>cant separate the art from the artist
what do i do bros? i can't enjoy any of my favorite artists now because they're always getting caught doing lame shit.
Cant separate the art from the artist
Here are all your options as far as I can see:
1. Listen to music made by good people. I suggest artists who are already dead and have no scandals, as they won’t get caught doing anything
2. Listen to field recordings of folk music so old nobody knows who wrote/sang it, so you’ll HAVE to separate the art from the artist
3. Spend a month only listening to music by people so evil your favorite artists seem good in comparison when you come back to them. Charles Manson has a bunch of albums, for example
4. Listen to obscure indie releases from bandcamp where nobody knows or cares about the person behind them
5. Quit being a faggot
stop listening to rap and hip hop, you'll realize that this problem disappears very quickly
Based yet bluepilled
Stop posting wojacks
good advice
also, as someone who has made alot of music, for me, i never remember how or why a song was made, its like it wasnt even me, i can listen to songs ive made and im just like "wtf... how"
so honestly, all these songs made by people, to me, seem like magic that came in through an antenna (the artist) and they have n control over how it happens. i know thats ultra retarded, but, even with lyrics, it seems like a artist trance where most of this stuff comes from and not even part of these peoples real identity. this doesnt work for a lot of music, but... i think separating art from the artist is easier than connecting it to the artist
Why is this board full of such dumb pieces of shit who don’t think or care about anything? Why are we all here? What is this place? Isn’t anything exciting ever going to happen on here, or are we all waiting for nothing?
The computer is like a little infinity, an akashic window, it’s something magic. Everyone knows an image is only it’s pixels. A two dimensional matrix —just two! That’s nothing, but it can be anything. A 512 x 512 .jpg file could contain literally any thing. Think about that. This tiny file, this incredibly finite arrangement of bits, could be anything. Say you have an image stored on your hard drive. What if one of those bits that tells one of the pixels which color to be randomly flips from 1 to 0. What if that happened a trillion times. That could be a picture of your future wife. That could be a picture of your son. That could be a picture of tomorrow’s lottery winnings or who wins the election next year or a guide to stopping climate change and ending world hunger. Then you come along, user, and you reach into that little infinity and what do you choose to pull out? A damn frog meme.
Imagine all the awful things you've done in your life.
If you get mad at an artist for anything short of being convicted of rap and actual kiddy diddling, you're too sensitive.
have you tried not being an absolutely disgusting pleb?
I hate all artists convicted of rap
I have a really easy time separating it.
except lostprophets, never liked them before, never will listen to them now. dud deserves to be tortured to death.
People are so quick to judge other people as bad, but honestly they've probably thought more depraved thoughts, said more damaging words, and done more evil than the artist they've bandwagoned
rap, rape?
whats the difference
just jam.
Can you say the worst thing you ever done? In this thread?
>if you thought something bad that’s the same as actually raping a kid
go away FBI 4channel is a safe for work law-abiding website
I'm only asking. Because I sure as hell won't and it has nothing to do with anything the fbi would care about.
I just relive it in my mind if I think about it too much. Theres a devil in all of us
Frog board, frog website
I didn’t read any of that. I just wanted to let you know
charlie didn't do anything wrong cunt
let he who is without sin cast the first stone
good post imo
Gary Glitter