Music for this kind of feel?

Attached: ECD6A505-AA06-4F9C-8D42-C247E7603A99.jpg (673x371, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sonic Youth - Youth Against Fascism

The other person has an Evil Symbol in his arm, so it means it's completely OK to use violence against him.

hex rx - dominate

He represents an ideology the world went to war at. He certainly deserves it

Attached: varg punchski.gif (360x360, 1.86M)

tim heidecker - i am a cuck

More like "loser symbol". Get rekt, bootlicker

Yes. The Good Guys won and we're in good hands now.
He is using the Evil Guys Symbol, so he must be punished.

Nice damage control, bootlicker.

Bullying is not accepted in today's society, are you fascist?

yes actually

music for this one?

Attached: C7721608-4892-4C36-B177-3484E95C2C70.gif (320x180, 860K)

Evil Man is punching Good Man, this is not good.

Not my country :^)

I wish punching communists was justified in today's political climate

Would've been so much better if a truck plowed through all of that antifaggot's "commierads" when they all came to his faggot ass's rescue lmao

It is a bit suspicious that communism imagery doesn't trigger people. I mean, a lot of americans died to communism too, it should offend people, but no, just the swastika lol. People are simple, just tell them "this good this bad" and they're set.

Good music to beat people with bikelocks to?

It absolutely is lmao. Anyone pushing for an ideology of death, despair, starvation, and oppression deserves a knucky sammy

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic class interests

What fucking morons

idk if there are any good songs about beating up retarded people but let me know what you guys find

My only interest is the downfall of people like you and the things you believe in. Get AIDS

Agreed, we should punch neolibs and neocons.

America has spent several times longer at war with communist countries than fascist ones

This little gem:

Here since no one else is posting

Agreed my friend. The only people who don’t deserve to be punched are eco fascists


Good thing rapid demographic change is replacing Fox News uneducated inbred Hicks

yeah man none of those things happen under capitalism

Of course.

I love my president
I love my government
I sing My Country Tis Of Thee
They build nice roads for me
Social security
And they protect me with police
Down with anarchy
I have faith in order
You wouldn't last one day
If the country did collapse, you'd get hungry pretty fast

then go punch your boss faggot

except communist imagery literally does trigger people.

>those doubles

Nah I’m pretty self sufficient

Just not an uneducated republican shitbag who votes against his own class interests

>They build nice roads for me
>Social security

I thought you people hated big gubmint and social spending


Ahahaha look at the little individual he thinks hes people

Communism is against the interest of all people.

>Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic class interests

Attached: numale3.gif (263x301, 383K)

It only triggers cold war brainwashed boomers desu, average young person doesn't care.

That's because America doesn't give a shit about anything other than its own domination over the global economy.

my boss is a nice guy tho

Pantera - walk

how so

>Class interests


It's the major killing force in all of history.

You realize it's 18+ on this site?

Muh 6000 million kulaks something human nature something jews something degeneracy

sure but communism is genuinely a less dangerous than nazism. i never really understood the comparison

white men are so fucking pathetic

Then why do we keep boogiemanning some old ass Germany idelogy from like 70 years ago?
I laugh whenever people claim that someone is "Nazi", nazis haven't existed in a while.

by what metric

It's an idiotic one originating from the red scare post WWII and thinking Stalin represents all left wing thought.

My advice is, go read about communism. I mean history on communism, not the theory books.
Read up on Stalin, he makes Hitler seem like a good kitty.

By the amount of people it has killed.

No he doesn't. Hitler killed innocents based on ethnicity, Stalin was focused on exploiting businessmen and espionage.

All you can ever do is point to individual authoritarian assholes that commit genocide with communism.

Nazism on the other hand...

Nazism has genocide as a core essential tenant. Communism does not.

despite being __% of the population, _______ commit __% of the crime.

>Hitler killed innocents based on ethnicity
Not defending Hitler, but sadly this is common human nature. There's nomade tribes in Africa and latin america still killing each other over small ethnic or cultural differences.
Humanity is an endless war based on differences. Peace is, sadly, an illusion.
I'm not defending nazism, but I'm not going to ignore that communism is also based on authoritarian assholes. Hell, there's even some of them active today, in 2019. What country still has a nazi regime?

>Nazism has genocide as a core essential tenant
That's odd since the final solution didn't come until long after the nazi party was established.

>nazism bad communism good
No, user, both were bad.
Starving your own people to death is also genocide.

I never get the comparing of numbers with genocidal maniacs. Hitlers "low score" is not for lack of trying

1.4 million women were raped in East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia alone by communists during the Soviet invasion

Fucking kys you dumb zoomer ape.

