Attached: ECQSQOeVAAAO7N9.jpg (1955x2934, 528K)

Other urls found in this thread: eunha post/

this is the thread

Fuck off


Attached: ECOeVreWkAAih7M.jpg (1200x1800, 270K)

stop talking about white male asian female and instead talk about sea male asian female so i can feel happy

Attached: 67967839_689602841514098_8272851062767222311_n.jpg (1080x1080, 396K)

Attached: IMG_20181007_104607.jpg (1367x2048, 376K)

this is the thread

Attached: EB3YO3yUIAAaqNj.jpg (2211x3316, 616K)

>Twice d-doesn't like white guys

Attached: minawhitefever.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

can i get a DUBU WEBM please

Attached: EDL9NBhUYAE4EqC.jpg (1200x1800, 236K)

go to gaypg if you want to talk about men

Attached: 1561311012308.jpg (1080x1866, 426K)

miss her

Attached: DyKN_p4VAAANRor.jpg (1333x2000, 407K)

that guy is brazillian, not white

Rosie :)

Attached: DDxj5vNU0AMRTsu.jpg (806x1200, 108K)

Just found out, Yeri wishes she could be born with invisibility powers

You know what that means. Jesus.


can we go back to spamming pics and acting like 8 year olds instead of this race stuff?

Why is there so many race defenders all of a sudden. Either join in on the fun or talk about off topic stuff once men finish their topic.

I don't like kpop anymore.


Attached: EDYiM_rVUAEzFHD.jpg (1440x666, 135K)

We talk about SUPERM all we want

Attached: download (1).jpg (282x179, 8K)

which idols fart in the shower?

more like this


save us choabro

tiny baby hands

So what

Attached: when you see a white guy 9.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

Attached: 1561459623624.jpg (639x942, 44K)

>but twice will stay pure to their heritage
bunny disagrees

Attached: nayeon x RDJR.jpg (876x1696, 601K)

can't tell if srs or not


Attached: 1563917324606.webm (582x860, 1.6M)

Thanks. I love her.

thinking about that ugly girl from loona

any sharkman in

what does she think she's doing?

Attached: EDEH9-5UEAMWxw9.jpg (2000x2996, 570K)

Just us shartman baby

Attached: EDW7Cn8VUAEkErd.jpg (1464x2048, 338K)

who is black haired girl

just us shartman

My 2 wives with white fever

Attached: 65971779_1107651039418078_6619490841851908330_n.jpg (701x701, 42K)

Attached: IMG_20190901_120646.jpg (1365x2048, 274K)

>meeting an actor famous for playing iron man is now wanting to betray your race
keep projecting, white monkey


Olivia from Loona

my dick

Attached: Olivia Hye and Gowon.jpg (968x681, 48K)

Attached: 1567363179141.jpg (1179x742, 409K)



Attached: EDY0QHeUwAA_8wJ.jpg (1024x682, 86K)

Make it a Dubu thread

Attached: dubu twice.jpg (1000x1500, 179K)

Attached: 1567203140036.jpg (1080x1350, 155K)


Mina does the same thing here. Why has no one webmed this yet?

Did your eyes skip out on ideal type?

Attached: EDTXXcyVUAEvUAp.jpg (1364x2048, 268K)


Attached: 1563241543242.webm (965x1318, 1.93M)

Attached: EA7GC5-U8AAaeYv.jpg (975x1200, 74K)


im ready to blast to this bitch

Attached: CandidHonestGermanpinscher.webm (990x1080, 2.98M)


>thinking about the ugliest idol
How terrifying.

The visual and cutest Twice: Dubu!

Attached: 1552804300_5tc57u0odqh01.jpg (900x900, 67K)

my dick in the middle

cute, but nothing special

beautiful girl, wow

i mean...they're not ugly


two pretty girls

god i hope being half-japanese is enough for a jgf

Attached: EBwavW3U4AAlQ4a.jpg (2048x2048, 809K)

absolute chad and the role model for everyone

what a ho

hyewon and her botched melting plastic forehead

Attached: melting plastic bimbo.jpg (1786x2679, 426K)

Obligatory Eunha post

Attached: 1567364954501.gif (250x308, 745K)


Attached: 1563087872426.png (811x762, 549K)

Attached: Dzwm51iUUAECATy.jpg (815x815, 44K)

Ok this one is actually good looking

Attached: when you see a white guy 6.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)


Attached: 1558550965090.jpg (2048x1152, 139K)

Have some tzuyu user.

Give her a sardine can amount of load.

