DRUGS & Music

I will start:

Weed: Mort Garson - Plantasia
Alcohol: Tom Waits - Bone Machine
LSD: Stars of the Lid - The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid
Xanax: Slowdive - Pygmalion
Mushrooms: Gong - Flying Teapot
Cocaine: Coroner - Mental Vortex

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add Nicotine and Caffeine: Bohren & der Club of Gore - Sunset Mission

Weed > Anthony Phillips - The Geese and the Ghost

Alcohol > VDGG - Godbluff

LSD > Klaus Schulze - 'anything'

Xanax > MBV - Loveless

Shrooms > Caravan - In the Land of Gray and Pink

Cocaine > Metallica - Ride the Lightning

Caffeine/Nicotine > Miles Davis - Kind of Blue

LSD: OOIOO - Feather Float
LSA: Ween - The Mollusk
Jenkem: Grimes' catalogue
AngelDust: Shit & Shine - Bad vibes
DMT or Salvia?: Boredoms - Vision creation newsun

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On a real dmt trip music sounds like nothing.

Crack/Meth > Electric Wizard - Dopethrone

souvlaki on dxm is quite orgasmic, it's like you finally understand why the band is called Slowdive

Saw nine inch nails live while on heroin recently. They played almost all of broken (their best) and it was pretty flippin fantastic. Live music on dope feels really good, would be cool to see a band like sunny o))// and get a nice body massage.

Nah crack and Meth would be merzbow

thanks for clarifying, i'll go with the latter


Poppers and cigs: Minutemen - Double Nickles on the Dime

Drugs are

nooo merzbow would be krokodil or some hectic shit
although I'd figure any sludge/doom band could be weed or opiates sure. is this... is correct?

Do some weed and opiates and find out ;)

LSD Banco de Gaia - Eagle (Small Steppa Mix)

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Just got 12 5-325 hydrocodone. How many do I need to take to have an affect? Broke my hand but want cozy. 0 tolerance

Imo music doesn't really get enhanced by opiates to the degree weed/psychedelics/alcohol does, atleast in my experiences. Opiates just make everything in general better because it makes you euphoric, eliminates depression and anxiety and stuff, but it doesn't effect your cognition or slow/speed up your mind. It doesn't have any "trippy" side effects or changed perceptions. I mean, you'll be in an amazing mood and listening to your favorite will be a great experience, but you're not going to get hypnotized by certain sounds or hear little details in the music you've never heard before or anything. Making music on opiates is a different story though and I have some theories why (I'm a heroin addict for 20 years now) but I don't have time to get into that right now. But yeah, theres no specific genre that is really great on opiates, whatever you favorite music is is what will sound best to you.

Just finished it crossfaded, usually only smoke before. What a fucking good time.

First album I listened to while on an opiate was bath/lybm
I was 14 and was ignorant to what they do, I just thought it would get rid of my migraine, but they kicked in while listening to more with headphones on and started airdrumming and feeling really really fucking good and I didn't know why at first, then it really kicked in and I just rocked back and forth and started grooving hard, and all negative emotions dissolved away. Listen to something you love and has a warm production maybe

weed most days, opiates and psych ages ago senpai ;P

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What's a good record for cigarettes + black coffee?

Oops sorry I read that wrong. Certain body types take to opiates differently, but I'd take two and a half at first. 20 mg is probably max I'd go with no tolerance. 15 might be the sweet spot for you, but I know 10 kicks people's butts sometimes.

Weed: Kate Bush - The Dreaming or Aerial
Alcohol: Ramones - any compilation or live album
LSD: Acid Mothers Temple - Pink Lady Lemonade
Xanax: anything by Grouper
Cocaine: 80s OI! compilation
Opiates: Coil - Ape of Naples
Speed: Slayer - Reign in Blood

I'm asking how many I have to take in order to feel the effects beyond pain relief in my hand at the dosage provided

How long is the onset? Can I take one 5 and then see how I feel in an hour and take another? Sorry for the confusion in posts

I been clean off opiates for +4 months now and find myself enjoying music better than before. Usually do a shot of whisky to stop the cravings and listen to Blondie and new-wave stuff when that happens

based, good for you user

only listened to it whilst high once, I smoked one joint and didn't feel anything so had to smoke a second and ended up only getting high by the time To Here Knows When started, was a good time tho

noir / dark jazz
believe me bro

>do drugs
>get retarded
great job

Going to see the cure and deftones and other bands on heroin and meth tonight. I'm excited

They take about 45 minutes to start kicking in. By an hour/hour and a half you'll know what is up. 5mg is enough to put you in a good mood (and help with pain) 10mg is when you enter the feel really great realm. 15/20mg is the real deal though. When people get a high tolerance for them they usually start doing 40/50mg.
You can test out 5mg and pop another an hour later and you'll good, but spreading out low doses wasn't how i liked to so it, but, people's tolerance levels/metabolisms are different so it's smart to just test out the waters with low doses. Have fun fren

What I've noticed is music is fucking amazing during heroin withdrawals. It's one of the few things that keeps you sane and distracted through that experience. Every song will make you cry

Weed and malt liquor

>Don't do drugs
>Still be retarded

Forgot image

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we're all gonna die someday and once everyone you know is also dead it's not gonna matter that you were a retard

weed: mbv - loveless
opiates: ween - quebec
dxm: deakin - sleep cycle

When you get older you'll realize the only drugs that can actually enrich your life are alcohol and nicotine, everything else is bluepilled especially weed and psychedelics. They stunt your consciousness from expanding and destroy your mind.

LSD -> Coil, specially Love's Secret Domain
Alcohol And Cigarrettes -> Serge Gainsbourg
Cocaine -> Joe Jackson's Steppin' Out

I agree accept switch alcohol with heroin. But also continue doing alcohol sometimes and also sometimes, and also shrooms sometimes.

i agree, user
weed made my friends aphatetic and boring
most interesting person i ever met are drunkers

King Gizzard has a dudeweed stereotype but holy shit there's so much weed at gizz concerts, and everyone including the band has visibly pregamed it as well

ketamine- deathprod

alcohol is just a shitty mix of dissociatives / benzos / deliriants with none of the positive benefits of those substances
nicotine is like caffeine with more headaches

Hey Anthony

ketamine is fucking amazing

dudethony weedtano went to see them in fucking detroit or something I was at vancouver

Everything makes you cry when going through WD desu, but music is better for that.
I had Kate Bushs "Aerial" on repeat because I couldn't think what else to put on, luckily, it's a fucking gr8 album

it's the best