New releases edition.
No I don't care this is an early thread.
old thread:
/metal/ general
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power metal sucks
This oracle will answer all your metal related questions!
did Chuck give best head in metal?
On your knees, boy
Have fun
>when you go past pozzed so you go full circle and become ultra brutal
No matter if you're right- or leftwing, or center or whatever, this album will probably leave you assured of your political position and make you very comfortable.
Is this like a new pasta or some shit?
What should be done with the King Gizzard posters
Here we fucking go
should Hetfield be punished for hunting innocent bears?
Is Ihsahn based?
checking out the OP
it's a RYM review of new DsO
I really love the melodic parts, especially at 1:33
melodeath sucks
Any fellow boomers remember Carl from ATHF? Here he is in the 80s
RYM is full of indie faggots and pretentious assholes. I got banned for calling a dude transvestite because he had bunch of girls as his avatars despite being a guy. Like his whole archive of profile pics was filled with pictures of random girls with colored hair. A while ago I decided to check out what he's up to lately and found out he had taken surgery and I was blown away. I made a joke and it became true.
you have to walk on eggshells on RYM
if you tell someone to fuck off and it happens to be a tranny you can easily get your ability to post on the forums removed or your entire account banned
>I guess it could be expected. What can I say? I think he remembers things differently. If he hated what we did so much, why would he be one of Samoth’s best friends at the time we did Emperor? Why would he come and visit us, why would he come in and listen to the recordings for In The Nightside Eclipse? Why would he do that if he hated us so much and thought we were doing so much wrong? Maybe he remembers things differently. I never got along well with Varg, he was kind of Samoth’s friend. And I don’t care.
I hope he had a nice birthday with his loving mother and proud father :)
>no Berlin
fugg :(
Is this Nazi metal?
Cattle Decapitation are on a steady decline and they have a coreshit band supporting them, I'm sure you'll live user
>Kate Bush
>Carly Rae Jepsen
On youtube he said he should have been appreciative that people were influenced by him. I was like, finally he has a normal reaction to musicians looking up to him
It's not as bad as Diocletian, which has literally killed people, but it's still pretty bad and definitely nazi. Stay away at all costs.
Ah okay, I honestly hadn't listened to them for a good 10 years or so but I remember enjoying their earlier releases (The Harvest Floor or something). Don't know the opener either
how hard is it to just take a train out somewhere they are playing?
(im talking about varg by the way)
which one of you wrote this cringe
Not hard at all, Leipzig is only like 2.5 hours by bus but kind of a pain for a one-day trip just for a show. I've done that trip for based Godflesh though
love this record, fuck you varg for Ways of Bore
why not stay a night and do some other stuff too?
I told the mods that it all was a misunderstanding but they said they'll ban me anyway so I told them to watch the south park episode "Mr Hankey the xmas poo" (because it's about people getting offended about various christmas related things and how outright banning everything slightly offensive isn't the answer) and told that they really don't know how to run their kindergarten.
Post based BM musician quotes,lyrics and statements that trigger soicucks
If the PC babies of the world were gonna learn anything from south park it would have happened by now
cringe manchild response
Kek is this shopped?
You still used transvestite as a slur, but I don't agree with banning that shit. It really is a slippery slope to boring as fuck censored internet
Except they majorly got checked for doing this and quickly wrote a Peaceville apology letter lmao
I know but I don't care and i prefer old Darkthrone anyways.
>Cattle Decapitation are on a steady decline
They're last two albums are the best they've ever released, what are you talking about?
yea, he acted like "they copied us" etc. ofc they kinda did it cuz Varg and Euronymous were older than Emperor and other guys. they looked up to him and Euro.
The conversation went something on the lines of me addressing him as a girl and he told me he's not a girl and I replied "but your profile pic is a girl. Does that mean you're a transvestite?"
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm banned.
Dude I was 15 at the time
except fenriz is a little cuckboy and couldn't the reaction from being edgy
Darkthrone are the most ironic poseurs, of the kind who pose about "totally not being poseurs".
Anything from Vektor - Terminal Redux
it's quite sad that something so obviously said in jest was tutted at
Listen to dopethrone
tr*nsvestite is a slur word. and triggering to those of us with PTSD. that word has such a violent and horrific story behind it you might as well call us wound niggers.
Please just go back to pol
anything like track 9? :DDDDDD
What do we think of NSBM guys?
Great but only because it pisses off bernie fans
Leave the hall. /meal/ is left-wing
I prefer BDSM.
Is this bait? I don't even browse pol and I'm not racist either.
who's bernie? I'm guessing hes not /meal/ approved
Currently on metal Beethoven.
