

>get a nip guitar gf
>"Gibson? Really lady? Those are outdated as fuck."
>"Eeeeeeh? Eebanessu? Kimoi dess...."

im gwoing huwngy yeeeaaaa

First tone wood, now tone waifus. When does it end?

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I think so too.

>that face

Yeah, PRS guitars are very cute and feminine looking so it's preferred for beautiful women to be seen with them instead of masculine, aggressive guitars with a dominant appearance like superstrats

For a Japanese maiden to be seen with a superstrat is like her wearing a sign that says "I don't want a boyfriend, I'd rather practice guitar"

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I mean, I'd still hit it.

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prs confirmed for the guitar equivalent of cat ear headbands and hair ribbons

Does /gg/ knows how to read sheet music?

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my babe

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really wish chords would give fingerings

Lmfao youre so lonely and pathetic

sheet music was designed for 1d instruments and is awkward at best on a 2d string instrument if you tune in fourths and have little to no polyphony

there is no reason to read it instead of sheet music for rhythm and tabs for notes except music school elitism

>guitarists playing in orchestras: There are no fretted instruments in an orchestra.

i'm not lonely, i have qt cat that loves me. you are lonely.

>oned instruments

Reminds me of some nip guitar girl stream a while back
>She shows a new guitar which is some Japanese brand superstrat
>Someone asks if she have a boyfriend
>"Lmao if I have a boyfriend I won't get this guitar"

Sam if you posted nothing but your cat from now on I would be eternally thankful

So that green haired band chick with the blue ESP isn't free?

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Yes but does she turn into a cat girl and play guitar at night? This is important

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>tfw you were born with a penis so you can buy pointy guitars and still get laid

why would anyone ever want to be a girl

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Lmfao youve been getting bullied all day and your stupid cat cant help your shit life.

no, at night she just goes to my bed and sleeps with me. you could be my girl guitarist tho

Shoving your pointy guitars up your ass != get laid

Have kids.

>green haired band chick with the blue ESP isn't free?

Ladies and gentlemen, this guy fucks his cat!

It's not my ass they're destined for, but yours.

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i bought this exact guitar because of k-on lmao kind of want a mustang and jazz bass now

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Do u wear your moms bra and sisters panties and meow like a cat?

wtf i love haruka kudo now

you call that bullied? lmao
yeah you'd probably be in tears, wimp.

Tfw nigger pickups

>imagine the smell

that's a very long way to try and give an excuse for your inability on sheet music

>nitro and girl sweat

not gonna lie i got a boner

Attached: Yamamoto-Sayaka-620x400.jpg (620x400, 57K)

Why are you buying cutesy girl instruments? Trying to tell the local guys you're down to take a trip to pound town?



I enjoy the contrast between cute looking instruments and black metal

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>*CUTE* Japanese girl forgets to turn on amp for five minutes! *MUST SEE*

>im an edgy homsexual like rob halford

It's nice how you can be a shameless creep with 360 video.

I'm a neckbeard but this is advanced autism
i was not ready

Are you copying your bullies again?

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Why am I getting a boner

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Are you wearing moms bra again? Does your older brother approve of your lifestyle?

I dont know who that is but you shouldnt project your homosexuality onto others user kun

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New thread

Lmao that made you mad

nice thanks

you're welcome, post a vocaroo of your playing