Other urls found in this thread:
there is surprisingly a lot of Korn posts here, even more surprising they are often positive but I've never seen the unplugged album being discussed
cringing... cringing... cringed
aaah, what a good cringe
thanks, op
guess you need to lurk more then, newfag
I've been here since 2012 and I've never seen anyone even mention Kiss.
there's a single dude who makes some kiss threads everyday trying to make it mucore
kinda sad really
The fuck are you talking about I’ve been going here for years and no one talks about half those albums
Pretty based actually, Kiss is patrician
i wonder how long it will be before indieheads uses this as their bible
>no rhcp
I can only agree with DG and Nirvana being Yea Forumscore. fuck off with your Iowa meme shit.
Fuck you faggot Nirvana is faggot shit Iowa by Slipknot is a true masterpiece
cock sucker
same applies to One-X
Where’s dubbi?
Yeah Mr. Newguy doesn't know that Korn was blessed by St. Scaruffi.
rest are good tho
Wait.....the Beatles white album or.....the Beatles album?
For Yea Forums-core, the standard is:
>King Crimson - ITCOTCK
>Slint - Spiderland
>MBV - Loveless
>Radiohead - Ok Computer, Kid/Amnesiac
>Animal Collective - MPP
These are the essentials.
There are a few honourable mentions:
>Captain Beefheart - Troutmask Replica
>Beach Boys - Pet Sounds / Smile
>Kanye West - MBDTF
>Swans - Filth, Songs for the Blind
>Weezer - Pinkerton
>Nas - Illmatic
>Any of Burzem's early stuff
>Kyuss - BFTRS, Welcome to Sky Valley
>Velvet Underground - Velvet Underground and Nico
>Aphex Twin - SAW 85-92, SAW II
>BOC - MHTRTC, Geogaddi
>Talking Heads - Remain in Light
>Slowdive - Souvlaki
>That deafconsciousness album?
>Death Grips - The Money Store (and probably others)
OP youse trollin.
>Yea Forumscore
At least pick In Utero.
The only real Yea Forumscore on there is DG
Oh fuck, I forgot:
>The Antlers - Hospice
I haven't seen that album posted since like 2014 though. I was almost spammed here in 2010.
Another big album that i can't believe I forgot:
Burial - Untrue
You're welcome newfaggots.
>They weren't part of the Sonic Boom listen along in 2009
Never gonna make it.
I'm one of the resident KISSfags here, I can tell you I'm not the only one though I might be the most regular. I never post Destroyer though, usually I post shit about Dynasty or the solo albums because I find them interesting.
I also don't want KISS to be Yea Forumscore, I fucking hate Yea Forumscore and I hate hipsters. I only want to talk to the few other rock fans on this board who are based and like KISS, I'm not trying to influence your narcissistic Nirvana emo fan ass into liking the music I like.
We can coexist.
this is outdated in 2019 though. we have to get with the times and the changing userbase....
Go fuck yourself there isnt a single good album on your faggot chart
says a lot about the taste of this board, huh...
Go back to /pol/ boomer fuck
reddit is where you belong, underage fuck
kiss is Yea Forumscore now, bitch
nah, it’s fine
Why is it outdated? New music doesn't make the old music obsolete.
To Be Kind
it's outdated because we have a new user base now. this list more accurately represents the taste of our new user base.
plus the old Yea Forumscore is just shit, let's be honest.
I seriously can't tell if you're baiting.
>this list more accurately represents the taste of our new user base.
>plus the old Yea Forumscore is just shit, let's be honest.
Some of Yea Forumscore are some of the best albums ever made, so not really.
>Some of Yea Forumscore are some of the best albums ever made
unironically cringe
Kiss sucks. Kiss exists because they embodied a lot of cliches during a particularly powerful time in 20th century popular music. But it was accidental and they actually contributed nothing.
>KISS is /pol/core
>such a newfag he doesn't even know about the resident Stormfront KISS hater who likes to lurk in every KISS thread
KISS is a /pol/tards worst nightmare, the prominent members are now rich Jews who's fanbase is mostly white.
I don't care for Nirvana personally but some Nirvana fans or maybe just one Nirvana fan on this board is really hell bent on trying to control the narrative of what people like and dislike and can't accept that some people like bands like KISS, or Guns N' Roses which is another band this fan in question always spergs about.
It really isn't, dude. You can call albums like ITAOTS a meme, but it's a classic and you can't dispute that.
Loveless and Spiderland definitely are.
Same thing can be said about literally any band. Led Zeppelin, Sex Pistols, Van Halen, Nirvana, RATM, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, Avenged Sevenfold.....
