Wake up

>wake up
>you're Andrew VanWyngarden

What do?

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go back to sleep

>make mgmt album
>leak it on Yea Forums
>smoke weed
>bang jap girls flown in by the record company


The guy who composed the hit song "Electric Feel"

just listened to it, if i woke up as him i would probably make better music

Go to faggy ass Baltimore and beat the shit out of the members of Animal Collective

Prob put on some war paint, go to some gay ass jungle party and do copious amounts of hallucinogens with my shirt off.

Go on Yea Forums, spam my albums. Snort shroom powder. Call AnCo fans faggots. Fuck some models. Write a second of music. Play with my cat. Go back to sleep.

spend money

no thats what he does irl

quickpay me, post lots of dick and asshole pics on social media, then transport back into my body and be $310k richer and laugh at all the disgusting pics the mgmt guy posted on social media

You’d be doing the world a favor

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not disgusting at all, he's dreamy

it would be goatse tier stuff though, aint postin many classy nudes. a few, but not many

I would cry like a baby that people want me to play KIDS instead of Le Orangutan Mysteries of Yore or whatever gay shit MGMT did after Congratulations

That sounds kino though

Grieve in stereo

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I would finally release the secret MGMT/Ariel Pink album that was supposed to be Little Dark Age so that I have 2 AOTY in a row

>Le Orangutan Mysteries of Yore

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hahaha Ariel pink man, what an ape

Nice quints


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Play with my arsehole

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i'd bully ben


you realize that you can't transform back, and that you're stuck in Andrews body

Dress up as Daphne desu

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well shit. i guess since i am rch now, ill legally change my name back to "mine" et some surgery to look more like old me which wouldnt be much as i look like him already, and then go home and explain to my friends and family what happened. then id probably get kidnapped by the goverment and they'd experiment on me and possibly give me super powers, which of course, has pros and cons.

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Either try to make better music or probably just what he does everyday