how do I enjoy Michael Jackson's music after I realized he was a pedophile?
How do I enjoy Michael Jackson's music after I realized he was a pedophile?
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where's the proof
I don't care about a shitty dramatic oprah movie
By touching boys fucking try it out man
Piss on them beath them try it out
Who gives a shit, Charlie manson made som patrician tunes too. If anything the music is more interesting
Slept with children and gave them wine, zoom zoom. He's been a known pedo since the fucking 90s
okay there's no proof of him being acrual pedophile, although it's probable, but there's proof of him abusing children and families psychologically
>no proof
There is rarely ever "proof" of molestation, sleeping with children he got drunk and having nudie books of children is suspect enough
Watch the new dave chappelle on netflix and he actually tells you
You should enjoy it more
I don't think Michael Jackson did it.
It shouldn't affect your enjoyment; learn to separate the art from the artist
That being said, his "music" was, is, and always will be absolute dogshit
you’re fucking retarded if you think he actually molested kids
hee hee
MJ was murdered by the way.
you're fucking retarded if you think I'm actually gonna watch a 36 minute video because you're too lazy to type out your points
i’m not going to spoonfeed you faggot
predictable response
You are retarded and brainwashed by the Jacko estate and there is no fixing your warped perspective
By separating the art from the artist as you should be doing anyways
IKR? dali was a cuck who ate his wife's shit, didn't mean the nigga couldn't paint nice.
He is still hoping to get some views from this thread
Watch the video.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile
You only need to watch 10 seconds of this video to tell this guy is a looney and you can't expect an unbiased assessment from him.
Okay, I'll think about it and let you know what I decide on
Not even big on MJ but he's still better than anything you like. Explain why the song Stranger in Moscow sucks, and name a song that's better.
Anyone who doesn't like MJ is a redditor
with your ears
How do I repin this sticky? It keeps falling down the catalogue
you only separate art from the artist if you're a pussy. you gots to take the whole package, good and bad
Same way you enjoy roman polanski movies. You decide good art is worth experiencing and that justice for crimes that are proven is a completely separate endeavor from appreciating a work.
Caring who made something is as dumb as liking bad music because it was made by some underprivileged persecuted tranny muslim from the sudan. The work stands on its own.