How many times a day do you shmucks pick apart your so-called reality? Probably never haha I can tell!! None of this is real! This is only vaguely happening! Anyway... Check out my NEWEST MUSIC VIDEO for my song "Hear It" !!!!!
WANT TO WITNESS THE FUTURE? Step into the future world. Where robots and cyborgs live in a techno-political neo-society where you trade cloud storage space as payment. Post-Tribal warfare breaks out between rival gangs in A.I governed Smart-Cities While Cyber-Enhanced super humans feast on human flesh.. With that introduction... >Hybrid Trap >Trap >Trap Metal ~CREDITZ: DJ Dubbi - Ideas, Time Management, Snare drum(on track3) GioteX - Keyboards, Production, Engineering $wagg $tuff - Sampling, Production DJ BluFlaim - Production DJ Majikk - Production, Engineering
This is my 2 most recent L.P's "Volume 8.0" a.k.a "MEniverse" ..... and "Volume 7.0" a.k.a "MEGADUBB" ....They will BLOW YOUR MIND!!
You just can't handle being told your music isn't amazing. SKIP Not bad overall, but bro heres a tip for getting your guitars to actually sound heavy: Turn knobs marked "gain" or "overdrive" all the way up. Turn other volume knobs down to get the loudness you want. Once you've proved you can get heavy distortion, dial things back to find the tone you want. Focus on being LOUD!! Some amps won't distort at low volumes, mainly because that's dumb as all hell LOL. If yours is like this, either just play loud or give up
I just want to unleash the beast while I rise up and out of this realm called Earth. I will die light of heart and evolve into the higher-being I've been morphing into. I have a few suggestions (keep in mind I don't 100% know what your song is builtout of, depending on how many layers you have in the song will affect these suggestions) 1. EQ every instrument to a different frequency range. That way nothing is on top of eachother sonically, if multiple instruments are "stacked" they will squash the loudness when you master the track, 3. Mix. mix everything now after the new EQing, and wile mixing, EQ the master track with each section (bass, mid, high) you should be able to have each section really shining to their maxamumm now that no instruments will be squshing the power. 2. Mastering, after you have everything EQd and mixed, master the song by compressing (not too much!) the master track, and slowly turn up the gain- not all the way. adjust the any EQing in the master track now if you've noticed any issues but you shouldn't be EQing all that much (if at all!!!) Slowly turn up the gain again until the master volume is hitting 0. Tada! a perfect LOUD mix. All these "emo" fake-rappers are absolutely pathetic. You lived a cushy comfortable suburban life. How can you think you belong in hip hop?
>he'll get bored and quit soon You must be new here
Henry Taylor
No I've been here like a year, I bet I've been here longer than him.
John Torres
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Nah dude, he's been here since 2012 (prolly longer than that)
Lucas Myers
2012?? why would anybody troll like this for that long? is he dealing with some serious mental issues? i'm legitimately confused lol. i thought he was new. i got him banned last week so he invented faqqi as a back up account. he must go through a lot of personas.
Owen Scott
> he's been here since 2012 (prolly longer than that I wouldn't doubt he's been here much longer. He acts more fucked up than any oldfag I've seen and they're usually kind of similar to him, but not as retarded.
I'm on medication for it, so I don't have that anymore. PLUS I have a psychologist. You need to learn how to boost your bass. You need to go more extreme with the glitchiness. Speed up your music by about 100bpm & Put more effort into your posts if you expect us to bother listening to your music. >Spotify Bro, no offence bro but spotify will destroy your career, or I should say your attempt at one before it even begins. Spotify's whole gameplan is to securely steal music from artists and then when that artist disappears they rebrand the music under a new name. Basically like what the industry did with Lady GaGa but now it's Spotify doing it and no one knows
Confession: Earlier this summer I started posting as dubbi. I was just doing it to prank him, get him back for his trolling. I’d just copy and paste his old posts into threads before he had the chance. I got him with this a few times in the first few days, I was waiting for him to say something but I guess he didnt want to break kayfabe or something, so I just kept going with it. At first I was just posting his initial shill post and he’d come in and answer replies, but when I noticed him (the real dubbi, not me) showing up to fewer threads I started filling in for the replies too. I had to get this off my chest because as of today, dubbi hasn’t posted here in a month. I think I’m dubbi now.
Josiah Hill
how can we trust that this is the truth, also look at my music if u wanna be dubbi and shit on it im
Anthony Jackson
shocker! i did the same thing a few times as well, only for my own amusement. so you've been faking as dubbi this whole time?
Jeremiah Hall
>dubbi hasn’t posted here in a month. he's in literally every soundcloud thread right now. look:
Joshua Kelly
>been faking as dubbi this whole Well he's been promoting a video uploaded to dubbi's "faqqi" youtube account, so.. I think the dubbi ITT is legit.
Carson Harris
So you are all of these? If you're really posting as dubbi, log into the youtube account these posts have been promoting.
Samuel Ortiz
Link doesn’t work Those are me I don’t know where the music comes from, I just make the posts
That's a bad idea. I did the same thing back in 2014, I told everyone because I felt bad, and they all reported my actual soundcloud account and got it permanently deleted.
Christopher Powell
newfags. I was doing this in 2012
Dominic Howard
So explain to me why you'd post racist shit?
Jordan Lee
Lies. Dubbi wasn't even here in 2012. Dubbi is the newfag.
