this dogshit is worse than 10,000 days
This dogshit is worse than 10,000 days
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At least 10'000 days had the cooler album cover.
It is worse than 10,000 days but that's fine because that was an amazing album.
dumbass you've had 13 years to overanalyze and interpret 10k days, you've officially had less than 24 hours to do so with FI
clearly the band's worst effort, I wanted more pop songs like the pot. Who listens to instrumentals??
Slightly yeah
>Who listens to instrumentals??
>interpreting anything
It's so straightforward. Listen to it once with full attention zoomer.
It's literally terrible.
The riffs are insanely boring and could've been written by anyone that tunes his guitar to a dropped tuning for the first time
The guitar sounds like a computer (which it probably is)
Nothing happens
The fucking bongo shit is fucking horrible and is literally on every song for no apparent reason
The vocals never do anything remotely nice
The whole mix sounds like fucking hot garbage
It's shit. And I don't even hate this band.
I can’t decide if the fact that it’s a mediocre tool album is okay because at least it’s a tool album.
I didn’t expect anything so it’s nice, but it’s definitely not on par with any of their earlier albums. At least 10,000 days kicked ass.
it sounds like tool doing tool things without any inspiration
everyone here is retarded. lol its their best album. its not even close
Its cool but I dont get why they ripped off their own songs so hard
>implying pneuma isn't one of the best tracks i've heard in years
this makes their past albums seem boring, and their past albums are pretty tight
Just about finishing Tempest. I honestly feel like every song is better than the last. They actually ordered from worst to best. The first half is very rocky, and kind of shit, but Descending onward is fucking Kino.
It's not their best, you've just overplayed the other ones.
do you know that? or are you pulling that out of your ass? its literally the only tool album that is this easy to listen to all the way through, and with every song being over 10 minutes thats fucking cool. I love their albums, but as a whole album, im sorry , this goes above and beyond
That synth hit at about ten minutes into Descending is the same synth hit at the start of Reflection. Started thinking I was having a stroke, nope just the same fucking thing I’d heard on a better album
I agree that as a whole its probably their most consistent album. Still not their best tho
I feel like I've already heard every section on other better Tool albums, everything on this fucking thing literally sounds like they just copy and pasted old parts and outtakes together. not one thing stood out as fresh or exciting on this
>how to spot someone who doesnt like Tool but still listens to their music anyway
This album is fucking god tier, go fuck yourself
holy shit it is. nice ears user
reckon the songs are great, the production is questionable verging on shit. Glad the clipping distortion peaks have been discussed because I thought my speakers were on the way out. On the first listen. The main issue is that I'm just not believing it emotionally. Invincible is great, same with Culling Voices. But others not so much, 7empest sounds like they're waiting for it to finish.
there's a guitar bit that's literally the Schism bridge, probably proposal. Album has lots of themes of looking back at the past.
I'm 34. I've listened to all of the albums on the Yea Forums core list out there and I'm re-listening to FEAR INOCOLUM for the umpteenth time (realistically, I'd say I've listened to it at least 100 times) and I just have not found that many other albums to match it artistically. It is just so inspired throughout the entire thing. It bothers me that folks would write it off as "metal" or "hard rock" and only consider it good in those categories. I've found a LOT of "metal" and "hard rock" to be very subpar and many people in those bands let the loud volume account for what they lack in talent. TOOL is unlike any other band on the planet and their scarcity, limited material and mystery make them all the more appealing to a world that gets EVERYTHING IT WANTS RIGHT NOW (DAMNIT!). TOOL fans wait and wait for more material ... and the reason why is their existing material is so amazing - especially FEAR INOCOLUM.
I know what I am saying has been said a million times before, but it just seems like everytime I read about TOOL in a major publication they write them off as a fringe band. I know MJK does not give an F about all this ... I'm just sad they don't get the respect they deserve on those best of lists. The Yea Forums core list is filled with awesome stuff - no denying that - but FEAR INOCOLUM deserves to be on that list.