Listen to Dopesm-- No, actually, listen to this.
we all have
some senile socialist who's popular among vegans and the alphabet people
You mean the next president of the US
how many normalnigger buy from emp (a german metal shop) and is it like hot-topic of germany
Amazing album, would recommend
>tfw no gf into both DSBM and BDSM
most girls into black metal are into BDSM
Bernie's got the way to feel good times. All we've gotta do is just drop by.
Oh god why
Now how do I find the non-fat ones?
Surely he wont tell everyone to vote for the neo liberal establishment this time! lmao
Learn game, socialize with metalheads, or maybe find a fat girl and encourage her to exercise
More like this?
New Misþyrming or new Mgla?
What's some metal to listen to while walking through muddy, plague infested medieval streets?
are you going to Eastern Europe or something
This song reminds of walking through the main city in the witcher
Took me way too long to realize this is superior to Dopesmoker
I know it's almost apples vs oranges but still
Akercocke - Choronzon
Get the fuck out of my thread you wound nigger
Stoner metal still sucks
for me, it's true Norwegian surf metal
lmfao imagine being this sensitive and insecure
it's actually kind of strange that surf rock hasn't been mixed with metal more
there's basically just Viikate and these black surf memes and that's it
I've always thought of Sunbather as somewhat surfy
But the fat ones are the hottest.
there is an album with that stuff, trve kvlt surf something. the peruvian death surf song is the best one imo.
Surf guitars with reverb are awesome. I'd love to hear them over some intense death metal drumming and a driving loud bass.
check out Wadge.
more like american slums
Does Varghkoghargasmal count? Sloppy and bedroomy as shit though.
Listen to agnostic front.
Also, what's up with bands from this era playing with Nazi like imagery?
You have brain damage
good song, thanks fren
Any stinky muddy poopoo plodcore slog released on 2 Buck Bin
What's some metal to listen to while walking through muddy, plague infested Detroit streets?
Maniac was better than Dead.
this is the perfect surf metal song IMO balance-wise
Finally something for the spelunkers.
what's some metal to listen to while i shit in a bucket on a rural property in the middle of france
t. wound nigger
KUOLEMA! Voi perrrrrkele
It's not bad but i prefer Demon Vendetta when it comes to surf crossover
Their last two albums are both a solid 10 minutes too long and both overproduced to shit, the latter also overusing the melodic parts, but aside from that, sure.
Anal Cunt, because France is gay.
anything from Les Légions Noires. you will feel like an immortal vampire laying icy cold black shits
Because early hardcore had the balls to offend, sadly a lot of modern stuff is very careful not to make anyone feel bad and it kinda takes away from the whole thing in my opinion.
I’m looking for this too any creepy or doomy folk music?
This ain’t it, chief. Quit schilling this stupid fucking shit album.
Folk metal
>been drinking soilent every morning for breakfast during my commute
metal for this feel?
Mastodon? Nice trips btw
Did their new shit offend you, snowflake? Ministry is based
Are they?
oh the irony
Anyone know where I can download whole albums with individual tracks but on my phone?
usually I'll do it through yt but i don't get individual tracks or the best quality that way
they're "based" as in "basedboy"
>on my phone
there is a slsk client for phones, but i have never tried it so dunno if it's any good.
Do you just carry your computer around with you everywhere?
yeah, what's the fuckin problem, faggots?
i listen to music on my phone while I'm at work but i dont like to stream it because i have a shitty connection at work
sometimes ill randomly remember an album i want to quickly download
stop being faggots and just tell me places i can search and download some albums
ive heard about this but never looked into it either
is it like a torrent downloader?
So how do you guys feel about the new tool album? I honestly thought it was a huge letdown.
not metal
thoughts on satanic warmaster?
Bandcamp or download the tracks from theifficial CD, vinyl or cassette
I own a computer with which I can accomplish easy tasks that dumbphones are still ill-equipped to do and can then transfer the result on the phone
Would be way cooler if he wasnt some fat weirdo
Very powerful music, all killer no filler, high energy and it gets me pumped
Like all fascist LARPers, they would be the first ones rounded up and put into camps for being degenerates
Well, hey buddy. I was gonna help you but now you’re just being a big meanie.
Just use Google Play. It syncs so you can just upload whatever you have in your music folder on your computer and then stream it from your phone.
