*deletes Money*

*deletes Money*
Ah, perfection.

Attached: 61R7gJadP7L._SX355_.jpg (355x318, 6K)

>listening to Dark Side of the Moon
>oh this is pretty good so far
>look up what it’s about
>it’s about Syd
>turns off

Syd was based you fag


whats wrong with money

bland generic blues rock song

>*deletes Mars for the Rich, Perihelion, and Venusian 2

phew, all better

Attached: 9243794.jpg (1000x1000, 82K)

>deletes all of the songs on the album
wow this is a lot better

*deletes money*
Ah, perfection.

Attached: karl marx.jpg (994x1600, 316K)


Imagine you could just delete your money per online banking

this would be completely insane

"Press delete your money to delete your money"

* deletes meme singer from great gig in the sky *

Ahhh now we're in business

It’s a good single but doesn’t fit in with the rest of the album

>deletes one of the tracks in a concept album
i think it's time for you to leave

idk i think its a good way to start the B-side of the album, kind of a straight rock song to break up the psychedelic, moany songs that it comes in between

*Delete House of Cards*

Attached: In Rainbows.jpg (1500x1500, 440K)

>deletes Videotape
>apmlifies House of Cards by 10 volume steps

*deletes everything aside from never meant*

Attached: cover.png (600x600, 361K)

*deletes the entire genre of emo*
Ah, now we're talking

yeah Money is rubbish


>Album is pulled and never released


Stale copy pasta is stale