Is this Redditor based?

Is this Redditor based?

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the only based redditor is the one who leaked fear inoculum
may he rest in RIP

yeah but music is a way of connecting with others. when a (good) musician makes music they are channeling a psychological state into sound that is then communicated to you when you listen, so in a way you are experiencing what they felt when they made the music. so, listening to music is a way of feeling the same thing as everyone else who listens to it, and that's something .

Such a hive mind thing to say

baseless faggots
this is the equivalent of meet and greets while muzak blasts in the background
or getting sucked off in a mall while they play top40 on mall radio
soundcloudrapper mentality

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Music can make you connect, but that is not is purpose. It doesnt even have a single purpose, but what music "is about" is to be listened and to induce you emotional states, and generate thoughts, like every other work of art. Those who feel that music without interpersonal connection is worse or lacking are the absolute cancer. What to expect from a redditor, the wholesomest and cringiest community in existence, with an abnormally hight obession for acceptance.
Pic unrelated

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Listen to music to feel emotions or to relate with the artists in the band and not feel like you're going through something alone.

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This is sadly true. Music was never a thing to listen to alone, originally it was used in religious ceremonies, at work, during celebrations. Never listened alone.
But our eyes weren't made for screens either, our hands for typing or writing. So we're fine



At this point the "reddit is a hivemind" circlejerk it's more of a hivemind than reddit itself.

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>i'm a bugman who has no real taste in anything and just listen to music to blend socially with other bugmen

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I bet this person listens exclusively to top 40 "party bangers" and thinks instrumentals are "boring"

t. r*dditor

>things you say when you only pretend to like music for social acceptance


t. soulless bugs


Redditors arent human

I use music to disconnect from others

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