Attached: tzuyu nice.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Attached: 1567362630717.webm (552x772, 1.68M)

Attached: shiny.png (129x153, 40K)

ideal hero type
which means ideal like personality, powers, story

Attached: 105.jpg (1764x992, 253K)

190601 이달의소녀 올리비아혜 직캠 4K 'Butterfly' LOONA Olivia Hye fancam @ 철원 평화이음토요콘서트 by Spinel.webm

This looks like Ryujin.

Attached: 1567348089187.jpg (512x512, 43K)

delete this idiot
brb tho

need to see her teeth

johyun or olivia?

She;s not very pretty but extremely likeable.

best boy best feet

Attached: 6FF27F69-2712-4D76-ABA8-00D13CCF9DAB.jpg (640x776, 385K)

Not the same at all, she's reacting to them singing

we wanted a gfriend thread

Saerom here

Attached: Saeromwhite.jpg (567x539, 55K)

post the mouthbreather


Attached: 1563763071250.jpg (591x811, 65K)

Attached: EDUw092U8AAKYtn.jpg (1080x1622, 228K)

mooore pls, source?

Attached: EA-zuk9UEAAOBVU.jpg (2872x4096, 1.03M)

our freakin girls

Attached: 1497213295429.jpg (1633x1106, 474K)

Attached: ee8207115a55d1ac2f2af4ed1b35bb9e84e110a8_hq.jpg (1024x1024, 84K)

kill me please eunha and send me into the cold embrace of oblivion because boy is my life shit

if women of your own race think you are generally repulsive you will have no better chance with foreign women, this is universal

its simple, Y..E..S

Attached: 1548539884411.jpg (1500x1000, 1.14M)

Two more for you to webm. Now share whole folder.

There are like 1-2 more moments from both in Slovenia.

Attached: 221035_75545_1837.jpg (600x930, 364K)

who is she?

She's very pretty and also extremely likeable

Attached: 1561908818775.webm (480x600, 875K)

>obligatory SEA monkey spam eunha post/

mental illness

>white monkey going crazy searching for his white men/idols webms

Attached: 76.gif (400x266, 1.57M)

Thanks. I see I only had DIA, Momoland, and Apink that day, completely missed this delectable one.

>our freakin girls
Wait that's actually true this time.

isnt she very young?


Attached: you.png (363x70, 3K)


Attached: 66442228_2599255013441992_7997562830898220811_n.jpg (853x853, 71K)

>reacting to singing
and what's happening in the first webm?


Attached: 1546385072121.jpg (3120x3432, 964K)

I thought tzuyu was a middle aged woman


remove jessica


like her eyes when she smile, and teeth pretty cool


thanks for sharing this!

I have them all sorted by folder though.

Attached: when you see a white guy 8.webm (1440x1080, 2.1M)


Attached: 1562861170021.jpg (612x612, 161K)

wow, he's beautiful

Attached: images (1).jpg (225x225, 10K)

>post whores


Attached: EBNtovCU0AAyM2m.jpg (1368x2052, 567K)

sluggo is the ugliest and most hated tranny, everyone agrees

Attached: 1567221424042.png (835x1200, 1.64M)


taeyeons look is so fucking sexy

>remove jessica
's pants

handsome sharkman

very true

Attached: EBZ17dPU0AAaJ9s.jpg (1024x1024, 104K)

fuck you cunt



going ottermode for haggy

Attached: D0Aoeu-U8AA_Z3A.jpg (2131x3197, 1.48M)

jeez is irene capable of enjoying anything and not being an irritable grouch all the time?


Attached: 1537193413739.jpg (1080x1325, 169K)

Attached: EDYbCcJUUAAPkXp.jpg (3331x1874, 827K)


being a ho is ageless

Attached: 1566957629352.webm (840x1080, 2.93M)

so cute

Attached: 15673430044110.jpg (693x1024, 104K)

Pull out your buttplug for once, it's starting to affect your intelligence.

Attached: 1567365411944.jpg (566x850, 168K)

that's a SEA girl though, we don't care


Attached: miss korea.jpg (1000x1500, 259K)

i love her!!

Attached: 1539089708073.jpg (1080x1350, 94K)

any where i can see haggy's body?

QUICKLY, what's the best Momo fapcam? Something where she eyefucks the camera


Attached: c6fe8b2af30bf4ee15d71bb0a97b1cd1ce52fe.png (850x490, 488K)


I love him so much with all of my heart...

she's just autistic

are you?

She actually enjoyed the inside skydiving but was pretty scared.