He's looking a lot healthier now
in a way i guess, you search for something, and then you download it. try it but i'm pretty sure the pc version is more stable
i can do the same as well, fagcel
but when im not at home and think of/hear of an album i want to download, i dont drop everything, run home, download it and then transfer it to my phone
if you're done getting your cheap laugh by intentionally being a faggot, you can either fuck off or suggest a place where i can do what i asked
i don't like streaming
my work fucks with my internet connection so i get shitty service
music constantly drops so i like to have full albums on my phone
lmao everytime, I think this guy needs a name for always losing his shit when chadtanic dongmaster is mentioned
any other bands like gratzug? im a big fan of their sound
lmao sauce on that Youtube?
>stepping away from the computer in the first place
he cute
What's on his arms though?
All right lads
>album that got better with every listen
>album that got worse with every listen
On track 7/10 on my first listen right now.
It's boring as fuck.
new blind guardian is pretty meh
You can download them using the app too.
Thoughts on this?
soi meloshit
Pretty fucking GAY.
A masterpiece
Me on the right
Has some good tracks but it's extremely overrated.
poor. tries to be BM and melodeath, fails at both. I really DON'T get the praise for this album, even when I was getting into the genre it sounded boring.
any other great youtube channels besides black metal promotion?
i like ola englund even though his music sucks and it's more about gear
>album that got better with every listen
Yellow Trash Bazooka and Mother Fellatio
>album that got worse with every listen
Live Greatest Hits
>why yes I think scald and ereb altor are both way better than bathory's viking metal phase, what gave it away?
When was the first "why yes" post made on this site?
I love the riff at 1:29
0:19, 0:34, 1:44 are all better riffs though
There's too many good riffs. lmao.
2:53 is the heaviest riff known to man.
Cush lash...Cush lash..
Who is the intended audience for this kind of metal?
meh pretty much like any older metalcore band
Speaking of older metalcore, does anyone have the metallic hardcore record with a crudely drawn cover art of a person (maybe holding a knife?) It's a relatively short album, or the song that was linked was under two minutes at least. I remember it being posted along with other links of metalcore they liked, newer and older stuff.
only heavy riffs are real
After about 20 listens, One Rode To Asa Bay finally clicked
Give me your best clangcore
>this post
>this image
high tier bait
no idea, remember anything else about it?
Anyone got a high rez of this semen demon?
This shit is pretty good. Came out today,
Not much. I think it was a mid-2000's and it was usually posted in the "metalcore is shit" "no melocore is shit old metalcore is actually good" discussionss. I think it was posted in the thread that was called "metallic hardcore edition" or something to that extent, maybe a month and a half ago.
TRITT ein und nimm die Binde von den Augen,
Dies ist der grüne Tempel deines Traums:
Wo Flügel sirren, Rüssel Nektar saugen,
Holunder sich im Stürzen hellen Schaums
Verströmt, soll dir zum Stab die Hasel taugen,
Und Natter beugt als Hüterin des Saums,
Verjüngter Haut, auf der die Siegel blinken,
Ihr Haupt, vom Tau des ersten Tags zu trinken.
Durchs grüne Reich geh als der Namengeber
Auf Fährten, deinem Traum zutiefst vertraut,
Bemiß die Milch dem Wolf, die Wurz dem Eber,
Schmück deinen Helm mit Purpur-Knabenkraut,
Dem Seidenglänzer wie dem Wolkenweber
Zoll deinen Spruch, und auf der Schlangenhaut
Entziffre, was die Stifterin der Bünde
Im Herzen hegt, und was sie wünscht, verkünde.
Zuerst wirst du, die Blicke an den Boden
Geheftet, als der Bilder Souverän,
Im Halm das Haar, im Hexen-Ei die Hoden
Des Hirsches und im Schaft den Speer erspähn,
Wo dich das Moos verlockt mit feuchten Loden,
Schlüpf in den Fels, die Sporen auszusän
Des Lichts, und schwimmt der Schwan vor deinem Nachen,
Fährst du gefeit aus jeder Höhle Rachen.
I don’t speak Spanish, Pedro.
Is Ghost any good?
Reminder that if you can't read this, you aren't metal
I was asking the oracle not you
No bueno, Pedro.
What's the most absolutely fucking stranger things and szechuan sauce tier fucking epic band?
Stranger Things has a based soundtrack though
>there will never be another melodeath/power metal record this good ever again
dead subgenres
is it this?
Blood Wind Ritual Führer is what you're looking for.
I took a dive into my Youtube history, and right as I found it, you post it. Yep, it is. Thanks, user!
Its not really interesting music.
>band wants to play a Rage Against The Goyim song
how do I dissuade them?
Is the misfits album "famous monsters" speed metal? It's punky heavy metal
haha, it's a good tune but you should check out Kickback instead. have some more Gore.
Play the best one, Mic Check.