Just shows how much more insidious communism is.

i am aware of the death toll of so called communist regimes. i am asking you what makes communism the “major killing force in all of history” how many people has imperialism killed? capitalism? how many people would the nazis have killed if they hadn’t been stopped? you morons love to pretend that communism (by the way stalin and mao don’t account for the entirety of leftist/ anti capitalist thought) is so much more dangerous than the ruling ideologies of the world. capitalist greed is literally killing the planet we live on but you’ve been so brainwashed by red scare boomers that you genuinely think ooooo 100 million people died under mao and stalin (corrupt authoritarian dictators) but completely ignore the immense death toll of US imperialist capitalism on its own. how many people starve to death in the US every year? How many arabs and southeast asians and central americans has the US killed in the last 100 years? How many people die because they can’t afford medicine? Stop pretending that the deaths under “communist” regimes are some sort of historical anomaly.
see the above dipshit

social democracy is the answer
fascists nazis tankies ancaps libertarians neolibs are all evil pieces of shit in their own way


I agree, kill count doesn't really matter all that much.
I also don't get how some people excuse Stalin because "it was for X reason, not for Y reason", does it matter? Both killed innocent people. The reason doesn't matter, they did it.
Not to mention the worst of the three: Truman.
WWII really was a demonstration that we as a species are nothing but violent monkeys, just with some incredible technology available.


You have no point. See yourself out cocktard.

>we care about the rape of women when it suits us


>“major killing force in all of history”
never said that. I agree with you, humanity as a whole is like this. This isn't something exclusive to nazis or communism.
But hey, gotta push these agendas, I guess.

if you say so, mr hitler dubs

yeah pretty much

>we care about the killing of black people when it's by police

Social democracy gets subverted by capitalism always, because it's basically just putting a bandaid on an axe wound. It's just capitalism with a little more safety nets in place that can easily be rolled back.

numbers only matter to soilets when it's convenient, this is why communist death toll doesn't matter to them in the slightest while they chant "antifa hasn't actually killed anyone"

anything by Rage Against The Machine

my bad i replied to the wrong post

Basically just proves antifa are larpers.

>Rage Against The Machine
but The Machine says that Nazis are Evil! wouldn't that be Rage With The Machine? or Raging According to The Machine.

Great rebuttal. The boomer's programming malfunctioning.

meant to reply to this comment

I care when police kill anyone, bootlicker. Unlike you with rape victims lol

yeah but you know, liberals think Nazis are some sort of big movement with millions of people or something. like they unironically still think we're living pre-wwII.

nobody ever wants to fully hold america accountable because then we'd have to face ourselves honestly in the mirror

you guys think autechre will release anything else this year

Gotta keep the sheeple occupied with some old boogeymen.

White nationalists are a large movement right now though.



It's more the promise of something better than getting genocided by your commie leaders that makes it way more evil.

>White nationalists are a large movement
a couple of teens from /pol/ larping as nazis is not a big movement

Attached: neverever.png (600x580, 572K)

>twitter and CNN have given me a very comprehensive view of the world as it is currently


that’s a retarded take my man. communist leaders aren’t the only ones that lie to their people and proceed to do some fucked up shit to them. happens literally everywhere

So what's the common factor in this?

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Not all of them are nazis or fascist, especially in Europe where these are actually the native populations to the land. I can understand nationalism for them and just wanting to reduce immigration without the censorship anti-semitic type shit. More difficult when considering UK and France due to their colonies however.

In the US though, it's not as justifiable imo due to this being a settler country. It should be open to all as there's no set identity or founding ethnic group native to the land besides the ones that whites slaughtered.

Dictators, which is why you should look at non authoritarian strains of socialism.

lol the fact people go to war with you does not make something wrong. most of the allied countries had genocide and unjustified wars of their own tied to their imperialist goals


Attached: numale5.gif (413x243, 51K)

authoritarianism corruption and greed

racist is racist, period.

But they won the war, so they're excused, right? They are The Good Guys, after all.

i mean open borders are good. obviously it would cause some problems if we just destroyed all the borders over night but ideally we’d get to a point where people can live wherever they want

>I care when police kill anyone
Exactly, ONLY when it's police. libtard

Just sounds like getting ruled by bureaucrats who just won't admit outright

>erm, sweety, if you don't support forcing diversity and discrimination of straight men, you're literally a nazi bigot.

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the world going to war with nazism isn’t an explanation as to why nazism is bad. i agree, nazism is bad but that’s a pretty dumb reason

>i mean open borders are good.

