Why are they so bad now?
Why are they so bad now?
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Too much heroin
They decided to abandon their original audience and go full alt right/ pro-trump
A diet of shrooms and MDMA is destructive to the mind.
Not enough drugs
I think they were never that good. Oracular Spectacular and Congratulations were two of my favorite albums when I was a teenager, but I revisited them recently and was extremely underwhelmed. Little Dark Age is better than both of them. Though I didn't like it at first, it has several songs that are better than anything on those first two albums. The Time to Pretend EP holds a special place in my heart and is my unironic favorite of all.
they're not
yeah, i was listening to I Found A Whistle the other day, and i know i've thought this before, but it occurred to me again: he's talking about a syringe! to inject heroin with. and it's interesting that they're hanging out with Ariel Pink without it ever being explicit as to whyyyyyyy. i mean, Ariel's been doing shows since they started, so why now suddenly? hmmm
>Hey I found a whistle that hangs like a charm
always gets you high
>And when my noose is tied I could blow it
the tourniquette is tied around his arm, he pushes in the plunger
>And fall down into your arms
>15 centuries of dissolution and grief
doing the Lou Reed "Heroin" thing of imagining "i wish i was on a great big clipper ship going from this land here to that" grandiose, delusional junkie thinking
>To return a yellow trickster and a thief
jaundiced, hepatitis-ridden, and the type of guy who breaks into peoples' cars at night
Only the hits off oracular spectacular were good desu, but they were amazing. The whole "saying something" and "experimental" shit simply doesn't sound good
They’ve known Ariel for years since congratulations
Ah so you’re just another normie faggot then. Carry on everyone nothing to see here.
>t. thinks enduring objectively shitty music grants me a personality
siberian breaks is an undeniable masterpiece of the 2010s
>mindlessly only enjoying extremely basic 4 chord pop songs
>What is aesthetics
Wow you’re even more dumber than I thought. Please go back to Yea Forums and stick to vaperwave you brainless zoomer.
Their most recent album was pretty good.
The self titled is pretty awful tho
>more dumber
Idk what vaporwave is nor have I ever visited v, faggot
pls dont use homophobic slurs
MGMTs best material is objectively the pre-Oracular stuff, in particular the We (Dont) Care EP and Time to Pretend. they got way too in their own heads about how complex and weird their music has to be and the guy Ben has a music degree so i think they intentionally try not to use catchy melodies and it sucks bc they were so good at that. i thought congratulations and the song alien days were just as good, but the rest of that self titled album and LDA were just boring desu senpai. for some reason weird zoomers love little dark age i don't really know why though they just adopted that stupid reverby kinda 80s sound that everyone does right now (ie beach house, alvvays)
LDA was great
MGMT has been consistently putting out some of the best *contemporary* pop music of this era and it's no wonder. While retaining their ability to making obnoxious ear worms that appeal to people who are knowledgeless about that they are riffing on to straight up weirdness they still put out a decent output. I expect big things from the duo as they continue their chameleon ways and become the most loved/most hated artists whenever they release new material.
Did they put out new stuff or are we in the obligatory "it wasn't that good" Yea Forums-hipster phase that every acclaimed album goes through.
dude they only made 3 good songs
OP is def talking about Little Dark Age. And he would be wrong.
Also Andrew started making a lot of music with Connan Mockasin. I'm a huge Connan fan, but I've been worried about his health for a while. He wrote a whole record about contracting HIV and/or Hep C from sharing needles (which was just a scare thank god). Even his guitar style sounds like heroin
Which record was that? Jassbusters?
i'm the whistleposter and i've known a bit of Connan's stuff from years ago but didn't give it a shot, and I'm looking at this live video (searched most recent uploads) and damn, he seems frail and very unwell.
i skipped his Desert Daze set last year and I saw MGMT at Just Like Heaven. I thought it was a great set but the songs bring a serious psychic darkness that honestly is brave and cool but pretty disturbing.
does anyone remember any sorta ARG or teaser stuff that was released around Congratulations?
They’re just older and pale, they seem ok. They’re just really awkward dudes with a weird sense of humor.