What artist do you have sex to?

For me, it's sabaton

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I don't, because I'm not a fucking loser
and because I'm a virgin so I don't have any.

listening to music during sex is pleb shit

>having sex

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My favorite scene from that movie.

Fuck you Nigger

preferably, psytrance on mdma

I bet it harmonises well with the sound of Jamal's balls smashing against your buttocks.

ive never had any form of romantic contact with another human

I put on Physical Grafitti once. Was a fun time

i gave head with this on once

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Diamanda Galas

When I do get the rare art thot, they like Radiohead and midwest emo shit but most normies like Travis Scott Chris Brown or Neyo. If they're boring and it's harder to get off, I'll usually suggest music. My personal favorite is Mac Ayres if I get to pick

Four Tet usually, New Energy is my go-to.

don't you feel scared of going batshit with the girl smoking this indian grass

I came once when Liam was saying SHES INTO ALKA SELTZER

please be a girl

Burial - Untrue

hey man it's not my fault you're conditioned to cum when you hear MC Rides voice

sorry man, i'm a fag

>Listens to sabaton
>Has sex

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i don't have sex
i've been talking to this girl for a while and last night it seemed like the conversation might've gotten sexual but i didn't know where to go with it
she sent me a selfie of her face but it seemed like she was naked but i didn't know what to say
she's not responding today
cut my dick off

shit i should've just said "show me more" or something right? that's fucking simple

i'm so fucking stupid jesusssssssss

>sabaton fan
Good one

hot-gluing warhammer figs and wwi memorabilia doesn't count as sex?

Serge gainsbourg, marvin Gaye, francoise hardy, Roy Ayers, minnie ripperton, isaac hayes, the isley brothers, smokey Robinson, chico buarque, caetano veloso, faze-o

Got a playlist if anyone is interested

Solid list, old r&b french pop and bossa nova is good shit

based anons

I don't know how anyone can get freaky to music with lyrics. I need pure instrumentals or just sparing vocals