FI>AEnima=Lateralus>Undertow>10K Days
No (You) for (You)
10k days had a few good songs. fuck you
Stoppes halfway through the first aong. Absolute poodoo.
No (You) for (You)
10,000 gays in the fire is far from enough you won't be aloooonnnnnneeee.
Every tool album is terrible.
I'm 34. I've listened to all of the albums on the Yea Forums core list out there and I'm re-listening to FEAR INOCOLUM for the umpteenth time (realistically, I'd say I've listened to it at least 100 times) and I just have not found that many other albums to match it artistically. It is just so inspired throughout the entire thing. It bothers me that folks would write it off as "metal" or "hard rock" and only consider it good in those categories. I've found a LOT of "metal" and "hard rock" to be very subpar and many people in those bands let the loud volume account for what they lack in talent. TOOL is unlike any other band on the planet and their scarcity, limited material and mystery make them all the more appealing to a world that gets EVERYTHING IT WANTS RIGHT NOW (DAMNIT!). TOOL fans wait and wait for more material ... and the reason why is their existing material is so amazing - especially FEAR INOCOLUM.
I know what I am saying has been said a million times before, but it just seems like everytime I read about TOOL in a major publication they write them off as a fringe band. I know MJK does not give an F about all this ... I'm just sad they don't get the respect they deserve on those best of lists. The Yea Forums core list is filled with awesome stuff - no denying that - but FEAR INOCOLUM deserves to be on that list.
FI>AEnima=Lateralus>Undertow>10K Days
> be me
> wait 13 years for new tool album
> album drops
> instantly purchase
> start listening
> go to Yea Forums
> why did I do this?
> 2 songs in
> enthralled
> entertained
> realize/mu/ is full of literal faggots who will never create anything of value, ever
Literally laughing my ass off
Album is great so far
Yea Forums fags should off themselves
I agree the fuck out of this comment.
Now "real ogt" will tell me that the magic will flow after the 235th listen.
Wait to listen before purchasing the physical copy? Smart move.
This thing that the opus must be analized a million times its a thing for the causal "pop-u2 style" audience.
I find it boring, and to me belongs belongs to the realm of boring undead discs, a realm of my collection where goes music that I've purchased by mistake.
Well mixed and produced.
Danny at the top of his game.
The rest... Not reported.
Maynard's puscifer/apc style is unbearable to listen on this thing.
Cliché cheesy lyrics.
I've grown out of tool. Sorry guys, goodbye, its all been a blast, until lateralus.
It's a shame cause I was cheering for them since forever.
I don't hate the band, but at the moment there are far better things in the so called "prog metal" multiverse.
Old fart ogt signing out.
I'm sorry for my opinion /mu, and sorry multiverses floating around.
10,000 days is my favorite album tho
I've never been to this board, and made the mistake of coming here after I listened to this album
Yea Forums is about how contrarian you can get, and like Yea Forums who doesnt like video games, Yea Forums doesnt enjoy music and both boards just shitpost endlessly
Maynard raped a small male child for a sex magick ritual
unironically based. tool it at their strongest on their pop songs
He was in a thread the other day denying it and gave himself away by having details no one but he could have, and within a minute he deleted the posts. Everyone saw though. Pathetic
Musicians. If you’re not a musician and are incapable of appreciating instrument-driven melodies, what the fuck are you doing out of your kpop containment thread? Get back in your hole.
>maynard visits Yea Forums
lol not a chance.
t. maynard
Worst album this decade by a major band. Absolute cash grab trash
I'm a musician. And this whole album is utter shit.
>Thinking 10,000 days is bad
>The Pot
>Rosetta Kino
>Wings part 1 and 2
>Right in Two
What time signature is the second part of the title track in?
Right in Two is meandering garbage and Rosetta Stoned is a little bit too edgy4me. The rest is decent though.