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Conservahicks harm the country far more than immigrants do

if you don’t support diversity you are a bigot unironically

wtf is diverse about it? America is where cultures goes to die.

The US shouldn't have open borders per se, it just shouldn't be restricted by nationality or race. You can choose a quota or whatever to manage the total if you need to.

ok why are they bad then

So because Napoleon made France into a meritocracy after the French Revolution, and the rest of Europe, funded by Great Britain, fought wars for 12 years against him because they were afraid revolution was going to spread to their countries and to re-implement monarchy in France, Democracy and Meritocracy is bad?

let me ask you this: Are you literally retarded? Were you dropped on your head as a baby or was you mother just a crackwhore?

Lol mods will leave this up won’t they

>people who protect the country do more harm that criminals do
Delusional. Seek help

America deserves to be a white country, you know like it was in the, um....... FUCK OFF KEK

Democracy is bad desu

that wasn’t my point. if you don’t support diversity you support the exclusion of certain groups of people. the forced diversity shit is a meme

Forcing diversity is racist within itself. If race doesn't matter, then why do you even care about diversity? You shouldn't think of it like "we need more black people to be less racist", it should be "we need more qualified people. race doesn't matter"

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Shocking I hold police to a higher standard than gang faggots?

huh must be why people are fleeing new york and california to the hick states in droves lately.

>protect the country
lmao how's your fat ass protecting the country from your basement?

Taking the real redpill isn't as fun as it sounds.
You don't suddenly become a nazi supporter for taking the redpill, you just become aware that nazism was just another face of WWII, not objectively worse than the Allies or the soviets.
Another thing that fucked me over with taking the redpill was that I used to be juest content by blaming slavery onto white americans. Turns out, slavery was already a thing in Africa, jewish merchants bought them from african tribal chiefs, and then sold them to american farmers. Way less romantic than my initial vision of evil white men hunting down happy villagers in Africa.
I'll admit, it was just easier to live in the older black and white fantasy world I lived in, thinking all the evil source came from nazis and white men. Reality is a lot more grey than just that, and harder to deal with, morally.
If I could go back, I would choose to not have read so much stuff. Ignorance is bliss.

No, you jump at the chance to demonize them.

>protect the country

You mean by opposing any effort to mitigate climate change? People that prop up the elite status quo who bleed the working class dry and then tell them to blame brown people? No wonder conservahick states rank so poorly in education.

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Yeah I demonize my friends and family lol

brain rot retard

By owning libtard faggots like you online and bringing awareness to the stupidity of the radical left, you ugly brainlet.

By the same logic, every single African country should have open borders. How many years should a country have had the borders they have today to count as a country? You arew fucking insane and completely oblivous to any history except your own burger shit.

I really hope you choke on some fries you dumb fat amerimutt.

>jews did slavery
Nice try slipping that bs propaganda in their /pol/.

>muh hotter Earf
lmao what a pile of shit you come up with

nice backpedaling fag

Lmao the elite love those brown people they can underpay

Not when it's 100% based om Meritocracy, which Napoleons France was.

I agree that western democracy like we have today is bad.

If you're not American, why do you care about their immigration policy? It doesn't belong to one ethnic group like some old world country.

You can read it up. I'm not blaming jewish for slavery though, read again. Slavery was already a thing: Black africans already enslaved other black africans (rival tribes, conquered tribes, etc).
Jewish didn't even enslave people, they were already enslaved. The jewish just served as middle men between african chiefs and american farmers.

That's something capitalists and communists have in common.

>muh hotter Earf

It's going to reduce the amount of livable land as well as crop yields. Ignoring climate change will affect your day to day life far more than le scary brown people will. But hey, keep virtue signalling that you care about the betterment of your country.

backpedaling in what way? I'm not a black and white faggot like you

meritocracy isn’t real. there are groups of people that are in a disadvantaged position based on factors that are out of their control. it’s not racist to point out that black people for example are poorer on average or are arrested and convicted more on average than whites. what’s racist (not necessarily in a malevolent way) is to ignore the plights of these people and allow their suffering to continue by believing in a false meritocracy that only allows the people in power (let’s face it, straight white men) to continue to dictate how the world works forever

>he thinks he can escape climate change
lmao. good luck convincing china, russia to stop emissions (especially when in russia's case it's beneficial for them if the global temperature rises 4~ deg. )
fuck illegals. fuck people who defend them. if i was american i would gun down antifa in the street for trying to take away my inalienable rights. they violated the NAP

Trump supporters are uneducated boomers who unironically vote against their own economic interests

I know what you're talking about and it's a bogus myth that /pol/ commonly peddles. I'm not playing your game faggot.

