Can we have a good old-fashioned noise thread?
Power Electronics, Death Industrial, Harsh Noise, Wall Noise, everything is welcomed.
Post favorites, rec unknown finds, discuss all things noise
Can we have a good old-fashioned noise thread?
Power Electronics, Death Industrial, Harsh Noise, Wall Noise, everything is welcomed.
Post favorites, rec unknown finds, discuss all things noise
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Did anyone check out the new Grim?
i like the jesusus lizard :333##3#3
this has a cool sound to it
I like The Jesus Lizard too, friend
so, been a while huh? Been into Human Quena Orchestra, it's so overpowering and wide. Any good listens reently
>he likes Leichenschrei and onward SPK
if anyone here has any earwigs music currently not online i beg you to upload it. i have everything i can find but there is still so much yet to be uncovered. they were mostly known for the split they did with deche charge. please upload whatever you have.
>Bobby Maggard has several hundred gorenoise projects
absolute madman
sounds boring and generic desu
And? What do you recommend instead?
what is the appeal of hnw?
this will sound bold coming from a striborg fan but its just static, whats the appeal?
What Billie Eiish would sound like if she were actually good.
its very meditative if you have to a wall you really enjoy, you can listen to it for so long that you wont want to break out of it.
I recommend for you to stop listening to tryhard 'atmospheric' garbage
this deserves more attention its so fucking good
but does it not get boring?
>dude pop artist sucks amirite, fellow noizheads?
18 and up
how does ramleh make their noise?
specifically the vocals
also rec
i quite liked this
if you dont want to listen to it maybe. you just have to be in the mood for it
what do you personally rec?
guys please please post some good blackened noise, its all ive been listening to recently and results are... well not great, most of it is extremely low effort but since its not really a well defined or popular genre i just chalk it up to my lack of exploration... i firmly believe theres some god tier blackened noise out there, this shit is too good on paper
why are a lot of japanoise artists just retards yelling over a mic with no interesting sounds? i've been trawling labels on discogs and it's getting annoying
I wouldnt call this god tier but I quite like this
Check out UFO Or Die!
Slsk dude.
I can't believe harsh noise wall works so well for studying. I have ADHD and it's absolutely changed my life.
listen to vomir for starters, hes the most well known. dead body collection is cool as well
I like to close my eyes and put it on, then just lose myself for 40 minutes and let my mind wander. It's honestly therapeutic, and one of my favorite things is when you stop listening to it (kek) and just take in the silence in your room. The sheer contrast is awesome. It feels like just having come out of a year long cold shower or something.
that was nice but still not quite where i envision the possibilities
in my dreams i see something like Utarm but less electronic, maybe noisier and harsher and with some blastbeats
i dunno, its a quest
I'm looking for some advice with HNW
you see I regularly make harsh noise, but I try to make it not static, because I feel like people would get bored. On the other hand, I'm really into HNW, and I would kinda like to produce some too. Do you have any recommandations to go from harsh noise to HNW?
Also do you like your walls 100% static or slowly changing?
Can anyone lay out the fundamental differences between the sub-genres of noise? They all kinda sound the same to me. I'm slowly getting into noise
Been enjoying Atrax Morgue as of late. Also the new Prurient album is a return to form for him. Really nice stuff.
The funniest one is noisecore
Sickness Report is genuinely nauseating
gorenoise : has more "organic" textures, sometimes with horror themes
harsh noise : really sharp and strong noise, but usually non linear. Japanoise is kind of a Harsh Noise subgenre.
harsh noise wall : harsh noise but with no variations or really tiny and slow variations. That's why it's called a "wall"
power electronics : includes industrial elements
noisecore : includes rythmic elements
power noise : power electronics but less abstract and it's not 100% noise since you still have synth and beats but usually they are really distorted
ehh, its all a bit wibbly wobbly. noise is noise, and if its very harsh, then its harsh noise, and if its very static, then its harsh noise wall. i dont know if theres any concrete theory behind it, and i would assume there isnt.
like power electronics and death industrial are sometimes quite literally interchangeable. some people think japanoise is a separate genre. i think blackened noise should be a separate genre (it isnt, technically?).
>gorenoise : has more "organic" textures, sometimes with horror themes
you are thinking of goregrind, gorenoise is just noise, blastbeats and gurgling sounds
>noisecore : includes rythmic elements
what? noisecore is just retarded start stop noise burts.
enjoyed her latest album
Who /whaler/ here?
gurgling sounds is an organic texture
also for me this is noisecore
Thanks, user. This is exactly what I was looking for.