Found the alternative cover to FI. Disappointing and uninspired drivel. Recycled riffs.
I'm pretty sure this was intentional, this album seemed to me like a bit of a celebration of the rest of their discography. Yeah it could've been better, it could've evolved their sound a bit more, but if you're seriously complaining that Tool made more music that sounds like Tool, that's ridiculous. At the very least, we got more Tool, and that's all I came in expecting.
Occasionally some threads are full of civilised people who simply give their opinion.
Sometimes there's the contrarian shitposter troll.
In the entire galaxy, someone who thinks different from you has the audacity to exist.
Can we deal with this mind bending concept?
The fear inoculum, is a boring drivel to me. And I plan to use the disk as a coaster.
But if you like it to death, fine & good for you.
I'm not breaking in anyone house to use their disc as a coaster. I'm using my own.
>haha reddit likes tool so they cant be good amirite gise?
If you legitimately think this and you're not just being an edgy contrarian then you must be fucking braindead
low energy album
This is one of GnR's best songs though, at least Chinese Democracy wasn't a total failure. I only heard Fear Inoculum twice but any brief parts I liked just reminded me that there's better songs I can listen to instead. FI songs are trying to be everything at the same time and yet they end up being nothing (other than CCTrip of course).
>I only heard Fear Inoculum twice but any brief parts I liked just reminded me that there's better songs I can listen to instead.
sums it up.
what do you expect for a guy thats pushing 50?
It's time to stop posting user
stop raping children
>band's new album is worse than band's best album
An ambient lounge album, chamomile tea tool - to listen to in the executive bathroom.
Makes me laugh when people say 10,000 Days is a bad album. Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot, Rosetta Stoned and Right In Two make up half of their top ten songs.
This is why Ænima is their best release, perfect combination of complexity and pop songwriting
lol so many people wanted Tool's new album to fail the asshurt is glorious.
Vicarious is easily my most played Tool song
>so many people wanted Tool's new album to fail
Tool haters know it's impossible for the band to fail, they just want to break their fanbase free from the Stockholm Syndrome
For me fellas, it's Chocolate Chip Trip
Right in two is the cringiest song ever created
Theres a lot of low hanging fruit around here
I liked it better when it was called Schism and didn't have LOLMANONTVFALLDOWN lyrics
Jambi isnt bad enough not to be mentioned and the other four track are filler. I guess i just like 10,000 days more than their other albums
Not gonna lie, but when I first heard it I laughed then skipped it. Now after multiple listens over the past week, I appreciate the breather and that solo is crazy
What part of Vicarious sounds like Schism?
none, he is retarded.
Just Google "Schism Vicarious" and you'll see that people have were making the comparison 13 years ago. Similar length, similar structure, similar instrumentation (mostly cuz Adam Jones is a self-plagiarizing hack), similar frantic ending. The only way you can't hear it is if you're far up this band's ass
it's worse than 10k days but it's certainly not dogshit
you must have an absolutely tiny frame of reference
the first half of the songs have a similar structure, but the endings are noticeably different.
this reads like a disappointed fan desperately coping
>Rosetta Stoned is a little bit too edgy4me
what? It's literally making fun of a dude who goes on a bad acid trip and thinks that he's the herald of humanity's salvation. It's fucking hilarious
Agree and at the time these songs weren't necessarily "radio friendly". They had to be cut short and heavily censored.
> It's literally making fun of a dude
Oooooor iiiis it, user?
Agreed. They have been obsessed w becoming "prog rock" since aenima days and it seems like they think that means u have to have 10+ min long songs just because? Tracks are long for the sake of being long. The same riff over. And over. And over. Oh and it's still going...
Track 2 on PF animals is like 20 mins long and it manages to be interesting the entire time. FI is like listening to an album w every song on repeat 4 times before going to the next one.
Pretty much this. Im only a casual fan and if I had to describe a tool song to someone I would use any 1 of these songs as an example. They all sound the same.