It won't do anything because it doesn't exist, poop for brains.

Nice damage control

almost 80% of all slave owners were jews in america, but I understand it's soothing to just ignore it and never look it up

So lets prevent those business owners from underpaying illegals. Problem solved

cops shouldn’t kill the people they’re supposed to protect

Okay retard

>It doesn't belong to one ethnic group like some old world country
How does that make open borders good? There's a lot more to open borders than just ethnicity.

>d-don't touch muh free market

you’re a moron

>It won't do anything because it doesn't exist

Sounds like you're from one of the conservahick states that ranks bottom in education.

People shouldn't kill cops that protect them.

>the battlecry of the defeated

prove that it doesn’t exist without using jewish conspiracy as a scapegoat

Allow foreign workers to pursue legal action against business owners without fear of being arrested/deported. Problem solved.

This boomer's not even trying

You're just obstructed by the /pol/ boogeyman.
I don't actually browse /pol/ (even though I used "redpill" on my other post, I just meant doing some research on my own, reading books, not recommended by anyone on /pol/ because, again, I don't browse there, too much shitposting for me to digest).
Why do you think it's a myth? It's documented. Again, I'm not attacking the entirety of Jewish people, I'm just noting that the ones who happened to buy slaves in Africa and sell them in America were jewish. They could have been portuguese, I dunno, it's not important. My point is that I used to think white men enslaved free africans, but it wasn't quite like that, these people already came from enslaved families back in Africa.

Over 1 million Africans are enslaved to this day you fucking leftie zoomer burger retard cunt.
You know what's a better idea? Not letting illegals enter your country. Problem solved.

>I'm indoctrinated, that means I'm smart
And it's because you think that, you absolutely are not. Lol

Prove it does first, you brought it up you brainlet.

that's not how it works retard. illegals increase supply of labor artificially and drive down wages acrros the board. lmao i hope you don't identify as a socialist, or some shit. you are literally parroting neoliberal talking points. enjoy your Control Society

>durrr illegals do the work americans don't want to do
whoever you hear say this, you can be sure they benefit from the introduction of illegals FAR more than you do

only thing you feat you'll ever achieve is sucking on my sweaty hog

I'd never do that to your mother, kid.

but cops don’t protect us. that’s the thing. the protect wealth and the status quo. call the cops and tell them your car got stolen or that you got raped. they won’t do shit. then call the cops and tell them someone broke into your business. suddenly they care a lot more

Thanks, you too. I'd appreciate some arguments, though. Wait, there is none because I wasn't really being on any side, just saying exactly what nobody wants to hear: There are no good guys in humanity's history, it's all subjective, and most of humanity's history is rather cruel and disappointing.
Must be nice to still think in black and white/good and bad concepts, though. Easier, at the very least.

So basically they get all the benefits of being a citizen but none of the downsides with it

glad trump boomers itt will be dead in 10 years

Well you should cause she's lonely

I'll bet, she's got a child she regrets.

i’m not the guy who brought it up but maybe the melting icecaps holes in the ozone and global climate fluctuation is a good place to start

They can't protect someone from something that already happened.

This boomer's doing a bit where he'll just deny everything and insult without arguing.

you are correct. i’m saying you’re a moron because you think this is some kind of profound point. no fucking shit history is grey. also your “white man bad” straw man is cheap

The libtard's doing a bit where he asks for rebuttals without giving arguments

>You know what's a better idea? Not letting illegals enter your country

But that assumes people can be "illegals"

>And it's because you think that, you absolutely are not. Lol

Does stating 2+2=4 count as indoctrination?

alright man you win i hope that boot tastes good

the real issue is the fucking federal reserve and the deep state you guys don't even understand what is going on

if the illegals, working and middle class actually banded together into a revolutionary force the country would be 10000% better off than anything you will get from bernie GIBS, donald wall, deporting people in cages, beating up antifa in the street/ nazis, or dunking the other side. this is exactly what they want

and no you morons arent going to be able to address climate change at this rate lmao

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Theyre not really supposed to be hiring them in the first place

>Does stating 2+2=4 count as indoctrination
No because stating that is a fact and not an opinion. You'd know that if you were actually intelligent.

>illegals increase supply of labor artificially and drive down wages acrros the board

Ever heard of a minimum wage? Or is that a commie concept too?

>i hope you don't identify as a socialist, or some shit. you are literally parroting neoliberal talking points

All this anger, and not a single point to be made.

so then what are they good for? giving people speeding tickets? conducting illegal searches? shooting dogs and unarmed civilians? legally rob people through civil asset forfeiture? burn babies with flashbangs?

