Good video game OSTs that aren't chiptune bullshit?

Good video game OSTs that aren't chiptune bullshit?

Attached: Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill 2.jpg (600x600, 58K)

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Half-Life 1 or 2's soundtrack. Extremely underrated. Lots of industrial influence

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God this one is so good but it bums me out every time I hear it

Try the Snatcher/Policenauts OSTs, also Katamari Damacy

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Mercenaries: Playground of destruction is operatic beauty. For some reason.

Max Payne 3 has one of the best soundtracks I've heard

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Persona 5 ost. Jazz funk and stuff

New God of War. Bear McCreary is gud.

>Chrono Trigger
>Ape Escape
>Ecco The Dolphin
>Donkey Kong Country 2
>Super Mario RPG
holy fuck, this chart is actually great

>Bit Trip Runner
>Sim City 4
>Knuckles Chaotix
holy fuck, this chart is actually shit

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hotline miami
dark souls

Jun Chikuma is actually great. She did Bomberman Hero and Saturn Bomberman. Those are two of the greatest soundtracks ever composed. And one of them is one of the greatest games ever made. That being said, both are pretty well known for both reasons.

As for something that's great and lesser known, try Ikaruga.

>no Kazumi Totaka
>no Soyo Oka
>Kondo is represented by Majora's Mask and Galaxy
>fucking Crystal Shards instead of KDL3 or Super Star
whoever made this might be a certified Yea Forumstant but they aren't knowledgeable about VGM

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The Gunpoint soundtrack has some great jazz on it

>It's not on this list
none of Supergiant's soundtracks are on this list


then how about you make your own list

Fucking every political/racial/gender subgroup. Kill me.

do you need a hug

Nah, just let me hate the planet for being a shitshow of shallow self-interest. I'll eventually just drink myself to death.

Slackers don't become winners user! You gotta pick up the pace!

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why waste your energy hating it when you can instead do as George Carlin said and be a spectator to the madness

BASED the entire soundtrack is intense and creates many emotions

I mean come on
>Fallout 3 & NV
>Yoshi's Island

I hate whoever made this

You too can become an hero.

>No Black Ops 1
Yeah, I'm thinking this is cringe