Carly fags BTFO

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take your tweet and go back

that's why you should take your 14 year old to a king gizzard concert instead

the fake universes people create just to take a jab at a demographic...what the hell is she talking aboit?

That's all Twitter is about.

I don't understand a thing u just said

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she's right though

nice one

Go to bed, Kyle

>wearing Anthony Fantano merch
Please tell me that nobody actually does this (ironically or otherwise)

Taking your child to a King Gizzard concert is equal in morality to molesting them

kanye is based

what fake universes?

however you need to rationalize molesting your kids user.

Go to a lane del rey and you are surrounded by trannies and rym furries

It's true.
Had those album being released under the name of pophoes like Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Thom York, Azealia Banks, etc they would be critically panned.

I fucking hate Thom York

and that's a bad thing!

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there's literally nothing wrong with consensual touching
there's absolutely everything wrong with listening to rick and morty bands

>however you need to rationalize molesting your kids user.

I don't have kids I molest others' kids you stupid fuck.