The cultural marxists changed the history books from the real answer of 2+2=5 because the answer was discovered by Joe Whiteman and they want to erase our history.

Drop out of college! :)

They don't do that

they literally do

how the fuck u plan to enforce a minimum wage for illegals? dude... do you think it out before you type?

Lmao yes they do, come on this is weak

>But that assumes people can be "illegals"
Who are going to pay taxes that fund your socialist safety net if there's no legal citizens? beacuse if there are no illegals there are no legals either.

>uh y-yeah they libetally doo!
Weak af bitch

an easy solution would be to eliminate all borders thus getting rid of illegal immigrants and abolishing capitalism so that wages can't be driven down.

>no fucking shit history is grey
It's not that obvious, for most people, history and politics are white and black.

>No because stating that is a fact and not an opinion

Pic related are also FACTS. Climate change is real.

Attached: climatecharts.jpg (1612x1460, 423K)

Yeah real easy

>cops don't give speeding tickets
even the biggest bootlicker can't seriously deny this happens daily
the rest are real incidents involving cops

Quick question, this seems like the thread to ask it in.

Is this nazi music? Seems like it but it isn't blocked from sale on discogs

By enforcing minimum wage all around, and not arresting illegals for turning in business owners that violate the minimum wage.

You pay tax every time you purchase something, dipshit.

okay so it's not that easy but it'd be cool as fuck

the thing you guys that are anti cop don't seem to understand is that if tomorrow the entire police force was disbanded people like me would be driving cross country wearing adult diapers to spray hollow point through the glass panes of every governmental building in the nation including whatever candidate you want elected

so yes they are an apparatus of the state that is doing something useful (if you don't want to live in a flaming tyre wreck)

>rest are real incidents
Because you say so huh? Indoctronite.

immigration has never been put to a direct democratic vote

>Climate change is real.

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>Yuro who can't into American politics
Sorry babby does it make your head hurt?

that 'solution' would result in basically the entirety of south america migrating upwards into the contiguous united states. look, i'm not american so it's your policy to decide but your welfare, healthcare and actual transport infrastructe can't support that. you have no idea howmany people would come

>abolishing capitalism
it worked well all the other times it was tried right? good luck motivating the working class to want communism again. especially in america. they -HATE- you.

Sounds like I hurt somebody's fee fees with FACTS and LOGIC.

>cultural marxism
just say the jews man i know you’re thinking it

That's dope, fuck the state. Bring it baby.


>we have been able to measure tempratures for around 150 years
>earth has been around for 4.5 billion years
>climate change is real

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why do lefties want to destroy all cultures and turn the world's population into indistinct gray goo?

i'm not against policing entirely. i think it's ridiculous to believe we could live in a society without them. but the police as they exist now have way too much power and are never held accountable for the absolutely vile shit that they do.

she’s not going to suck your dick because you defended cops on Yea Forums

you dont even comprehend the "facts" youre posting. youre just parroting your jewish handlers.

>By enforcing minimum wage all around
yeah no shit. that's what is 'already' done

>not arresting illegals for turning in business owners that violate the minimum wage
that... won't work. illegals are desperate people. the reason they are working for less than minimum wage in the first place is because they are filling a role that otherwise wouldn't exist for them. they are not going to risk that to fit into your fantasty land where they aren't barely hanging on already. also, do you know how many illegals can't even speak english? how the fuck will they report anyone?

why are you white knighting this hard for cops of all people

lol what?

No, no, I'm not some kind of Nazi, I'm just NatSoc. Totally different, it's all about loving our people and stuff. All that hate against other races is just my way of showing my appreciation for their culture. Now I must redpill the kids on subversive cuck propaganda in Nicktoons programs.

Warming and cooling cycles are natural. But the current warming cycle we're undergoing is much faster than the ecosystem can adapt to. The net result is going to be reduction in available land to live on, reduction in arable crop land, collapse of oceanic ecosystems, and reduced crop yields from erratic weather patterns and reduction in insect-driven pollination.

serious question. I'm all for climate change legislation but what can we do about Africa and Asia? they're making our efforts meaningless.

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fine. but every 'ACAB' insufferable fag i see wants the police force to be completely dismantled and it's insufferable. also the incredibly hostile mentality breeds the 'thin blue line' shit, which makes the police more insular and resistant to any kind of change.

Sounds like you're responding with feelings, rather than FACTS & LOGIC.

didn't they actually try to do that once?

