Listen to classical music

>listen to classical music
>has catchy tune at first but then goes on for 20 minutes and I get bored and turn it off and listen to pop and rap music instead

Attached: 1484160155398.jpg (645x968, 47K)

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It's almost like the point of a lot of classical music isn't in just a pretty melody, but also or rather in development, texture, colour/timbre, form, structure, harmonic and other kinds of inventions.

Attached: good goy.jpg (350x258, 16K)

The only dumb part of that is switching to rap and pop. You shouldn't be ashamed of getting bored if a piece of music is dead for 20 minutes.

1.) appreciate the inner balance of a near-perfect rendition and note how you don't dare to breathe
2.) appreciate Arleen Auger's heavenly singing
3.) smell the dust of Via Appia and feel the Roman Army march towards you (this is the only version you'll find on Youtube in the correct tempo btw)

If you can't to that, user, no worries. Then classic is simply not for you.

Fucking based.



Classical music was good for its time but modern music is much better.

If this is true then electronic music is objectively better.

>It's almost like the point of a lot of classical music isn't in just a pretty melody, but also or rather in development, texture, colour/timbre, form, structure, harmonic and other kinds of inventions.
You sound gay AF.

Keep your "art" music. I want bangers & bops.

Attached: 129032093209329.png (715x813, 516K)

>listen to classical
>nice and flowy
>mfw opera singer comes in

Attached: nword bass.jpg (640x640, 40K)

Lowbrow opinion. Not to mention that you also have modern classical music, duh.
>electronic music
>any kind of impressive development, harmonic invention, form, structure
nah lol

ok chad



Then don't listen to opera motherfucker

autechre is garbage and there's nothing more pretentious than their music


None of this is good.

>You sound gay AF
>Saves gay AF png to post

>is clearly a jpg
You're dumb.

You're wrong. Bye.