Why is this never really talked about?

Why is this never really talked about?
It's honestly one of the best albums of the 2000s, and IMO it's tied with Dookie

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It's talked about all the time

It was a huge cultural moment, you zoomers wouldn't understand.

I'm not a Yea Forums regular but I come through every now and then and I only ever see anything about Dookie
This entire album is a fucking masterpiece

25YO boomer, it may sound cringey but this shit changed my life as it did many others. It created an entire subculture (or at least contributed to the expansion of an already relatively underground one)

Why hasn't Green Day done anything this good or relevant since? Why did they change their style so much to some shit no one wants to hear? It's almost as if they intentionally "stepped aside" so to speak

Dookie and The Who has sex and gave birth to this album.
The title track is garbage. In fact any music that behaves like a propaganda piece for a mainstream political party is pretty fucking gay.
The rest of the album is desu very good.

The broadway thing is complete and utter trash, part of this sadly demonstrates that atleast a portion is the appeal of this album is rooted in Green Day themselves playing it.

The album itself sounds great, guitar drums and bass, a touch over produced but not offensively so.

Conceptually it’s even pretty good becuase BJs head was unstuck out of his own head after Warning. The whole I’m a sad teenager and I’m a small piece of the problem with America was good and him growing up and looking back on his period of bad deeds was kino with a big payoff at the end.

The reason though is BJ manages to offend his fans and his detractors so much by being a moron intellectually.

I really like his stuff but hate the man. Wish I had grabbed one of those Les Paul Juniors he was shilling back then.

I didn't get into this album until I was 20 or so. I'm 26 now. Everyone in my middle school loved it, but I was more into Frank Zappa in middle school.

Interesting takes
I agree American Idiot and Wake Me Up When Sept. Ends are the weakest links even though I loved them when they were hot (American Idiot sounds good but I agree with you)

Even today, when zoomers say they like rock they point to this album (I've seen a few instances of this at least)

I'd argue it has a lot of influence from not just the Who but 60s rock in general with songs like She's a Rebel and even Holiday to some extent

A less "hardcore" version of this song woulda been a hit '63 - '66


Jesus Of Suburbia and Homecoming are probably their opuses (aside from the entirety of Dookie).

For sure
There's no other song that's so long that can keep my attention so well as Jesus of Suburbia, not even something like Stairway to Heaven (which is an objectively great song)

im thinking of getting one of his juniors fuuuck

u wat

From the cradle to the grave
We are the kids of war and peace
From Anaheim to the middle east
We are the stories and disciples of
The Jesus of suburbiaAAAAAAAAAAAA!

ive been wanting a junior and i might get the doublecut one

I'm no Yea Forums expert
What's a junior?

its a style of guitar that gibson put out. bj made i think about 5 different variations of the junior.

Les Paul Junior. It's a Les Paul with one pickup instead of two.

Ah I see

American Idiot is a shit song. I like wake me up, and holiday. Green Day is mostly shit though.

They are shit outside of Dookie and American Idiot (album) I'll give you that
Boggles my mind how a group can make such masterpieces and have everything else be mediocre or just plain bad

Id argue that the whole time during the Iraq was i was just annoyed by the Fags in GD and the media in general having the best time ever LARPing as 60s counter culture anti-Vietnam ‘heroes’.
Iraq has no draft, granted it was BS, but it wasn’t nearly the scale of Vietnam. The country was conquered in a few weeks and then it was years of the army watching sectarian violence and baby sitting the new government. Then you had the 06 Surge and that’s it.

Vietnam was a draft and proxy war during the Cold War forcing non-volunteers to fight in a decade long civil war in which the US military was boss. Iraq they were ‘light footprinting’ for years. Meaning mudslimes would kill each other. The military would drive over, stop any shooting that was stil happening and go home. Not a war where there was a side to fight.

This album is forever tainted by American Idiot the song being a LARP fest and ungenuine or even worse, a childish understanding of what was really going on.

Yellow Card is a better 00s pop punk band to be honest.

Les Paul is the generic guitar shape you know and love from Slash. In the 50s they made a ‘cheap’ version with simpler electronics and construction. It went in and out of production of the years.

During the AMerican idiot launch Gibson approached BJ with a limited run endorsement deal. He chose the Les Paul design for its simplicity but added in a high gain pick up and a slim neck suitable for modern guitar playing.
It’s excellent blend of modern and 50s

Yellow card is offbrand green day with a violin as their schtick.

The hot button drowning out the other themes of the album is a shame, but that wasn't only in the titular title. Holiday is equally guilty of this, but almost makes it worth it, great song.

Yeah, holiday gets a pass because it’s good.
However it’s pretty fucking rediculous to pretend the Iraq war is equivalent to Vietnam and Bush is equal to Hitler.

Vietnam could draft anyone for 10 years and ruin your life for some shot hole gooks. Iraq used a volunteer army and affected barely .01% of the countries day to day lives. I don’t even need to mention WWI or a real war’s affects on society.

Makes bitching about Iraq seem pretty pathetic by scale. Who even cares about Iraq or Bush at this point? All I see is people bitching about Hitler or Vietnam

If the previous songs weren't ridiculous, would Letterbomb lose all impact?

Yellowcard has 1 half of a good album to their name and nothing else.

Their next album was good

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21st century breakdown = garbage

>muh we're not releasing another album until Bush is out of office

>They are shit outside of Dookie and American Idiot (album) I'll give you that
But Insomniac was their best record.

We do talk about it. And so do many music critics. Many people actually do consider it a 2000s classic. Some might even say it's a rock classic period.