Post your top genres and guess shit about the person above you
Post your top genres and guess shit about the person above you
smells (good)
has teeth (all of them!)
what's heartland rock
Clean, friendly, on-going, was the sweetheart in the class.
>what's heartland rock
bruce springsteen
never heard of him
Has a tight group of friends
Favourite time of day is very late at night
Succeeding at university/college
Not concerned about what others think about him which is his greatest strength
inb4 abant-been
doesnt care much for fashion
tried but hasnt gotten in berghain yet
better than me
how we see it
your rym page > automatic
right under your recent rates
completely dead inside
sometimes has small glimmers of feelings and happiness
I don't use RYM but here are my weekly stats for
You have no black friends
Frequently has build ups of cum tissues in a draw or on the ground near his computer.
420 blaze it kind of guy
wear jeans and has black hair
this is all true, i also wear all black
and is black