Is it overrated?

Is it overrated?

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>listening to Dark Side of the Moon
>oh this is pretty good so far
>look up what it’s about
>it’s about Syd
>turns off

It used to be but these days just about everyone that isn't 13 or 65 thinks it's just meh, so I'd say it's correctly rated.

for me its too moany and overwrought I prefer meddle


Yes, it's overrated, and it just plain sucks!

> this
Neither under or overrated

Wish you were here beats it out of the park

yes, it's not even the band's best work from the 70s (WYWH). The psychedelic stuff from the 60s is more creative and experimental in every way. it was just consumer "experimental" music


I want to say yes, but if I put it on as background noise while do other things (read, clean up the house, change the oil on my Rolls-Royce), my mind sings along to all of it. So, it's kind of like pretty solidly put together. And with the Floyd, that only can be said for Piper, WYWH, and Dark Side.

So, no. Not overrated.

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I mean, fuck Alan Parsons, but this is one of the best produced albums ever and has few of any moments out of continuity. Pretty much where it belongs.

Yes but it's still the best album of all time

Syd was a genius, fuck you

Everything is overrated. If it's rated highly then it's automatically overrated.

I think it's super overrated, but I'm kinda biased since I really don't care for this album.

honestly the part where theyre like
is pretty sick

Leave me alone Roger

Probably the most overated album ever, it's still good though just not worth the insane praise it gets from normies.

yes, but it is still very good


Litsening to this one on the beach while the sun is setting.

Wish you were here is GOAT.

Dark side sucks desu. It had comfortably numb and money which were big songs but as an album. Skip.

It's not about Syd retard. Also listen to the Wembley version.

Comfortably Numb is from The Wall, have you even listened to DSOTM?

But Comfortably Numb isn't on Dark Side of the Moon.

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but normies dont even know what pink floyd is anymore. they might recognize the drawing in the album cover but that's it.

The best song is any colour you like it’s the most interesting sound you can enjoy compared to rest of the album which is still good too

Its properly rated by those who have listened to it, and overrated by those who haven't. The amount of people who you can TELL havent listened to the album yet try and suck it off is insane.

I really like listening to the Any Colour You Like > Brain Damage > Eclipse medley

considering that very few bands have made a song as good as any colour you like or a closing medley as perfect as on this album, no, it's properly rated, maybe even underappreciated by my age group (18-25)

Oh yeah woops, dark side is the yellow brick road shit. My comment still applies though. Bigger hits on it. Worse album.

It's overrated by normies, but it's still a great album nonetheless. WYWH is the GOAT though.

You’re forgetting the medley on abbey road which is better than dsotm

Yeah, it's a good album, but it's no where near Pink Floyd's best. The first time you listen to it, it's like, "Wow, that's amazing. I wonder if Pink Floyd's other stuff is that good," then you listen to Animals, Wish You Were Here, and The Wall and never listen to Dark Side again because those 3 albums are way better.

I really hate when people say that DSOTM is Pink Floyd's best album. It's good however it just doesn't wow me at all. I've always felt that Money sounded out of place. The Wall is their best work.

Based retardposter

It's great but it's far from their best album.

It's underrated by Yea Forums contrarians, that's for sure. Just look at this thread.

I think it's mostly impressive as a technical feat. It sounds leaps and bounds better than any record that came out even a couple years before it. It sounds so good it could have come out today. I use DSOTM to test all my sound systems.

Great Gig In The Sky is just some woman screaming for 4 minutes lol

Roger go away

It is overrated yes, partly due to the artwork being the most famous music artwork ever. But the album is still amazing

Yeah it's definitely a great album for testing out new audio equipment. Pink Floyd is good for that, especially Wish You Were Here

It got old for me after listening to it so much as a kid, but recently I acquired a decent stereo system and headphones, and with a CD copy you can hear tons more detail

Yet is fantastic. The song is about death, and the lady is screaming as if she is dying. The drumming on this song is so good

best guitar sounds

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One of the most overrated albums of all time. Doesn't mean it's a bad album by any means, but I prefer Meddle and WYWH.

>One of the most overrated albums of all time. Doesn't mean it's a bad album by any means, but I am gay

sadly true

it's my favorite album.

No, you're thinking of The Wall

It was barely a concept album. The hits are good, but rest of it is filler. But 12 year old redditor music critics will talk about The Great Gig in the Sky like its not a boring piece of shit.


Nah, It's pretty great. Don't get why it has so much hate

It’s overrated by teenagers who’ve just started listening to music, rym trannies, and boomers
It’s underrated by pretentious people who get upset if anything becomes popular
It’s like a solid 8/10


>teenagers who’ve just started listening to music, rym trannies, and boomers
That's a pretty large sample size though. You just named almost every kind of person you can be. So people who like it according to you
>everybody born between the years 1945 and 1965
>everybody born between the years 1999 and 2006
>the entire population of San Francisco
that's a lot of people