>Never did any acid or other psychedelics and listened to Tool
You haven't really heard their music then, also your opinion doesn't count about Tool incase you've never tripped.
Pretty much, why doesnt maynard say anything between these long and repeated riffs? I swear this is an album so he doesn't have to sing in concerts.
This album sounds like a startup garage band and one of them got their really good drummer friend to come over and jam with them one night. Then they're like "hey that was cool man, when is next practice?" and the drummer is like "oh yeah. Uh that was fun. good stuff i'll let you know..." and the bass player secretly recorded the jam and this is what they are all listening to in his Mom's kitchen after the drummer leaves while they discuss band names.
kekked, thanks user
It's OK...
Lot of Adam just riffing endless, sometimes it doesn't feel cohesive. Every is in the same key so he just strings riffs together endlessly, and yeah it technically works.
But I do miss their punchier, more aggressive stuff. Especially where the bass is concerned. A song like The Pot for example, total Justin bass song.
This song lacks anything like that which is a bit of a bummer. Even something, tight like Vicarious.
The thing I dislike the most is the fact that there's hardly any memorable riffs or moments because everything sounds samey.
Chocolate Chip Trip is the only standout.
it's a good album, just not a good tool album
Has anyone even listened to the download-only tracks yet?
Are any of them better than this cure for insomnia of a record?
Anyone who can't appreciate "Descending" is literally deaf.
imagine being this autistic
tool is ok but it is not musically complex. it is power chords in d minor with pentatonic scales and pseudo deep lyrics about "finding yourself"
i agree. i dont think this is going to be anywhere near the top for me as far as tool albums, but descending is fantastic. the last few minutes are literally perfect.
disappointing album.
>Schism is in 7/4 and 5/4 with a few 6/8 and 4/4 breaks
>Vicarious is mostly 5/4 and sometimes 10/4
fucking brainlets I swear to god
that's not the point of the song you fucking brainlet
Really disappointing.
Invisible was good until it got dragged out after the 5 minute mark. Everything else is just a huge drag, not really good.
every songs like Lateralus had vocals and flavor added on.
>sees time signatures purely as numbers and not something that can contribute to something greater structurally in a bigger context of a song or even just a single riff
this is why teenage prog fans have such a bad reputation
At least my fucking 45 dollar cd came with a cool lcd screen toy that I can take apart and play with. I'm thinking of finding a beater pinball machine and doing a Tool retheme.
You don't need to change the time signature just to write a phrase that's two bars long my dude
I agree with OP's point. This feels like an intentional nod to the past, distilled down for old fans, and with elements to pull in new people. I hope it's an allusion to a new album in the future with a different direction and renewed energy.
10k days album design was really clever.
It's like they had to keep one upping themselves though...the video screen built in gimmick is so tryhard and will not age well
That's eerily specific
When does you album drop user? SC link??
tempest is amazing
Even if you view FI as an instrumental album it's still boring as hell. Listen to some Toska if you want to hear what good instrumental prog sounds like. All the riffs are so basic and boring.
And no, I'm not going to listen to this shit 20 times until I "get it." That's not how good music works.
meme band, opiate & undertow was good, then they went downhill fast each release
It probably is, I haven't listened to it nearly enough to know yet.
But that would be normal, considering 10k is the best Tool album and one of the best albums ever.
>that’s not how good music works
a-actually user, it is
pretty boring but not really terrible
>I'm autistic and can't comprehend the humor of a high school dropout redneck waxing poetic
I'm sorry about your brain
I don’t even like tool but I thought it was really enjoyable
Funniest post ive seen on mu in a while, based and keep up the good work
First two songs are the only ones worth shit imo. The rest, MAYBE barring Invincible, are disposable
I still love that Danny did genuinely only join the band because he felt bad for them getting stood up by drummers over and over.
the production on this album sounds like AM radio
>worse than 10,000 days
its the same shit