Blink 182 X Green Day

Now that the dust FINALLY has settled, who was a better band in it's prime?

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Green Day
Blink were dude sex farts core for 13 year olds, at least Green Day could get a bit serious

Green Day and it’s not even close. It’s not even close to being close.

I fucking hate Green Day. But still, Green Day

Blink 182, at least they were aware pop punk was only appropriate as a joke genre. Imagine trying to write a pop punk concept album lmao

AFI. Both those frat boy American Pie soundtrack ass bands suck.

Attached: afireinside.jpg (1080x1080, 122K)

blink 182 were more based but Green Day had more good albums and were better songwriters
Both are far above their contemporary pop punk counterparts in my opinion

blink achieved depth you didn't notice because you were focused on the fart jokes
green day has always been cringe
>do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing?

I agree with you. None of the two

so much garbage in one picture



they were both shit

The Offspring was better than both

>at least they were aware pop punk was only appropriate as a joke genre
Adam's Song is 100% serious though, Green Day didn't really have an unironically faggy song like that until Boulevard iirc

AFI's first four records were great.
But on topic: Green Day, no contest.

but adam's song is a great song and actually it's a fallacy that blink only makes jokey music. sure they are experts at that, but they also make serious music.
their best song, carousel, is not funny at all and it's better than anything try-hard green day's ever done

>adam's song is a great song
I can't even finish your post

slick cop out

Are you on fucking drugs? Carousel is an absolute nightmare of a song.

Green Day had better albums but blink had better hits

The fact is dookie is better than enema of the state and that’s really the end of the whole debate

i agree it perfectly encapsulates the nightmare of living broke and alone in early adulthood

If you're considering Dookie through Nimrod as Green Day's prime, blink-182.

If you're consider American Idiot to be Green Day's prime, Green day.

Green day obviously. This is no competition. Dookie and Insomniac both border 10/10, the only memorable song by Blink is What's my age again

Both were trash but I'll go with blink-182 because Travis Barker used to be in the Aquabats and nothing's more based than that

Insomniac > dookie > enema

Culture Club. Look at them now, they're just not the same.