That's what makes literally any band popular, tapping into what the youth is all about at any given moment when the time is right
Did the redneck boomers win?
Everyone here should be killed for letting this happen
i never bother threads about KISS or Guns n' Roses, but if there's some sort of the thread that's about Guns n' Roses and Nirvana, then i shit on GNR
strong agree
based. we should listen to three days grace together some time, user ;)
damn... korn is actually pretty dope
go back, faggot
This is the taste of white trash trailer park residents.
That's fair enough, I shit on Nirvana. I don't expect everyone on the planet to have the same taste as me. I don't spend time trying to psychotically convince people not to like Nirvana though because I need everyone to agree with MEEEEEEEEEEEE ME MEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Which I might add, I find rather ironic considering I see Kurt Cobain as the prototype for the self obsessed "always on the rag" generation we have now, so it always tickles me that a Nirvana fan is acting this way.
While I like Three Days Grace, its not Yea Forumscore. A single user spams the One X album but otherwise I never see them mentioned here.
it's Yea Forumscore now, baby...
>I don't expect everyone on the planet to have the same taste as me
This is the problem with many Yea Forums posters including OP. They don't want a music board, they want a safe space where they can Nazi their taste onto everyone else, which is the point of "Yea Forumscore".
you just aren't smart enough to get igor.
>these albums are discussed frequently on Yea Forums
>features a 2019
lurk more faggot
>he doesn't know
They don’t really understand the aesthetic of Yea Forumscore either. Maybe it’s a zoomer/millennial thing.
You think a fucking boomer would ever understand MPP? No way
The original Yea Forumscore chart albums are talked about more than most of these albums
that changes tonight, babe!
It's b8 because of the retarded hair metal spammer and the three days grace spammer
that's our new user base. we have to get with the times.
If you're 555 then i'm
We all agree George Lynch is one of the greatest guitar shredders to ever exist right?
I agree with your premise of Yea Forumscore has changed because of different userbase. But your list is just shit. We should not allow any spamming threads. So no One-X, sorry.
Fuck sludge, slowing down metal doesn't make it good it's just even worse
Fuck stoner, it's just sludge but marketed to ill-adjusted bong rippers who will enjoy any music being played for them regardless if it's actually good
Fuck any sort of "core" genre, all of them are pretentious, meaningless labels to put on the same shit with a different vocal or guitar style.
Metal as a whole should've died when KISS was formed but alas, children still walk the earth who will listen to whatever garbage their older brothers liked and stepfathers hate
I mean really I don't have too much of an issue with any genre simply existing but fuck anyone who says shit like "sludge and stoner metal are the future of metal and everything else is irrelevant corny shit" like man, if you think that you don't GET metal, and there is a reason you only like the shit that is farthest removed from the rest of the genre....which is fine, but don't claim metal elite status when you obviously hate most of the stuff that was the basis of the genre and what most metal fans love.
>Fuck any sort of "core" genre, all of them are pretentious, meaningless labels to put on the same shit with a different vocal or guitar style.
I feel like a lot of that stuff is just like idk, there is some good in there, but for the most part a lot of it just seems like "well, here's death metal for your crowd!" kind of thing. Like I knew a lot of scene kids into deathcore who wouldn't get into any death metal because they didn't see it as fashionable, meanwhile they try to convert me from Obituary to Suicide Silence because the band members are cute or some shit. Same with metalcore, a lot of the melodic stuff was just ripping off melodeath but kids liked it because it was about bad breakups and the band members looked like Green Day as opposed to long haired creeps or whatever they thought.
>Metal as a whole should've died when KISS was formed
In 1973? I disagree.
Of course it's bait, and it's so bad, but these bored faggots actually think they're adept shitposters because you newfags refuse to lurk more and stop feeding them.
really niggaaaa
literally no one gives a shit about mu core unironically, its basically cherry picked shit from the top charts from rym
it sucks
yes. Really. This is the new official Yea Forumscore.
Is there a way to know which album covers are posted the most on a daily basis ? Results would be pretty interesting.
nobody talks about spiderland anymore and MBDTF still has daily threads
I don't know how accurate the archive is anymore but...
>Kid A
felt like a shallow meme chart but it got better when
>fuckin nevermind
based shitpost
BASED user, dynasty was amazing and easily one of their most underrated work imo. I love the sound of rock disco
>no kpop
cringe and loser
Thanks user !
more like /nigger/ essentials. seriously, this is the type of shit I listened to when I was 19 and had a narrow as fuck taste
>when I was 19
op is a nigger
keep on cringing, you beta male
Holy shit
Like Yea Forums ever had good taste