>You pay tax every time you purchase something, dipshit.
So are you think sales and use tax will fund every public need or are you going to do it like
in the Soviet Union where people couldn't afford a piece of bread?

Move to China then

Nazis serve a useful purpose to those who wish to keep us divided and powerless.

How the fuck do you think that's serious

Why would the business owners even be aloud to hire illegals in the first place?

They put their lives on the line for the sake of all people, they deserve it so I do it and you should too. Unless you're a criminal or a thug.

>the reason they are working for less than minimum wage in the first place is because they are filling a role that otherwise wouldn't exist for them.

They're working for less than minimum wage because they're afraid of their employer reporting them to ICE.

literally non-existent

try the 60 million evil racist whites that voted for Trump

capitalism has never been abolished, even in "communist" countries. they simply became state capitalist.

the primary reason that people move from one part of the world to another is for economic opportunities or a better standard of living. if you eliminate the cause of economic inequality, i.e. capitalism, people would be far less likely to move away from their friends and family, which would actually help to preserve cultures.

think about it, bro. and i mean seriously think about it.

and there's also nothing that can be done to make even a slightest dent to that trend through individual or collective human action

spoken like someone who has never heard of DN before.

>But the current warming cycle we're undergoing is much faster than the ecosystem can adapt to
How do you know it wasn't this fast 1 million years ago?

Yeah, you don't.

because real /pol/ posters are genuinely that retarded.

How hard is it to become a cop in America?

>they're making our efforts meaningless.

How so?

Attached: co2-emissions-per-capita.png (1005x930, 119K)

What has Trump done to hurt your feelings exactly?

Yeah thats the "IDEA" but in a world where you can just travel indefinitely why wouldn't you?

>Why would the business owners even be aloud to hire illegals in the first place?

Then remove those restrictions too.

no they're working for minimum wage because they have no other option. because if there was one, they would be working that job, obviously.

Be in somewhat good shape. A clean record and have 2 brain cells minimum

Political Violence is NOT acceptable.

africa is not a significant contributor to climate change.

people who think it is ok are the worst as they don't see they are the new nazis

Why would they move to the West if there's no great economic advantage over their own country? You wouldn't see mass immigration on the scale it is now.

>capitalism has never been abolished, even in "communist" countries. they simply became state capitalist
yeah so that's a pretty good sign it's going to be hard to do, right?

"Brotherman Bill"

*less than
also that in itself is proof the bullshit about illegals not affecting job market is straight bullshit. they can't even find legit jobs for themselves.

The data would've shown it. Data collected from ancient atmospheric gases trapped in bubbles in ice cores, or isotope data from foram shells that formed millions of years ago when the atmospheric composition (and by connection, air composition in ocean water) was different.

you are the new nazis/commies and can't even see it
people are already killing for this ideology
lapped the propaganda like milk and now meow

>the primary reason that people move from one part of the world to another is for economic opportunities or a better standard of living.
Have you ever thought about the reasons they have worse living standards than the West? Have you ever thought about why Africans didn't discover the wheel until the late 19th century? Have you ever thought why many South Americans are violent animals?

So just say you want to give the illegals amnesty or whatever.

Fuck Nazis.


brainwashed much?
mind you but i will not join your death cult

>no they're working for less than minimum wage because they have no other option

Correct. They'd have the option of reporting employers who pay less than minimum wage if we removed their fear of being arrested by ICE

Not nearly to the same degree. There are socialist clubs at every uni using communist imagery; good luck starting the swastika society

>being this retarded
Do you know what kind of industries there are in China and Africa?

Have you ever met a South American? Don't say shit like that.

>Have you ever thought about the reasons they have worse living standards than the West?
because the west exploits them for their natural resources. it'd be pretty difficult to achieve a high standard of living when foreigners have been fucking you over for centuries and continue to take all your shit without compensating you.

oh shit I definitely got my story mixed up then. We, as well as China and India etc, need to really get our shit together. I wonder if something besides activism will be the catalyst. maybe a global recession will change something. god I hope so.


I've seen the video. The Swastika dude was threatening and challenging the other dude.


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If you want to eat shit to "own the libs", I'm not going to stop you. Just don't blame anyone but yourself when you fall ill.

He’s right dummy

Sounds like you're responding with feelings and not FACTS & LOGIC

>We, as well as China and India etc, need to really get our shit together

The CO2 production of those developing countries seems to have leveled off. They're reaching the point where they can start implementing CO2 reduction schemes. No reason why the US (an already developed country) shouldn't have already started implementing such schemes themselves

i'm not for violence but i'm certainly not going to cry for him

If you had no idea how to the use the shit than wtf is it good for?

