Thoughts on her music? Is she the most talented up and coming pop artist currently?
Thoughts on her music? Is she the most talented up and coming pop artist currently?
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billy you dont have to keep posting here you already have a lot of platforms that push you
not this shit again
all fields newfag
not in the slightest, unless its a vid of you hanging yourself
You can't deny her visuals are compelling.
They're not though... they're really basic actually
yes, actually I can
Compelling to teenagers and underdeveloped adults with mindsets similar to that of a teenager.
If you're pretending to like this shit to seem hip or whatever, stop, for the love of music.
I normally never shit on anyone's art/music preferences this much but holy shit am I sick of seeing this joke of an artist being posted all the time.
I get that you people making these threads think you're funny because you act like total retards when in reality you're technically not but you've as much self awareness as a fucking diehard metalhead. You just look like that one kid in middle school that keeps making fart noises with his mouth throughout the entire bus ride when your class is on a field trip. Everyone is just annoyed and embarrassed with you. If that's what you're going for, nice one.
have sex
nothing's more pathetic than this post don't h8 appreciate
the constant spamming is more pathetic by far
i don't see you bitching about ye'/kpop/fantano threads, seems like you're just buttvexed that billie has fans on this board
then you just arent payin attention faggot
i've read your post history, and it's mostly incel rants against successful women. lose weight.
fuck off kid
nice try, "Jennifer"
don't give the plant water this a thoughts on billie eilish thread just a different picture.
Built like a brick shithouse
How is that a valid argument? In what fucked world is saying "Look at those people also posting utter garbage just like myself! Go bitch about them, not me" something that makes sense to you?
I'm assuming "Ye" means Kanye West. There's barely any threads about him and and from what I've heard, at least he makes actual fucking music.
Kpop-related shit can only be posted in their own little containment threads and in all other cases, should result in a ban (as far as I'm concerned) as it has nothing to do with music. Should be banned altogether imo, though I kinda feel bad for all the members of that community. No idea how they haven't received their entire own board yet.
No one's arguing that fantano threads are better than this spam, it's just that right now, this kind of shit gets posted way more often than anything fantano-related.
Only fantano threads are pretty much just off-topic bullshit while this cunt is nothing but a normalfag magnet. Being aware of that, socially awkward manchildren make threads about her thinking they're hilarious because they annoy the fuck out of other Yea Forumssers of this board.
Remember: there's no difference between being an actual retard and acting like one. Oh, except actual retards can't choose whether they want to be retarded or not, so this makes troglodytes like you the ULTIMATE retards.
Water pooling in the lower legs... It's a serious condition.
>How is that a valid argument?
umm, duh? theres like 10 fantano threads on the front page and i have 1 thread about billie, go cry incel tears somewhere else fatass
>this kind of shit gets posted way more often than anything fantano-related.
maybe because it's popular? duh? im sorry your obscure indonesian drum music isnt whats hot rn
>nothing but a normalfag magnet
just sounds like youre butthurt lol (have sex)
>socially awkward manchildren
nice projection brah
>Remember: there's no difference between being an actual retard and acting like one.
is that your excuse??
Ok, no. I'm done, you win. This post made me physically sick. I'll fuck off, it's not worth it.
>nice projection brah
lemme know when they invent a thing called womanchildren
>you rn
I am NOT arguing with a redditor at 1.30am
You do you, lil' guy. Wojak memes, "yikes", "lol", "duh", all that good stuff :)
Fuck her music, but I'd bang her
Nobody’s opinion on her has changed since this thread was posted yesterday
Shillie BTFO
oh look another one of these pathetic larp threads
OP just be honest a make a "billy eilish hate thread"
larpers are worms
you don't know that
okay, next billie thread i make will be for her pathetic haters