An unironic masterpiece, and there are no convincing arguments that it's not...

An unironic masterpiece, and there are no convincing arguments that it's not. A lot of hatred album comes from racism unfortunately
>God tier mixing
>God tier production from flyo and knx
>Kendrick has actually innovated hip hop with his unique flows and lyrics

Attached: tpab.jpg (1500x1500, 337K)


Cherry picking

Yup. This thread will have shitty opinions rooted in racism and alt right beliefs per usual though


>God tier mixing
>God tier production from flyo and knx
>Kendrick has actually innovated hip hop with his unique flows and lyrics
wheres the god tier music tho?

The worst most annoying people around seem to hate "fascism" whatever that means, so i have decided to become an all out no holds barred capital F alt right Fascist just to piss them off.

>If you criticize this album you’re alt right
Unironically kill yourself friend

*vinyl scratching sample intro for that cinematic feel*
*whiny, laughable baby voice delivery in what's supposed to be a personal, introspective moment*
*cringy fake tupac interview that goes on for 10 minutes*
*spells out the entire theme of the album right in your face in case you were too dumb to grasp his genius since he's a poet and the savior of hip hop and the black race*


this dick aint free yo

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i mean the line fulfills its purpose

Reminder the board generally liked the album when it released, most people saying GKMC but the reception was all positive. Everyone now meme'ing are crossboarders or newfags that weren't around then.

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It's boring and try hard. I'd rather drink cyanide than try to sit through the whole thing again.

Then why make the point to begin with retard, the album has legitimate flaws but muh racism has to be brought up in every thread preemptively by soiboys

We literally hated

Reminder people back then still prefered GKMC and thought TPAB was p4k bait (they turned out to be right)

This. It’s fucking unlistenable self indulgent shit by an iq 100 retard who thinks he is a legit artist because he is surrounded by iq 75 retards

Untitled unmastered was unironically a much more interesting and satisfying collection of songs

Its a pretty good album

Correct. GKMC is a great album. Then shit got to his head.

Yeah people went nuts for tpab, nobody thought he would top gkmc and he did. Good times, Yea Forums had so much energy back then. The government plates release was probably my favorite.

name these legitimate flaws

Its ok. didnt like it much then and defintely dont now. Gkmc is superior.

GKMC isn't even comparable to TPAB. TPAB is so much better. I never got all the love for GKMC. It's a boring run of the mill trap record. Tpab is actually a pretty good fusion of funk and experimental hip hop production

>The word "hype" wasn't enough to describe the media assault on the sprawling 80-minuteTo Pimp a Butterfly(2015), another meticulously crafted album that employed legions of writers, producers and musicians (including jazz pianist Robert Glasper and jazz saxophonist Kamasi Washington). Six people wroteWesley's Theory, includingGeorge Clinton, and four produced it, includingFlying Lotus. Nine people are credited as writers for the funk-festKing Kunta, making it de facto a collage. The producers threw in more live instruments, resulting in a sound that is more revivalist than innovative, but also a sound that helps the general theatrical atmosphere. For better and for worse,The Blacker the Berryis the epitome of this emphatically pointless but fashionable avant-jazz-rap music.I begins as an olf-fashioned synth-pop hit of the 1980s before it begins to sound like a James Brown parody (with the lyrics "the number one rapper in the world" and "i love myself") accented by a jovial piano figure. The best psychodrama is possibly one of the simplest songs, the melodic funk-soulThese Walls, and the best political sermon the equally straightforward funk dittyHood Politics. But the music is secondary to the histrionics and it doesn't matter that the catchy and danceableAlrightstands in opposition of the industrial beat that derailsMomma, a fact that could account for at least eclecticism. This is a superficial and, ultimately, middle-of-the-road album from an artist who lacks the visceral energy ofPublic Enemy andTackheadwhile also lacking the poetic depth ofKanye Westand the musical genius ofEl-P. He tries to be all of them at once, but maybe he would be most credible if he were just himself: a brilliant script-writer of fictionalized real-life stories: the Christian parableHow Much a Dollar Costpresents God disguised as a homeless man, andMortal Maninterviews the ghost of dead rapper2Pac.


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The amount of threads dude, was wild

pic has nothing to do with what i said


have you heard the good word of our lord, socialism with chinese characteristics? China is an actual honest to god 1920s fascist dictatorship and it's beautiful

Fucking retard, Don't ever talk shit about Mortal Man you Wigger.

Hip hop is the worth genre by far if we're talking just music itself


if it's purpose is to give /pol/ a "get out of any other criticism free" card that Yea Forums can't actually refute, then it does indeed serve it's purpose

if you want to be a respected modern philosopher and poet, "muh dick" is not the answer, he might as well have thrown a "muhfuggin bix nood" in there.