White People.

this post makes the assumption that all countries have been given an equal starting point to develop and that some have just succeeded independently and others have failed independently. when really there's the group of countries that have done everything they can to become big and strong, and that includes exploiting and socially manipulating other peoples in order to become even bigger and stronger.

alright guys i’m going to bed. reminder that i won the thread and communism is good


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You didn't know Oxygen isotope ratios were affected by temperature? Guess you learnt something today. It's actually a really interesting topic.

why the fuck would an employer hire an illegal then when they can hire a citizen for the same wage


You have to go back Pedro. But I guess you won't because your home continent are full of violent animals.
Yeah, I knew this argument would come. Typical retarded zoomers who have no fucking idea how the real world works and have never been outside their hometown.

EU and the US are giving more than $100 billion dollars in aid to Africa EVERY YEAR.

Because they really do work harder.

>it’s not okay to punch a person promoting genocide
ok cuck

illegals wont call the authorities on them

So then there would be no point in hiring regular citizens.

>why the fuck would an employer hire an illegal then when they can hire a citizen for the same wage

Why wouldn't they? If the illegal is a harder worker or has more experience. Illegals consume products too, so their presence in the country increases the demand for products, and that in turn increases the demand for labour to produce said products.

What do you get out of hating entire continents of people? Very broad generalizations of about a couple billion people.

>No reason why the US (an already developed country) shouldn't have already started implementing such schemes themselves
Maybe it's because we haven't completely polluted our countries to a debilitating level where the government feels the need to change at least something otherwise it threatens their economic growth. I hope we don't have to reach that point to enact change.

I just don't want more brown people in my country
why does this make me a nazi :((((

$100 billion dollars is not enough money to instantly fix the historic exploitation of an entire continent my man

United states infrastructure is much harder to support it. An entire country basically built around the automobile

Can't unionize or advocate for fair labor, less worker rights, don't have to pay health insurance


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>Maybe it's because we haven't completely polluted our countries to a debilitating level where the government feels the need to change

Visible pollution =/= actual levels of total pollution

Yeah that's why they started to give up fixing it and just let them in wholesale

Not every American citizen is lazy.

>his post makes the assumption that all countries have been given an equal starting point to develop and that some have just succeeded independently and others have failed independently
That's exactly how it worked in reality. I'm sorry you're to dumb to understand that. If Africa had developed
-Measurement (length, volume, weight etc)

-Calender (they had seasons though)

-Arithmetic (Ethiopia had it)


-Fractions, decimals, negative numbers etc


-Treaties/ pacts/ armistice


Some notable inventions like:

-Written language (yes, some nations adopted Arabic since they were proselytized by their Arabic and North African neighbors)

-Topographical mapping

-Woven clothes


-2 storey housing

-Roads, aqueducts and bridges

-Sail ships

-Pack animals (Ethiopia and some West African nations had them)

-Selectively bred animals (sheep guarding dogs, hunting dogs, dairy cattle, ). They however had some indigenous Sanga cattle breeds that doubled as pack animals in some parts of Africa and places in contact with North Africa and the Arabs had camels and horses.

-Vowels (only among the Khoi ethnolinguistic group)

-Machines *and not tools.* (an apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.)

In addition to the aforementioned inventions, plenty (if not most) of African groups/ tribes didn't practice agriculture despite having no shortage of arable land. My own kinsmen, the Kikuyu tribe, practiced subsistence agriculture but sub-Saharan Africans lacked advanced agriculture for instance.

- Intensive farming

- The plough

- Terraces

- Irrigation

- Specially selected seed crops for higher yields.

Before Europe, they would been the ones who would spearhead humanity.

Wonder why they didn't...?

>doesnt even wonder what class consciousness feels like

having fun "winning" while still getting fucked by your boss, your landlord and everyone else you know lmao

USA, Brazil, Poland, UK, etc.

illegals are also, you know, illegal. so at risk of deportation at any time, possibly no fixed address, more likely to disappear without notice, more likely to steal stuff from work and run, less likely to be fluent english. now give me a reason to hire one over an american citizen if i have to pay them the same

I meant like the health effects of pollution on the population. Last I heard breathing Chinese and Indian air is the equivalent of smoking a shit ton of cigs.

>illegals work harder

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so you're advocating for the legalization of a form of second class citizens which the neoliberal elite will use to further undermine the working / middle class. great.

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cope faggot

>they have 5 turds in their cereal, and I have only 4 turds in my cereal
>let's all enjoy our cereals!