Attached: DdfEeoeU8AEKVA-.jpg (750x670, 96K)

i'm paying for horsé's sex change

Attached: xsxs.png (455x463, 463K)

Already have those, pal.

Attached: when you see a white guy 7.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

wow, what a hottie. bet she's got banging feet


yes i love twice, how could you tell?

Attached: 1567086923950.jpg (758x644, 64K)

you gotta post her as well now

Attached: ECTUDLEUIAAa1aP.jpg (1538x2048, 618K)

Nevermind then, was just trying to be useful.

no eye fucking but appealing for other reasons

they unironically look better

Attached: EDYMZt2VAAAt14a.jpg (1444x2177, 631K)

Attached: 1567329683957.webm (563x1000, 2.89M)

ugly and busted tranny

lisa looks same

i enjoyed your mother last night you fat fuck

>starting to affect your intelligence
lmao you're too dumb to make a proper thread you low IQ SEA monkey

thinking about choa

hell yeah

Attached: 1566624556492.jpg (1500x1012, 375K)

ladyboy confirmed

Attached: 1430697836533.jpg (866x1260, 220K)

nice feet bitch

Attached: 1567358506480.webm (350x532, 1.84M)

Purest Fromis

Attached: Megan 3.jpg (1000x667, 523K)

sehun scammer
chanyeol mark

I can give you SinB.

Attached: 1567365704525.jpg (750x750, 343K)


dont call her that

Attached: 1562992351224.jpg (640x960, 243K)


he's not white so we don't care

did she get bleached there?

i miss my wife

Attached: 1550258318555.jpg (2506x1620, 316K)

she got bleached loooong before that

Why thank you

Attached: Haggy 101.jpg (1080x1350, 225K)


Attached: 1566832289857.webm (678x720, 2.63M)

love her lips

Attached: EDX86bAU8AsPMfO.jpg (1674x1101, 254K)

Cute, hot, great dancer, great singer. I mean the closest we got right now is probably Dahyun.

Attached: 1508092561411.webm (920x520, 1.64M)

eunhaposting will save us all, thanks for your service

>hungry hungry skeleton momo


wow, she's beautiful

don't samefag seamonkey

so fucking ugly



K-pop Fact: Seulgi is the velvet in 'Red Velvet'

Attached: large.jpg (736x892, 66K)

Oh fuck, here's a you you deserved it.

Attached: 1563824427368.webm (1070x1638, 2.61M)

god fucking dammit dont start this shit again

choa hours?

Attached: choa331.png (500x700, 524K)

what the FUCK is that thing

K-pop Fact: I'm dating Kang Seulgi

Attached: 1533434183732.jpg (2048x1460, 284K)


remember when taeyeon kicked jessica out of the group? lol

Attached: 15168468413.jpg (1080x721, 148K)

chocha was best girl tho

post that girl everyone loves

is there an idol more out of place group-wise than mijoo? she should be in some flopped slutpop group, not lovelyz

fact: she’s an ugly shit

eat shit blindfag

love her
that hair is so cute
a treasure

Attached: EDUdp1pU0AEQ8cm.jpg (1333x2000, 362K)

K-Pop Fact: Nayeon won the Imperial Award for Most Fertile Woman

Attached: EDIpHR1XkAEu4ey.jpg (640x970, 103K)

Attached: jaywhypee-1.jpg (1600x2252, 288K)

better mean the ones on her mouth

Attached: 1561604920547.jpg (1334x2000, 397K)

yes friend

Attached: 1428374619207.webm (756x800, 1.13M)

Attached: 15199323917784.jpg (1800x1195, 226K)

who is she?

Dubu is literally none of those things

I knew she would win

Anyone else think that she's unironically uglier than the squid sisters?

she also won the award for biggest whore and most fucked up face

you mean loosest woman

Attached: 1477262824364.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)

it's pretty rare for Momo's rib cage to show that strongly. She usually has more meat around her body.

i thought you above this


Nice work, detective. I never start threads.

Attached: 1567365873493.gif (480x270, 1.68M)


Attached: ECx6XBYU8AAC4WV.jpg (1707x2560, 761K)

That's the cutest god damn bunny ever.

Attached: intimate choa.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

lmao eunha would win every time, nice try tho

I thought Jungkook looked like Chewy but as a woman he looks more like Nayeon...