Jose Cox
Post a link to your actual soundcloud
Lucas Peterson
Can we have ONE thread that isn't obsessed with that dumb ass dubbi?
>guitar band. Reformed. Long hiatus. New singdr. 2 eps on the way.Nsw australia . Anyone feel an interest in anything we doing. smtnfshy on Twitter/snap.
Ok so I just started a soundcloud account today, been working on this song a few weeks, I’ll followback and return feedback etc! SO if you have a better understanding of beat/melody relationships and where how the arrangement is great/good/bad etc etc Like as you know. Beat (as in Kick and Snare [ 1 2 1 2 ] ) More though its a opportunity to feel the bass, i know 99% of all music now adays tries to pop the “bass” card but I ACTUALLY do, anyways heres a link.
This is garbage, get out of my thread You SUCK Make faster music Pathetic Put more effort into your music AND your posts >ambient SKIP Lmao this is the dumbest shit I've heard all day Lies Why do you even post here? No one likes your shit anymore You absolutely fucking suck, literally quit music
Ghost box is kinda neat. I like the drum samples. This could be a cool underscore piece for a film.
My advice, and this probably goes for 90% of the tracks on this thread:
There's basically 4 main elements of arrangement: melody, bassline, percussion, and accompaniment. Of these, accompaniment is usually the one people struggle with the most and the one that has the most leeway for layering. You don't have to use all 4 of these at the same time, but the more of them you use together, the more dense your music will sound. You don't necessarily always want maximum density throughout the track, but it's important to be able to manipulate the density as you go along within the track.
For Ghost Box: Right now, I'm not hearing a lot in the way of bass line in this. This could be due to the shit laptop speakers I'm listening on. If that's the case, you might be able to use a different bass sound or an EQ boost (a lot of times right around the 700-800 Hz range for bass). If you're NOT using a bass line, you're missing an arrangement opportunity to open this thing up by bringing in the bass at an opportune time. This could even be a low synth pad functioning as your bass. It will add a lot of weight to the sound. This is an arrangement trick that's been around since double bass in orchestra was a thing.
Anyway, the idea's not bad. Look into gestural writing. It's kinda cliche, but Rite of Spring is built a lot around this concept (small fragments of ideas being handed off, instrument to instrument). Hope this helped.
Owen Rivera
stfu dubbi
Luke Wilson
Everyone here is full of musical passion across an infinite amount of sounds and I love and support each of you. Keep doing what you are doing. Loving, experiencing, and sharing sound
I think if I was dubbi, I would have just said something like "Your music is gay and you are a fag. Please die."
Then I'd post to some hip hop track that has growls in it and jack myself off about how creative it is, all while being perilously unaware of how entirely mediocre my shit was. Apparently, I never got the memo that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Kinda like how I could smear shit on the Mona Lisa and call it art, but I'd be stupid as fuck to somehow think that was better.
I like the distorted arpeggios at the end of the beat, but the beat itself is generic, boring and the "vocals" are the most horrid attempts to scream I've heard so far.
This is cool, you probably want to make the drums heavier and noisier though, the mix sounds like I'm listening to it on low volume at the other side of the room.
Sounds cool, like yung lean. Not usually a fan of this kind of music, but I must say that it "slaps hard". This sounds hella cool. Like a combination of NIN and Linkin park, in a good way. Nicely mixed. I like this song! The vocals are rad. Feels like this would be fun to watch live. Cool album art too.
HAHA Put more effort into your posts >work pleb Throwing the words like "Bedroom" & "Indie" or even "Lofi"infronf of your genre isn't some sort of indie tagline. I know you fake musicians THINK it is... but.. it's not. Real guys in the industry laugh all day long at "bedroom" and "lofi" musicians. You think any real musician walks into a studio and tells the production team he's looking for a "bedroom pop" feel? absolutely NOT! If there was a dummy that ever did that they'd be thrown outta there pronto. I know you've never dealt with real industry peeps like me, and you've never even set inside a legitimate studio like I have, so this is just a word of advice to a beginner like you. Grow up and make real music . Put some work in instead of ONLY posting a copypasta You really need to use heavy guitars, It'll put hair on your chest you emasculated so"ybo"y >Spotify Bro, no offence bro but spotify will destroy your career, or I should say your attempt at one before it even begins. Spotify's whole gameplan is to securely steal music from artists and then when that artist disappears they rebrand the music under a new name. Basically like what the industry did with Lady GaGa but now it's Spotify doing it and no one knows. & Post a picture next time rookies Put some more effort into your posts >witchhouse in 2019 Did you just learn about that DEAD genre yesterday zoomer? Looks like you don't understand how to listen to beastmode music. Maybe you'll man up and stop enjoying pathetic "jangly bedroom pop" you can't play guitar propperly so you hide it behind a wall of "ambient" effect pedals. Embarrassing. Not bad bro!
I ask only forgiveness to the chorus part which will be replaced with real vocals later
Anthony Russell
too cheerful for me but from a producer standpoint the vocals are not mixed well, but great guitar playing. the sing isn't unique but it fits a niche, just mix the vocals better.
The vocals are pitchy. Either use a pitch program or practice with a piano to hit them more accurately.
would dance to
Grayson Sanchez
I'm digging this a lot
This is nice, I would probably try to add a little color to the guitars in the mix and pull up the additional harmonies you have in the background towards the middle and end. I think that would add more dynamics to what you're doing and would really heighten everything.