Seems like it but it isn't banned on Discogs.
Seems like it but it isn't banned on Discogs.
Other urls found in this thread:
Get the fuck out and kill yourself
So why isn't it banned from sale on discogs?
>it isn't banned on Discogs
It will be soon. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Wow, this really scares and triggers ya, huh?
Your nazi girlfriend doesn’t exist sweetie. Women are turning more and more to bbc everyday. Stay coping incel
this but unironically. the shit OP posted is dull and uninspired
So it really is? I thought they might just be doing a concept thing but if it really is then godspeed user.
Hasn't been reported yet most likely.
Your gender doesn't exist, xe. People are becoming more uncomfortable with LGBTQ every day. Stay in your closet, fag.
At least it isnt fashwave.
>oh noes le ebil music triggers me i need my snowflake safe space waaahh!
>/pol/ still trying to force themselves on the most autistic board
no fucking way this is the most autistic board you are delusional if you really think this
Commie music is so much better tho.
Nope. Not even /r9k/, /vp/, or even /cm/ are as autistic as Yea Forums
change my mind
go on /trash/
Point taken, but that's as much of a real board as Yea Forums or /qa/ - no general topic or medium assigned, just unfiltered social anxiety from ~100 anons.