Attached: 66803817_1413731395447349_8907327768741356679_n.jpg (896x896, 63K)

You mean Tiffany

chocha > blackstink

Attached: 1547940571161.png (1366x768, 1.73M)

can you stop replying to me

ok friend

Attached: choacat3.webm (960x540, 2.61M)

they all look the same


Attached: 1561409064506.jpg (743x1543, 736K)

who the fuck started this choa shit again, you sick fucks

our favorite everglow: sihyeon

Attached: EBImMokUcAEpfpP.jpg (1706x2560, 644K)


Attached: 1559862169188.webm (480x918, 635K)

shes so freakin cute

Attached: 1541111724501.webm (812x720, 2.94M)

she is very cute

Attached: 1419817927033.webm (812x720, 2.94M)

Attached: 1508443823337.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

sihyeon, from everglow

Attached: seeyon.jpg (1280x1919, 270K)

i need a lisa bf so bad

Attached: 151220 여자친구(GFRIEND) 예린 - 유리구슬 (Glass Bead) @무한도전 엑스포 직캠_Fanca (1920x1080, 2.74M)

who taught her to pose like that

Attached: 1566872377439.jpg (473x457, 33K)

we want more Wonho

Attached: DoT1U82V4AA6WFb.jpg (680x454, 36K)

Eunha is peace personified.

Attached: 1567366158041.webm (852x1080, 1.8M)

it's fine

Damn what chads...

Attached: 98.jpg (3840x2160, 763K)

Imagine those feeding your kids.

Attached: choa milk ramp.jpg (1216x1920, 308K)

word friend

Attached: 1418784905371.webm (1920x1080, 1.59M)

fuck you cucklo, choa is gonna sue your fat ass

Attached: 1566937082425.jpg (528x528, 76K)

Attached: 8-1.jpg (2076x2097, 1.02M)

Attached: 1562033236140.png (432x754, 332K)

you won the award for should've been aborted

Attached: EDTftscU0AA7km7.jpg (749x749, 60K)


Attached: elki3.jpg (1280x1919, 399K)

nasty goblin

I unironically miss them and that type of music in general.

Attached: 1510293275277.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

imagine not loving choa

Attached: 1451572432922.webm (586x640, 520K)

Made for breeding

Attached: ParallelScarceCuscus-size_restricted.gif (250x444, 1.38M)

stop looking there

Attached: choanumba1.jpg (736x1104, 90K)


Attached: pj.webm (900x866, 1.39M)

freaking goddess

Attached: goddess.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

did you see those fancams?

Attached: 1536574978506.jpg (400x446, 123K)


>dont make fun of my ugly whore wife!

God I love her so much

Attached: 1537543460852.jpg (400x400, 32K)

yes friend choa is not for that

Attached: 1468813351725.jpg (1000x1500, 328K)

very kawaii momo chans

are you guys watching queendom

Attached: WigglyGrandioseAfricanbushviper.webm (400x400, 1.06M)

Why would I, she's a pretty woman.

Attached: 1509429792456.webm (720x720, 554K)

Attached: when you see an old fat asian manlet 638571.webm (800x450, 2.6M)

Post noonas

miyase ito
she's in a teen reality tv show

Attached: EDYo-eFUEAAsGQz.jpg (2048x1365, 339K)

Attached: BTS-ARMY-Mom-Phenomenon-09.jpg (662x830, 70K)

everyone stop posting good pics and gifs, im on nofap right now

no shit, bunny is begging to be bred


That's a good way of putting it.

Attached: 1567366453229.jpg (1365x2048, 831K)

So cute and natural. Almost like Choa.

Attached: 15036097192440.jpg (3000x2000, 3.97M)

ChoA would want you all to listen to Elris (not BLACKSTINK)

Attached: 5954457_5758.gif (177x300, 1.85M)

my gf on the right

we have to root for our girls of course

Attached: 1543248099533.jpg (799x1200, 73K)

god twice is so ugly

stay strong bro

Attached: 1566431886208.jpg (640x640, 58K)

word friend

hmmm, ok, you got me there friend

Attached: choaya.webm (1280x720, 1.03M)

any chonchaman in

Does Choa qualify as a noona?

Attached: 초아.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: 1555983119472.webm (1300x730, 2.7M)

dubu is the second most fertile

Good that our gfs are friends

Attached: 1563587215762.png (1000x1500, 2.22M)

test your might

Attached: 1533183641075.webm (540x960, 2.91M)

Attached: 1566870660893.jpg (1200x1800, 218K)


yes friend i'm rooting for them


I don't since there are no subtitles. But I do follow it.
Sadly, it's obvious that Mamamoo will win. Don't get me wrong, I love Mamamoo but they are succesfull as it is while AOA are in a bad place right now and they need that oompf more than anyone.


Cute Yenni, thanks.