Can Music Destroy Porn?

What kind of music will cure me of porn addiction?

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Wtf only self control will cure you

Definitely not classical somehow it made mine worse

Listen to pornogrind while reading the lyrics

These are the kinds of threads people who don't listen to music but still want to post on the music board make.


Try the least sexy music ever made.

Christian rock, polka, Coldplay, Nightcore, Steam Powered Giraffe, Train -Hey Soul sister to get you started

Have masterbation

the cure to pornography is
the cure - pornography

amazing joke setup op, your mother must br proud

Song Against Sex

you clearly haven't heard prelude a l'apres midi d'un faune, poem of ecstacy or turangalila

unironically sexual power electronics
the "sexy fetish" songs have ruined all fetishes ive had. I just think about how fucking stupid it sounds in the song and erection killed

Nah that'll just remind him of hentai. Replace it with Imagine Dragons.

plug your headphones into your pee-pee haha

get off of Yea Forums. you dont have the self control and will relapse

Dinosaur Holocaust

Read the Bible daily and only listen to Gregorian chants. Anytime you see a female, turn your head away. This has a

high chance of getting rid of your cumbrain.


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You could make this even better if you put Xasthur's face on the virgin, and the face of either Phil Anselmo, Max Cavalera, or Rob Zombie on the Chad.

Don't let this become you!

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the gerogerigegege - showa

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I understand completely child. Masturbating to pornography is a foul deplorable disease that has corroded and corrupted the minds and hearts of many. What was once a tool for survival is now an abused and overrated concept. But what if I told you that there were others like you and I, who detest this vile and infectious concept, and seek to rise above it? I can not promise you the life you once had, but I can promise that you will be free from this, rise above this, become stronger than this. But most people importantly, you will not be alone, scoffed at, or made fun of anymore. Join me, and together our kind will rise above this weak licentious state of being and it’s grotesque society. Join me, and together our kind will secure our place among the pure, and guarantee our place in heaven. Join me, and together our kind will put this act of breeding back in its place; as a means of survival and/or commitment, not an form of status and/or entertainment. Join me, and together our kind will create a future where no one will ever again be subjected, peer pressured, humiliated, cast out, or engrossed by this false idol. The Lust side may offer power, pleasure, and knowledge, but it is inconsequential compared to the raw wisdom, grace, peace, and inner strength of the Virgin and/or Noble side. We are many, but scattered to the far corners of this planet, separated by unpopularity, language, and distance. But there are others like us out there. Only together will we find a chance at being whole again and paving a new way of living. Take some time to think it over, but if you need me or anyone of us, here’s our slogan #WeAreAboveSex


Iv personally experienced the last part
>not even horny
> think about watching porn to fap anyway

Mozart cured mine

read this while listening to Animus lmao

Kill yourself schizo

>Quit porn
>Occasionally jerk off to it in my dreams
What the fuck, how do I train self control in my dreams?

Praise Him. Amen.

have sex

Sexual power electronics exists?

People listen to power electronics?

This but unironically

holy quads

Alpha males fuck irl girls AND watch porn too.

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Only trannies on rym these days listen to power electronics

My music desu.


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Prog will open your mind

Any kind of experimental electronic music, including electro-acoustic, glitch and musique concrète.


this, i can just imagine laying in chair for half an hour listening to classical, then the lp side stops, i get up, wank to most raunchy milf latex shemale porn i can find, finish, wash hands, put new ice to my whiskey and listen the other side of the record thinking myself as some kind of sophisticated individual.

nightcore is definately porn music

based, came here to post this

all good dance music because that shit gives you the dopamine rush that you're looking for with porn
trash like classical and avant-teen genres that are anti-fun will only make it worse

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It's hilarious how no matter how much you ridicule the mythos of christianity, christ's teachings are the true way to enlightenment regardless. Even as a hardcore atheist you still cannot function as a decent human being without following christian principles.

checked that's my favorite frank ocean song

However, some people think that Christianity somehow got the exclusive rights to a certain lifestyle.
You can be a humble and honest person without being a Christian

>You can be a humble and honest person without being a Christian
But you still hagve to follow exclusively christian principles, upon which western civilisation has been built on, to be a good person. And yes, they are exclusively christian, considering that if you look at the societies built upon any other religions you will notice that their general moral ideas are incompatible with out own (see islam and the societies that religion has built)

Oh, nevermind

lol gay

Have you tried Doom Metal?
I highly recommend Electric Wizard's Dope Throne.

Not only will it cure you of your porn addiction, you will realize that everything just plain sucks!


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Based and stonerdoompilled

Not only you have to listen to good music, but if you actually want to stop watching (((porn))) you could start to play an instrumrnt. I quit porn when i started studing jazz guitar. Porn was killing my life. Quiting it was my best descicion in my life

nothing can cure one of a genuine porn addiction

you just need to not watch porn for a few months
perfectly achievable with willpower and some lifestyle changes

Shut the fuck up they have nothing to do with each other.

t. Alex Delarge

He meant the Laura Branigan song actually

the real answer is to jack off to your imagination, you will re-learn your body's natural signals, and ween (lol) yourself off of artificial overstimulation

this but also dont jack off for 2-3 days and after that max once a day

i used to masturbate every morning before school and i only as an adult realized how lazy it made me and probably ended up making me an addict, also i probably had hint of cum to my smell every morning, how nice?

ofc its not all just because i had no testosterone to spare but i think this might been where the avalanche started

thank you for participating in reading my blogpost

also id say anything that makes you feel like an beta or fancy pants makes you stay off porn music wise

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drinking alcohol has helped me a lot. i now stopped drinking water and only drink beer now. after the first couple beers my sex drive is almost completely gone and I don't even want or can masturbate because I don't get a boner

expect you most likely fall back

ive broken a wrist masturbating, like some of us are that addicted

Actually coming home drunk makes it way harder for me to abstain from porn.
There is something really comfy about jacking off while drunk

Dont listen to this jew, classical music really helped me to get my shit together.

Oloff - Doing It SteaIthy

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