If its the FUCK YOU I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME song thats fine
that's the one
itt: albums only you enjoy
i really dont think it can be defined as speed metal
if anything some horror punk slight metal elements
based and jesuspilled
You mean nietzschean-abrahamic-marxist-pilled
b-but most of those are mutually exclusive
>expecting a person to hold one (1) congruent worldview free of contradictions
that's just not how humans work
t. non-transcended being
Well guess what,HHH is gonna combine them into the sovereign hierarchico-emancipatory individuation municipality.
It's all explained in there:
this dude is schizophrenic, right?
the album is really varied
there's a really catchy pop punk song on it
this one even sounds like candlemass at the start
RAtM for all of their flaws hated the msm, many of the actual far left hate it as much as the far right.
But HHH said he had a philosophical SYSTEM.
It's supposed to be congruent and free of contradiction, that's what philosophical systems are.
No he's just rich.
Listen to Motorhead
listen to (A)DOOM(E)
He read Lacan once.
Bgkumbi. Only oldfags would recognize that name. Also it's all shitposts.
Cant be too rough on them because they were definitely the underdog ideaology when the music was made. Now they are just raging for the machine
I am the game, you don't want to play me.
I am control, no way you can change me.
I am heavy debt, no way you can pay me.
I am the pain and I know you can't take me.
Not if it's a >2-dimensional system.
HHH is a big boy
with big ideas
Go back to twitter, whore.
Bolt Thrower
heavy metal of eastern bloc
very based
Alestorm is good shit.
overrated by normies, underrated by /meal/fags
Most normies haven't even even heard of it.
Pisses me off how people on this general are such sheep conforming to each other
>hhh sees your dick
i wish
well you can see his in his old vimeo vids
i mean bm normies.
Excuuuse me, it's actually melodic death metal okaaay?
Is Alice in Chains the most kvlt normie band?
What? Cattle are on the up and up
whatever friend
Anyone else seeing them support Nile this month?
Possibly, but I'd argue it's Mgla, they're a lot more popular than you'd think.
Also, in Greece everyone is familiar with Rotting Christ and Septicflesh. And I'm sure there are other countries with their own exceptions.
It's spelled Mgła
Getting more famous ≠ getting better
fuck conformists, dirty fucking mincecore scum for life
yeah like I'm going to learn key combination to spell some numale band's name right
The band sucks indeed, but you should respect the language.
Who said that?
>why yes I do listen to trance metal, what gave it away?
It's actually spelled "mglgay" lol
Defining your own sound and making superior music = better
Gigachad posting is the least creative meem I've seen yet
m8 I respect Poles and all but I can't be bothered to respect every single language around and learn a shitton of keys just because you expect special treatment on anonymous board for some reason.
No one:
Not a single soul:
user who hasn't seen any normie memes: Gigachad posting is the least creative meem I've seen yet
Post an example of trance metal, sounds interesting. I know the guy from Dissection had some project with Mortal Kombat-like sounds in the 90s
But user, Apple makes it so easy to use character variants. You do have a Macbook, don't you? I seriously hope you're not this much of a NEET
>overproduced and overlong
Five million woman so alone in the night
Oh, I had them all satisfied profusely
You don't need to learn anything, you can copy and paste it.
Is this metal?
Is there a band or song pointing to the Jew?
oh yeah thanks it's soooo convenient
and after all, you'd never guess I meant Mgła if I type Mgla, right?
you're just as uppity as muslims and niggers now, Poles. you expect everyone to respect your culture and type your shitty crossed ł. tell you what, you're on American board, the language here is English. posting here is a privilege, not a right. be thankful we don't IP ban you yet
>thinks /pol/ works as contaiment board.
>doesn't know /pol/ is everywhere
JIDF harder
grand belial's key. alos just look up NSBM
It's supposed to be containment. Stop shitting up the website with your anti-American bullshit you nazi edgelord little shit
based redditor
Which Batushka am I supposed to shill again?
Most mainstream example I know
It's hardcore.
both are shit
How many burgers did you eat between these two posts?
I dont get this meme. what is the good one?
My dad used to say ''you have video games at home'' when I said I wanted money for the arcade
but console games were better anyways
>Stop shitting up the website with your anti-American bullshit you nazi edgelord little shit
Kid, I'm a real conservative patriot, have been far before edgelord little shits like you started sprouting up
Read a history book about what antisemites like the nazis did and stop supporting anti-American values you fucking punk
Join a better band
philosemitism is anti-american
I'm damn proud to live in the best country in the world where I can get a nutritious, calorie dense big fucking hamburger for only 5 dollars, only having to wait a couple minutes and at just about any corner. You have a problem with that commie?
Every night by myself ;)
Where the (((slime))) live
You must wipe them out. All of them!