The main flaw is the album doesn’t flow well at all as far as the listening experience you’re getting. It keeps pulling you out over and over into these cringe tier self indulgent unrestrained interludes packed with annoying spoken word parts. Mortal Man is a perfect example. He takes too much fucking liberty and destroys and otherwise fantastic song. It’d be more palatable if the spoken word parts were actually resonant and deep but they’re not even close
Thus the second flaw is the album lacks real lyrical depth (not to be confused with thematic depth) and is stuck in a frustrating no man’s land between strong lyricism and flow-focused trap style lyrics that aren’t supposed to be hard to parse. I always want more from this dude as a lyricist and he literally never delivers
King Kunta is a weak goofy west coast revival track that feels soft and out of place in 2010s hip hop
‘i’ is an uninformed black person’s impression of ‘cool’ guitar music

The album is just packed with questionable shit that a hipper more informed and restrained artist would never fucking do. Does it have moments of genius? Absolutely. Is it a masterpiece when compared to the literal dogshit coming out of the American rap scene like lil pump or tekashi? I mean if that’s your competition then sure, congrats bro


Is it /pol/ to say rap music is garbage?

A modern-day Shakespeare. How could we have been so blinded by racism?

yes but in this case /pol/ is largely correct

I just wrote all that shit but based scaruffi gets to the absolute heart of my problem with tpab
>This is a superficial and, ultimately, middle-of-the-road album from an artist who lacks the visceral energy ofPublic Enemy andTackheadwhile also lacking the poetic depth ofKanye Westand the musical genius ofEl-P. He tries to be all of them at once, but maybe he would be most credible if he were just himself: a brilliant script-writer of fictionalized real-life stories


Nah, I got no problem with other races but I just find rap obnoxious. It's got nothing I can connect to.

btfo by

I'm fine with the lyrics, but I fail to see this as innovative. Oh, he sampled some jazz? Not new.
I mean it's not a bad album or anything, it's just overrated and I don't understand why. I guess Kendrick bribed a lot of reviewers.
Also, Kendrick's voice... maybe this is subjective, but I can't stand his whiny, effeminate high pitched voice.

Isn't the album's main selling point supposed to be how it's all performed instead of merely sampled? If it so then I can respect the hype. If it's sampled, Amon Tobin's Supermodified was released almost 20 years ago and it still sounds more next level than any sample-based iazz released since.

I mean, paying a jazz band to perform for an album is not new, not in hip hop, not in pop.

>Also, Kendrick's voice... maybe this is subjective, but I can't stand his whiny, effeminate high pitched voice.
This so fucking much. His actual voice is awful

It's shit end of story
All this is to me is proof you can work people into liking anything
First song good though

Yea Forums adored this album on release. It wasn't until it started getting really big and beloved that Yea Forums started hating it. Yea Forums is pretty much the only place that doesn't appreciate that this is one of the best albums of the decade. It's true that it didn't reinvent hip-hop but I'd definitely say it did a great job of reviving and refreshing that classic jazzy 90s alt. hip-hop feel. Pretty much all the songs are great. The lyrics aren't as on the nose as people make out and they're far more introspective and personal than WE WUZ KANGZ. I think it was Kendrick's peak and I like that DAMN moved out of it's shadow and tried to be it's own thing while still exploring similar themes. Kendrick's one of the best artists of the decade this board is just too fucking contrarian to admit that. Instead they're just going to sling mud at a good artist and a good album because oh no Reddit and RYM like it so we can't!







I just don't like it. That's perfectly fine people do, you don't have to spaz out over people just not liking something

I started laughing at the last track when he was talking to Tupac
Shit is so lame I don't know how people can take it seriously

4chans gonna seethe hard when p4k gives this AOTD

Do people here still respect p4k? I thought that ship sailed long ago

masterfully removing spaces to beat text limit and deliver scruffys sermon to these undeserving children. cheers

Goddamn I love this album, but saying that people hate it due to racism is just horse shit


>but I fail to see this as innovative. Oh, he sampled some jazz? Not new.

>Also, Kendrick's voice... maybe this is subjective, but I can't stand his whiny, effeminate high pitched voice.
this. is voice is only decent

>All this is to me is proof you can work people into liking anything
yeah is basically a group of journalist and media pushing a record at the end of the day and goats follow them

to pump a butterfry

>Isn't the album's main selling point supposed to be how it's all performed instead of merely sampled? If it so then I can respect the hype.
Congratulations on not stealing, I guess? We really do set the standard really fucking low for blacks, don't we? Congratulations on making music the way literally everyone else has for decades instead of plagiarizing their work. You played an instrument. Let's gave a round of applause.

p4k rolls a dice and subtracts how white you are to calculate scores

idk, man it just kinda sounds bad