Ask this bitch about her mafia connections and the sextape she made with bengalfuel

ask this bitch about her mafia connections and the sextape she made with bengalfuel

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i thought clairo was the one who had a sextape out with bengalfuel

it's clairo, dua lipa, emily ratajkowsk, taylor swift, jennifer lawrence all mafioso hoes while in new york from a stolen laptop or phone, or both and slowly leaks are starting

saw some screenshots of one of them posted that looked legit but didn't save beause i never heard of her. somebody said it's a lot more people than that

taylor swift looks a lot like the blonde from bengalfuel, your post confused me

no one likes your shitty ass ambient\nt

Drop Swift's vid first please and thank you Mafia

Wait what happened? Anything leaked? Can someone tell me this story?

good lordy, my dick will fall off

taylor having a lesbian sextape floating around would only make me like her more

as much as I hate to agree with this faggot

tay tay makes ambient? what planet are you on? is tool considered hip hop there?

what if taylor swift's next album is a full album collab with grouper

bunglefull you retard


Where are you guys getting all this stuff from? Is there a source?

please post Tay Tay vid first Don, grazie

its that fucking bengalshyte spamming the board again
there is nothing

Yea Forums boards had threads the last few days and you just missed clairo nudes before it got deleted on this board, yo

oh yeah, Yea Forums is trustworthy

moron, there was a clairo thread here with nudes. it was deleted. you go to Yea Forums because this is a blue board

fuck off bungle. no one believes you

the amount of jealous gayboy cope itt is unreal. seethe more, samefagging brandon

they're all sluts.
nothing to be envious of, user.
not watching their clips.

i think you meant to say the amount of "im four days late with my rent guys give me some views" ITT

Claire pics are the real deal, need the full video

>Claire pics are the real deal
[Citation needed]

learn to use the archive, there were two threads today already. even when someone tried to censor the pussy it still was deleted

blue board tardo
i meant confirmation that its actually clairo

what the fucking fuck oh my fuck holy fuck clairo got her finger up the girl asshole licking her pussy and she sucking that dick the fuck goin on here it's real oh my fucking balls

>emily ratajkowski
think they just did a photo shoot only

the emily referred to for video is another one confirmed, with screenshots so far - emily warren, she worked with dua, they are friends. they're party girls who get drunk together and fuck boys and each other and they party with taylor. this adds up.

this started as a guy who stole a laptop and/or mobile from bengalfuel's gf who they must know as video team or makeup/wardrobe and they realized it, she posted on her insta that they would pursue it legally and then he is sitting on terrified and worried about digital footprints and we couldn't get him to share except some screenshots at first, which were all legit, no question. he said other people had the video, too. it's like hundreds of clips. he seemed more scared of mafia than feds. can't say i blame him with this crowd.

I'm pretty sure Clairo performed as a supporting act on a Dua Lipa tour. So they know each other.


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literally look just like girls from bengalfuel music videos

>taylor swift, jennifer lawrence
oh look who's together

Attached: Jennifer-Lawrence-Taylor-Swift.jpg (980x653, 61K)

Until it's actually posted, you can safely assume it's bullshit and bengalfuel trying to get attention

good works, anons. now someone make sure he lives long enough to leak.

>HURR there is a pic with them together they must have fucked
grow the fuck up retard

i think what he means is that it's proof they could all be among the same collection of tapes, not that they fucked. you're kind of retarded. we just had a random set of names given to us a few days ago, it didn't make any logical sense why someone could have all these people but if they're all friends it makes a lot more sense and the credibility is moreso especially since the clairo pics are real. but continue to seethe...

it makes sense for bungle to create a "random"set of names from pics he found on the internet
there is no proof the clairo pics are actually clairo
but go off

this thread feels like it has some, ahem, visitors

with copious amounts of shut-it-down

deflection method #7

it makes sense for taylor's legal team to put all the blame on the party in possession of the videos and insinuate they're leaking while attempting to make a case for deniability of what can be seen with one's own eyes

what videos?

post dua feet

>what videos?
this thread is about SEXTAPES. a sextape is no longer video. it's like how a MIXTAPE isn't really audio.

literally worse than the kpoppers

this thread is about a RUMOR of sextapes you fucking imbecile
just kys already

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now show evidence that bungle even got in the same zip code with any of them

popheads ask for feet to be posted
kpoppers post feet without being prompted

whatever you need to tell yourself

nyc, dummy. how do you think she's able to work with so many models for music videos. it's on rym profile, she lives there. clairo lives there. both emilys. taylor has a penthouse there. j-law has a place there. everybody is there. if we ever get a fuller list of people from all clips, that is probably what is the linking thing

8.6 million people and 240 zip codes in nyc you idiot tourist

lol holy shit, have you ever been to new york? you don't exclusively get together only with people in your same zip what the fuck drugs are you on

we got some lawyers in this thread
wew lad

>now show evidence that bungle even got in the same zip code with any of them
learn to fucking read.
the point is why would any of these people lower themselves to be near a grotty little nothing like bungle?

not an argument.
if you have nothing its probably best to keep your idiot mouth shut, your deflection powers are weak

mafia, you mong. read op next time

paranoid much? that was my first post itt. i have no stake in this, i am observing the insanity

you just KNOW

So, what your saying is... the leaker sleeps with the fishes

i wonder if they're in the same zip code in that photo. did you know new york city has 240?

you know nothing
pretty lame deflection faggot.

of course

lesbo is kinda lame, I wanna see her get rail by a real cock.

the clairo tape is lesbo and cock, bengalfuel is a guy and a girl band

[citation needed]
other than op

All ppl I don't care about. Wake me if you get someone of colour in your continued hunts for cunt. Carry on, lads.

id like to see taytay in an orgy of squirting lesbians but that's me. . .

No, I agree. This needs to be her next career move.

God I love freedom of expression

>emily ratajkowski
well now i see why bengalfuel "worked" with her

Attached: emrata.jpg (1777x2015, 743K)

Well shit

I don't wanna ask her, you ask her. I didn't see or hear anything. I'm nobody. That's a very nice jacket. Good bye