It's just my pure autism that makes me need to get this information. Thanks for your help too
this triggers me
>reading RYM charts for big genres
im very surprised by how much people like it, i found it very weak
im gonna do this to myself tomorrow
yep thats noiscore
also nice rec
Nobody on RYM knows anything about PE. They probably couldn't tell you who Keith Brewer and Mikko Aspa are without looking it up lmao.
>gurgling sounds is an organic texture
makes sense i guess
>also for me this is noisecore
then we have different opinions what noisecore is, this is it for me.
or stuff like this
hah forgot to attach the fucking face, and the post looks retarded now
no probs friend
>im gonna do this to myself tomorrow
It is comfy, enjoy.
Idk to me i liked it because i felt a continuity yknow, something to grab on, sure it is weak as noise but the composition is 10/10 imo, and the inclusion of vocals is great too
Not the same user, but I always categorized that as noisegrind. Noisecore to me was always more math-y stuff like Today is the Day that just went all retarded with their song structures. Or burts of fuck-off nonsense like The Gerogerigegege.
However noisegrind is still pretty rad. Here are some of my favs if you bois are lookin for some good shit
spoonfeed me your underappreciated HNW labels
anyone remember when this was talked about alot in these kind of threads?
not him but leichenschrei and back
it's just primitive sound art
I really dig that second link
Gero is noisecore (some releases) and has way more in common with early A.C. and 7MON than fucking Today Is The Day, noisecore is old and so is grindnoise/noisegrind.
i think it might have actually been the vocals that put me off
hey man, if you like it than youre better off anyway
>anyone remember when this was talked about alot in these kind of threads?
Ottoman Black is widely regarded as one of the definitive 00s noise albums, why wouldn't it be discussed in noise threads?
7MON is kinda the Metallica of noisecore.
I'm not saying it shouldn't. I'm just reminiscing on when it was.
see guys, this is why this genre thing is so wacky when it comes to noise. so to me noisecore is like and noisegrind like and and id categorize gero as noisegrind and today is the day as just noise rock, but i dont think anyone is more right or wrong, its just that these genre names are fucky as fuck
Except still good after 1988
well it's kind of the case for every genre, at least the ones very specific. Usually there's no real boundaries between genres, and people will argue whether a track is terrorcore or splittercore or whether it's drill and bass or breakcore
there is nothing grindcore about the gerogerigegege at all, always referred as noisecore, well at least the noisecore releases (yellow trash bazooka, mother fellatio, instruments disorder etc.)
noisegrind is the more structured one, see Arsedestroyer, W.B.I., Tumor etc.
in a way, noisegrind is just grindcore made by bands who can't record/mix properly x)
well yes but actually no, grindcore is more hardcore punk/crossover in sound compared to noisegrind.
this album is garbage and you're a faggot for liking it
but then again, noisecore was also just the name for the very noisy grindcore bands in the 80's as well. these genres change definitions with time.
I guess people thought it was the -core suffix used in electronic genres
noisecore is just hardcore noise
but i think those punk -core ones predates the electronic ones?
yeah the same happened with speedcore, used to be fast crossover metal/hardcore stuff in the 80's, something else entirely today.
wow you must have a big brain
which hardcore though du?
Gnaw Their Tongue
Death Industrial is just boneless Industrial
Anyone knows Alone in The Hollow Garden???
It goes from tribal ambient to noise and it's fucking gorgeous
making a noise album with fren
> using a steel fence as a plate reverb
pic. related
i made this in FL studio. what do you guys think?
listen to Crowd Surfers Must Die or die
i actually kind of dig that but, triggered landwhale? "schoolshooting is an art"? a little bit too "bruh"
Listen to Nihilist Surfin' Group
i know, but its deliberately edgy
actually not bad, deserves edgier cover art
Howdy. Give this a try.
/noise/ is dead, long live /noise/.
sure, but you're being over the top with those. it's a very careful balancing act being edgy in this kind of music and not coming off like a Holden Caulfield
Ha ha ha, thanks Thomas, great video!
u want something real fucked up?
listen to the new the daughters album "you wont get what you want"... that shit is so abrasive it abrasivised my socks off
Personally like Stare at the Devil more
Been a hot minute since I've seen that trip. What's up user?
Her boytoy did it better.
if you like HNW check out bone awl's split with the rita, every other track is black metal buried under HNW