How come Bach is the single greatest musician to bless the earth? His music is hard as fuck without being tacky or gay...

How come Bach is the single greatest musician to bless the earth? His music is hard as fuck without being tacky or gay. Will any modern musician ever be able to take his glory? How can one man be so based?

Attached: iu.jpg (1028x1185, 158K)

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unironically God-gifted genius

he was just doing his job. we can all learn from his example. based bach

How come niggas back then like bach and davinci used to get born with 200 iqs but that never happens these days

But Handel was born on the same year as Bach.

you spelled mozart wrong

we know too much nowadays, and it's mostly useless crap

not really, but I would argue that Bach would take advantage of everything we have available today and do his thing with it. I try to think of what he would compose with synths or whatever, realizing the organ was an original synth, so I extrapolate from that and finally come to the conclusion I'm not bach, and have no fucking idea what he could come up with. The man is just untouchable. Someone in this modern day would have to be composing as much as he output, if not more -- that's not to say it would make you better, just comparable -- and from there which of those compositions have staying power and appeal. Good. Fucking. Luck.

mozart was a fucking idiot

and that's not me trying to put Bach on some kind of unreachable pedestal or anything. You need some kind of measurement to determine what better is.

Um Kayne West?

He wrote music like a robot, but in his defense robots were still centuries from existence in his time so it's not exactly like that was a criticism he could have anticipated

robots can't write music for shit tho

case in pointß,_K.522_(Mozart,_Wolfgang_Amadeus)

We are being dumbed down with technology and chemicals

he said 200 IQ, not -200 IQ

that's literally a joke composition you fucking ass

Bach is shit.

which one?

The fucking Dona nobis pacem that closes the B minor mass always gives me chills, for real. It's such an universal feeling it's fucking amazing
Pic related, great recording of the mass

Attached: Bach-Mass-AmerBarSoloists-front.jpg (1080x916, 494K)

Cause he was one of the first people to accurately right music. He was super important in developing the way music is currently written. Also, some of his kids didn't always sign there work with there full names, so it was sometimes mistakenly attributed to J.S. Bach. . . anyways. He is and was awesome. 1080bwv

>greatest musician
That would be Beethoven, not Bach. Bach wasn't even the best Baroque composer; that was Handel.

this isn't the beatles.

Cause we usually exaggerate the IQ of dead people, with a few exceptions (Einstein was actually a genius, and so was von Neumann)

>superficial listener ranks Handel above Bach and Beethoven above Mozart
Never gonna make it

having read his bio, by today's standards he'd probably be considered a high functioning autist. he was extremely disagreeable, hyper-focused/industrious, and obsessed with puzzles. he got into a lot of trouble with his employers and associates for being a cantankerous/arrogant asshole. he wasn't one to suffer fools/incompetents and was once was attacked in the street by a bassoonist who he'd made fun of during a rehearsal.

Bach could write a 5 minute lute piece in a day with more beauty and complexity than a beatles album

Lmao I remember that bassoonist story

Baroque music is fucking tasteless garbage, late romantics is where it is at

Bach would not reach his potential today beacuse this age and culture does not value being musically educated.

inb4 buttfrustrated fl studio bred zoomers with MUH VIBES and MUH TIMBRES

Late romantics are literally the worst part of pre-war music, fuck you
Renaissance > Classical > Baroque > Modernism > Early romantic > Medieval > POWER GAP > Impressionism > Late romantic

Wiki page or a book?

This. He literally said anybody could do it if only they worked hard enough. In his vision and that time period, God created the world and all its sounds and possibilities, we are just handymen who collect these together and create music in His glory.

Impressionism is literally modernism which is an umbrella term, you stupid fuck. These comparisons are so pointless and arbitrary, nobody cares.

Firstly, Bach is atypical of baroque music. Secondly, late romantics would disagree with you because they all loved Bach and constantly returned to his (and baroque) compositional tools. Also both eras were good in their own way.

Are you joking? Mozart is great but nowhere near the genius Bach was.
I‘m glad you like the late Romantics. They are a nice stacking and continuation by 100s of composers to what Bach did on his own.

>I‘m glad you like the late Romantics. They are a nice stacking and continuation by 100s of composers to what Bach did on his own.
Bach used quartal harmony?