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check the catalogue bro

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I'll bite. BRB

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Sup fags

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the last two albums are basically just my flavor of the month albums.
invader zim was my tv choice because i don't watch tv anymore but it reminds me of my childhood.
bully me, guess details of what i'm like as a person, give recommendations, etc.

the beatles and the doors are good choices. pink floyd is GAY though.
very basic album choices.

Attached: my favorite albums as of 9 2 2019.png (1999x1896, 3.5M)


it’s not there bro

I'll explain if asked.

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Gotta be honest, not really familiar with your album picks, but I have to salute you on your video game choices. I have read many of King's books, but I never got around to The Green Mile.

alright boyos

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my #1 album is now ocean machine by devin townsend but I'll change it later
>girls last tour
good media

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bro i love u bro

Ocean Machine is a strong pick. Seventh Wave and The Death of Music are great songs.

Looking at what I put down makes me question who I really am

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futurama is giga based

He still makes the best videos on youtube tho. All youtubers are incredibly shit

+++ Shame, Louie, Hoffman

nice to see Roman Candle get some love

+++ Squarepusher
interesting that you dig Age of more than his previous work?

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+chicken wings and acid
+guinness and coaine
+arthur brown
+nin golden sun and bebop
+za and piglet
+hendrix and the thing
+pantera metallica chili and porn with no dicks in it
+alcohol of some kind
+a hamburger and fallout and funny beating meat image
+cocaine and fallout and birb
+doom and beer
+cocaine and booze

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