He's right, you know.

How do non boomers vote republican at this point?

Republicans do nothing but shit on working class people to fund boomer decadence through corrupted tax cuts

>>they have 5 turds in their cereal, and I have only 4 turds in my cereal
the air I breathe here in Vermont is extremely cleaner than in Delhi lol

Because geography. Because different resources. Because a quarter of Africa is a desert. Because different cultures.

No he wasnt. He literally backed away from the guy. The whole "punching nazis" shit is so retarded. You're just strengthening the victimization of a dumb ideology making it more appealing to rejects in society. That's why all these retards are shooting up places now. Instead of just talking to someone people lash out violently like that's okay. Thats never been okay. Thats fascism in itself. There were objectively good ideas and practices by the nazis. When you reject that entirely you give way to these "breakthrough" moments for people when the idea is uncovered and it makes them question the reasons for quelling a horrific regime. The left is so fucking dumb its mind numbing. They just alienate everyone who doesnt follow suit, becoming who they claim to be fighting.

u should read why nations fail for an interesting counterpoint. the shift to agriculture happened in the middle east first because that's where political centralization occurred first, but centralization requires overcoming infighting which is hardly a given.

But your per capita emissions are still higher than India's. That's the point. Visible pollution doesn't mean shit.

So basically they were doomed to be mediocre

Unironically racism, muh guns, or muh jebus
Their economics aren't what's popular

Yes it is. The United States gave nearly $100 billion in todays money ONCE to Europe to build up their economies after WWII. An entire continent that lost 50 million people and was in complete ruins.

>shit on working class people
the US doesn't have a party that doesn't do that

That's boomer shit though.

>Their economics aren't what's popular

They do virtue signal to the working class, while fucking them over. It's why conservative states are the worst ranked in education.

>Hitler killed innocents based on ethnicity, Stalin was focused on exploiting businessmen and espionage.
But Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot all literally killed millions based on ethnicity. Stalin deported millions of Ukrainians to prison camps and put them on death marches to Siberia.
Communist dictators of the 20th century across the world commit manys of literal, verified, indisputable ethnic cleansing.
But this okay because they said they did it to free the working class from business interest? That's exactly how Hitler justified killing Jews. You can't say one is okay but not the other by this line of logic.

>Protecting the country

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You werent working class under obama. He destroyed industries and ruined a lot of blue collar jobs while also making it increasingly hard to start and maintain small businesses. Both parties suck, but when one shits on you for 8 years what do you expect people to do? Keep eating shit?

I'm not disagreeing. But I would think that visible pollution probably galvanizes people to want change rather than non-visible pollution, which only makes people and skeptics more inert and comfortable with their beliefs and the lives they lead.

>not being retarded

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europe is a lot smaller than africa and was not as damaged after world war 2 as africa is today

Geography, resources and deserts have literally nothing to do with development of anything I stated above.

>and was not as damaged after world war 2 as africa is today
Ok that''s it. This is the last (you) you baited out of me. You are either black or a white middle class zoomer. Either way you have no fucking grasp on reality or history.

Yes they do.


Yes. These factors are the basic shit that affect human civilization.

This. May Yea Forums remain a leftist board until Yea Forums's grizzly demise, despite /pol/'s best efforts to colonize.


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if geography and resources can influence civilization development they can also influence biological development, i.e. evolution
no leap of logic to assume that if a given area produces an inferior civilization, it in tandem produces an inferior creed of man

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Nah. If you think about where you are you stupid fucking mutt, and knew the history of your continent you would understand this. But on the other hand, you're low IQ might prevent it.


Got his ass

democrats are racist class traitors
conservatives are liberals
social democrats are a fucking joke
jill stein does anal
libertarians are hip hop styled thugs and irrelevant in wake of marijuajuana legalization
le boogy-loo would fail miserably for Both Sides
people saying swear words on your computer is not a valid reason to engage in a civil conflict
illegal immigrants are used as scab labor and subjected to extreme racism as well as relative poverty
the united states cannot support it's own surplus population
importing additional wage labor is only worthwhile when there's a shortage of wage laborers
or functional domestic industry
there's no solution
there's no second world to bail you out
you won't just retreat into the wilderness and rough it
the united states is a lost cause
and you're part of it
fuck zoomers
fuck doomers
fuck boomers
fuck tombers
fuck wombers
fuck coomers
everyone sucks but me
i'm your dad
get the grill going
welcome to post-liberalism
welcome to entropy
welcome to

i’m a black middle class zoomer

spiritual miracle lyrical individual

the hunchback of basedgod